No one has any idea what the real numbers are in Iran & China.
Authoritatian regimes lie to protect leaders & no free press there to check them
Don't simply pass on their stated statistics unquestioningly.
At least say, "figures reported by the government" maybe?
This is default mode for authoritarian regimes: censorship to support leaders.
China's system hasn't changed since then. Use caution.
Authoritarian lies & misinformation only help #coronavirus spread.
There's no equivalent of @ddale8 in the Chinese media. There's a huge machinery of censorship instead.
We need a free press, we need freedom of speech - we need democracy - to fight #coronavirus.
FT today:…

Chinese authorities lied about the spread of the virus before. There's nothing stopping them doing it again.
Journalists & everyone on Twitter: Never quote #coronavirus numbers without saying where they come from.