As someone who opposes Islamophobia, why should I vote strategically for a party that drafted a dog-whistle bill around it or that voted for it, over the NDP who didn't?
As someone who supports labour organizing, why would I vote strategically for a party who doesn't want to strengthen labour laws to support workers during strikes and lockouts, when the NDP does?
As someone who wants trade deals that are good for Canada and Canadian workers and don't contain harmful ISDs and respect our sovereignty, why would I vote strategically for any party who undermines that? #trade#cdnecon#Elxn2021
As someone who respects civil rights and freedoms and our Charter, why would I vote for parties who undermine them the most, instead of the NDP who is generally on the side of more freedom and privacy rights?
As someone who believes in social housing, and recognizes there are many people who rent and don't wish to, or will never afford to own, why would I vote strategically for parties who've refused to build housing and still are ignoring renters? #HousingCrisis#AffordableHousing
As someone who respects Human Rights at home AND abroad, why would I vote strategically for a party that doesn't wish to stop investing in companies they know are abusing human rights, over the NDP who does?
As someone who believes our government should stick to the promises they make to gain the confidence of the House, why would I vote strategically for parties who are so flippant about promises and vote against keeping them? #accountability#EI#cantax
As someone who is concerned about genocide and our foreign policy, why would I vote strategically for any party who refuses to review our arms sales to the middle east to ensure we are protecting human rights instead of the NDP? #YemenCantWait#foreignpolicy#Afghanistan
As someone who is concerned about the growing homelessness and violent evictions of unhoused people in parks, why would I vote strategically for any party who votes against addressing the housing crisis and building affordable housing and co-ops? #HousingCrisis#cdnpoli
As someone who supports unions and our right to strike for better wages and conditions, why would I vote strategically for a party who frequently undermines collective bargaining rights with back-to-work legislation, instead of the NDP?
As someone who believes in developing public infrastructure to generate revenue and disagrees with a heavy reliance on P3s, why would I vote strategically for a party that prefers using public money in private partnerships, often at a loss? #PostalBanking#CanadaPost
As someone who is tired of getting gouged for my telecom services when I know other G7 countries pay less for the same level of mediocre service as me, why would I vote strategically for a party that enables big telecom, over the NDP? #RogersShaw#telecom#cdnpoli
As someone who is concerned about growing wealth inequality after seeing the median wage stagnate beyond inflation for some 40 years, why would I vote strategically for a party that's broken two election promises to close the stock-options loophole? #TaxTheRich#Wealthtax
As someone who is sick and tired of being able to get diagnosed and not treated, in a country that has medicare but not Pharmacare, why would I vote strategically for a party that has let me down on Pharmacare for 24 years?
As someone who recognizes teeth are also a part of my body, and thinks it's absurd that any other oral issue can get treated under medicare, except for a dental one, why would I vote strategically for a party that doesn't believe dental care is health care?
As someone who is worried about catastrophic, human-caused climate change, why would I believe some economist who says a party that hasn't met a climate change target in 29 years, and whose GHGs rose after the Paris Agreement, has a "sincere" plan?
Settlers haven't made a good country after settling "Canada". It's a lapdog of the US, a bunch of mining companies in a trench coat and the core of our identity revolves around consumerism at a sub par coffee chain that isn't even Canadian.
I can walk five minutes from my door and find homeless people sleeping in the bushes. We treat disabled people like shit. We destroy our environment, we sold most of the ownership of our oil sands to non-Canadians, over half to yanks. Don't get me started on the media.
Hello Chatham Asset Management group!
No matter how you vote, Bay Street and America wins. Yet people wrap their entire personalities around political parties that might as well be jerking each other off in the chamber because they are voting together on the things that matter.
Did you know that Canada's Council of the Arts was built on the blood of massacring Salvadorians?
It's true!
Izaak Walton Killam was Canada's richest man. He had an electricity monopoly in El Salvador which was enforced by military dictatorship of General Maximiliano Hernandez Martinez who came to power in a coup in 1931.
General Martinez was a f̵a̵s̵c̵i̵s̵t̵ a leader promoting freedom and democracy, according to the West, who had a penchant for nullifying the results of elections won on the left and cancelling elections entirely as he didn't like the results.
Stephen Harper was elected by Liberals when the Liberal Party's vote share collapsed because of their Sponsorship Scandal, where the LPC defrauded the Canadian public and had MPs quit in disgust.
Liberals had a choice, Stephen Harper or Jack Layton and they voted with the Cons.
Liberals will tell you that Stephen Harper was the result of a confidence vote that Jack Layton voted for.
But the NDP did not hold the balance of power. Liberals were short two seats because MPs left.
If you look at the swing, you see where the Liberal votes went in 2006.
"Oh but Dumb Lefty, that looks like this benefitted Jack Layton!"
I agree, it does at first.
So let's see what happened in the Provinces!
Oop. Looks like most of the Liberal vote went to the Cons all the same.
The low wages and rollback of labour rights for the worker under neoliberalism are connected to the low rates and degradation of those on benefits. The insufficiency of benefit programs, feeds a ready supply of labour to low wage paying employers. Trapping the working class
into a cycle of poverty whether they earn a wage or receive assistance.
If you are poor and look down on people on disability or welfare and support punitive measures intrusiveness, cuts and austerity etc. to social welfare recipients, what you are unwittingly supporting