Hoping that some of the projects end up making an impact on 🇮🇳 India's fight with 🦠Covid-19!
Please RT to give projects exposure!
@safe_slot plans to help people book a time slot to their nearby grocery or medical shop and thereby making sure that such places do not get overcrowded.

by @ankneo, @praneshnr and Prerna Bagga
With many getting infected, it will become difficult to know which hospitals in near vicinity have facilities available and are not full. This app will help the ill ones to find the hospital to go to.

by @vybhavram
PanMan’s goal is to build products that can help Healthcare professionals, Hospitals and Governments manage the Covid-19 pandemic.

by @bhavya_jenny @shinjanxp @gauricj @GoliveRao
It provides a platform for the requirement and availability information of PPE which are already in stock in college or industries but due to lockdown mode are not being used.

by @sandyrt, @aaroncolaco and @praneshnr
Corona Daily Updates project is solving that problem by helping people to opt-in for receiving daily WhatsApp messages on overall and new cases in their district/state.

by @bhageena
Corona_stats is a live updates status checker for professionals using slack. You can install and run this bot in your slack using a few simple commands and get stats for any given country/region or worldwide.

@solocoinapp rewards people who actively engage in social-distancing. It’s a point tracking app that rewards users based on their proximity/location to their home. Points can be redeemed for discounts/prizes.

by @batraabhishek and Sanyam Jain
If the user gets out of the boundary, them as well as their chosen friends and relatives get the alert via the app.
by @thegujjusindhi
Helps you connect with manufacturers who can help provide 3D printed products to fight again COVID-19

by @justin34821724 and Ankit Arora
There is an urgent need for an alternate way to detect corona positive cases. XRay Karona aims to provide the alternate solution through an XRay scan of your chest.

by @TheBangaloreGuy
COVIDelivery is helping people in distress by bridging the gap between the volunteers in the neighborhood (500m or so) and them.
(code is on github)

@covid_fyi is a one-app-for-all Covid19 related information. It’s helps people access a database of information, empowering them to reach labs, tele-consult doctors, get help from government all within the comfort of their home.

by @ktushar07
Provide employees a healthy financial life amid the coronavirus outbreak. Pagaar enables employees to access a portion of their earned salary without altering the employer’s cash flow. It is accessible to employers at zero cost

@uditgrg + researchers from the U. of Oxford have developed a set of encryption protocols that allows govt and private companies to collaborate in running effective contact tracing without compromising patient privacy

By Manish Paul
The app checks the location at periodic intervals and asks the user to upload a selfie at random intervals, and then uses facial recognition to confirm the identity.
by @ShreyKeny @__salil_naik__ @HrishikeshBhan8 @SanketMarathe09 @NiketKamat
@COVID19_INDIA find out your location from the nearest covid-19 positive case + a community of people to fight fake news around coronavirus

@trackcovid_19 is a crowdsourced symptom tracker and is a ZIP code based tracking to identify community hotspots of a possible outbreak.

Organizers: myself, @rsathish93, @arunpatre, @sparshgupta, @vsvivek93, @RoyySh, @AkashTandon, @CynthiaBabu, @ankneo + more volunteers
We have a SECOND DEMO DAY this Sunday (4th April, 5-7pm) with NEW PROJECTS: register.gotowebinar.com/register/28466…