To ensure that forthcoming #NoSurprisesAct regs are implemented fairly and to protect #patients nationwide, we will...
...continue to shine a bright light on this trickery.
According to our President Christopher Sheeron, "We have long believed that this #Yale study, and several others that have shaped this debate over the past several years, was blatantly concocted out of the public eye by...
...insurers. Rose Adams' unveiling of this nasty truth is welcomed enthusiastically by #patients, #hospitals, #physicians, and many others who are sick of the #health#insurance industry's dirty tricks.
"As regulators at #HHS, #CMS, and other federal agencies continue...
...their important work crafting the additional regulations for this law, especially the independent dispute resolution provisions, it is imperative that they seriously reconsider this 'research'. It is frankly nothing more than talking points from the fifth-largest, and one...
...of the most profitable, companies in the country. If ultimately taken at face value, these flawed findings will leave patients, frontline providers battling #Covid's resurgence, and hospitals in inner city and rural communities hanging out to dry."
1⃣ This lays bare how #UnitedHealth has manipulated #surprisebill "research" to enrich itself at the expense of all #patients and the frontline #medical providers risking their lives over the past few years of #Covid.
2⃣ The study was foundational in the #SMB debate, and...
...intent in their rulemaking by ensuring a balanced process to settle payment disputes between #health plans and providers, but also ensure an #IDR process that captures the unique circumstances of each billing dispute and does not cause any single piece of information to be...
☑️ Everyone agrees to take #patients out of the dispute b/w #insurer & #doctor.
☑️ Everyone agrees to let the 2 parties negotiate the bills if the initial...
payment is deemed to be unacceptable.
☑️ Everyone agrees that there must be a fall back to a neutral third party (i.e., an #IDR entity).
⭐️BUT, what is disputed is whether this IDR will be a fair process where both sides can equally make their case for what is the most...
appropriate amount for that non-contracted service OR whether the IDR will be rigged and so unfair that the insurer will always win the dispute.
Many IDR proposals, sadly, are unfair, pointing the IDR to primarily consider the contracted rates #health insurers make up...