• UK passes Italy, 2nd only to Spain for deaths at this stage of outbreak 📈
• US deaths doubling every 3 days, curve keeps steepening
• India tracking US
Live version FREE TO READ: ft.com/content/a26fbf…

• German deaths curve still tracking Italy. Low fatality *rate* in Germany masks high death *numbers*
• Australia added. So far on a flatter curve than other Anglophone countries, but very early days
All charts: ft.com/content/a26fbf…

• London climbs sharply. 96 more deaths announced today, curve heading towards Wuhan ⚠️
• Louisiana & New Jersey deaths doubling every 2 days
• New York, Catalonia, Madrid, Paris the urban epicentres
All charts: ft.com/content/a26fbf…

• Turkey continues to look bad. Setting the pace for confirmed cases
• UK cases curve shows no signs of flattening
New reporting from @yuanfenyang & co on whether you can trust Chinese data: ft.com/content/4aa352…

Live versions of all charts here: ft.com/content/a26fbf…

All these are invaluable, and we continue to incorporate your suggestions and data every day.
I’ll keep getting back to as many people as possible.
Enjoy those Saturday night lockdowns, folks!
We’ll soon be adding a grid of charts showing all US states plus regions from Spain, Italy, France, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden and more