'A picture containing grass, outdoor, field, dry'

"A group of giraffe standing on top of a dry grass field"

"A leopard standing on a dry grass field"
Admittedly, it is more common for a cheetah to be mistaken for a leopard, than for a giraffe:

"A brown bear walking across a dry grass field"
I must admit - I am a bit disappointed in Microsoft for a lack of any mention of honey badger

Animal ✅
Small ❌
Beach ❌
If my memory serves me correctly, there aren't many beaches in the #Serengeti...

"A cheetah standing on a dry grass field"
We will draw a discrete veil over the interpretation of 'standing'

Rocky area ✅
Giraffe !*!?!? Where the hell did that come from?

"A small bird perched on top of a white owl sitting on a branch"

"A brown cow standing on top of a dry grass field"

"A herd of sheep grazing on a lush green field"
The iconic sheep migration of the #Serengeti...