2/ Like the many thousands of HCW & SCW colleagues who have worked right through the pandemic caring for ppl with #COVID19 & putting our lives (& the lives of our families) at risk on a daily basis w/ inadequate #PPE, I CARE VERY MUCH!
3/ The success of the #NHS#VaccineRollout CANNOT wipe away the trauma of all the lives lost & irrevocably damaged in the last year, much of it PREDICTED, AVOIDABLE & UNNECESSARY.
And I will not stand by letting this merry band of sycophantic @Conservatives MPs try to do so.
4/ It’s not only utterly disingenuous but deeply insensitive to all those who’ve died, are living w/ long term debilitating symptoms or are grieving the loss of a loved one.
Did Mr Bowie swallow the “I’ll say whatever it takes to stay in my job” manual this morning?
5/ His lines will sound incredibly empty to all those lost to non-#Covid illness, because the effect of repeated government failures on all of healthcare have been absolutely devastating.
That the economic fallout is far worse than it needed to be goes w/out saying.
6/ Such words are completely hollow & without a shred of compassion, just like the words of every #Tory MP who has stood by the #PrimeMinister & #MattHancock in recent days & months whilst the “bodies piled high” & as we now head towards another AVOIDABLE WAVE of #COVID19.
7/ @MarkHarper in the @HouseofCommons earlier prattling on AGAIN about ending ALL restrictions in <4 weeks.
Did no one in the #Tory party do an O’Level or GCSE in science?
10/ Whether you trust #DominicCummings or not, his account explains fully the chaotic, disastrous & deadly “strategy” that has given us a truly tragic death toll & an economic hit to match.
11/ Every #Conservative MP(& all those in the MSM) who have played along with #BorisJohnson’s #KingOfTheWorld GAME & have supported him despite knowing he was (& remains) completely unfit to be #PrimeMinister, are complicit.
12/ Now’s the time for honesty, transparency, accountability & integrity.
We must URGENTLY improve safety in schools/nurseries/indoor workplaces/healthcare & provide #PPE that matches the danger.
Many lives are still at risk! #COVIDisAirborne#MasksSaveLives#VentilationMatters
1/ Like HCWs across the UK, #Teachers, school staff & those working in #earlyyears settings, have repeatedly been expected to work with inadequate #PPE, in conditions where the risk of catching #COVID19 is HIGH.
1/6 The figures are indeed devastating Mr Hunt & #ventilation in healthcare settings MUST be improved.
BUT you fail to comment on the INADEQUATE LEVEL of #PPE STILL worn by so many HCWs which undoubtedly resulted in many patients becoming infected as well as HCW illness & death.
#VIP lane for contracts but known #PPE suppliers ignored.
3/Would you feel SAFE caring for patients w/ known or suspected #COVID19 in a FRSM😷& plastic apron?
We know that those working in A+E, acute medical units & primary care are particularly vulnerable, seeing patients when they are likely to be highly infectious.
1/Those of the “but there’s no significant transmission in schools” persuasion must surely now accept that whether it’s kids➡️parents or parents➡️kids, a HUGE⬆️in CASES in SCHOOL AGE KIDS & PARENTS of SCHOOL-AGE KIDS is NOT GOOD, as they’re mostly UNVACCINATED! #WlifulNegligence
Failure to adequately protect so many children & young adults from AVOIDABLE INFECTION after 15Ms is a completely unacceptable abuse of your power.
You cannot claim ignorance again!
3/ I promise you #PrimeMinister , I & many like me who’ve repeatedly BEGGED you to #MakeSchoolsSafe by effectively mitigating for an #Airborne 🦠,WILL NOT FORGET or FORGIVE YOU for what you’ve done!
Natural #HerdImmunity was always the plan,at least have the decency to admit it.
From the v start of the pandemic, #PHE have made a number of decisions that have definitely NOT been in the public’s or healthcare workers’ interest & will have resulted in many more lives lost or irrevocably damaged than was necessary.
2/ Downgrading #COVID19 from the list of HCIDs was one such example.
Few HCWs doubt that the decision was based on supplies of #PPE available.
Anyone in doubt should try to watch this @BBCPanorama by Richard Bilton which is bizarrely no longer available?!
Why are 600+ MPs STILL allowed such different conditions to millions of schoolchildren & thousands of staff? If it’s not safe for them to be packed in to the @HouseofCommons w/out 😷s, how & why is it safe for those in schools @BorisJohnson?
2/The claim that it’s safe to go to shops/bars/restaurants/gyms/cinemas/theatres/beauty salons/fly abroad/go to a rave/work in or attend school but THEY are allowed 😷s & to socially distance is as disingenuous as any they’ve thrust upon us.
Why are MPs in the @HouseofCommons & those in the @UKHouseofLords, the majority of whom will be vaccinated, still being given such health & safety privileges which protect both them & their families?