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Jun 8th 2023
Yesterday, the @bankofcanada & its governor Tiff Macklem slammed Canadians with the 9th interest rate hike since January 2022. These rate hikes are an attack on working people.

We will fight back. 🧵 1/ Image
Despite what Mr. Macklem says, this hike wasn’t inevitable. After hitting 8% last year, inflation had dropped to 4.4% by April. Canada is faring much better on inflation than many of our global counterparts & it’s not because the #BoC keeps raising the interest rate. 2/
Tiff Macklem has said that he would need an “an accumulation of evidence” that inflation was worsening before raising rates again.

This evidence doesn’t exist, but he plowed ahead anyway. #CdnPoli 3/
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May 31st 2023
An interesting (and hopeful) angle in today's 🇨🇦 GDP release. Economy-wide inflation (measured by the GDP deflator) has largely abated: up just 1.3% in last 12 mos. This corresponds to a moderation of the excess profits corporations racked up in post-lockdown period. #cdnecon /2 Image
Gross corporate operating surpluses are down 6% over the last yr. That's largely because of lower fossil fuel energy prices (& profits), but also due to easing supply constraints & lower profit-taking in other key sectors (like building products, autos, primary metals, M&E). /3
We had documented the sectors that had seen the biggest increases in profits (and biggest price hikes) when inflation peaked in mid-2022; see our @CntrFutureWork report on 15 super-profitable sectors:…. /4
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Apr 24th 2023
PSAC members: 

If you have never been through a strike or bargaining before, here are some hints and tips:

1-your bargaining committee was chosen/elected because they have the skills and knowledge. Trust them.
2- You have more strength in numbers when as many units as possible stick together. They will try and turn you against each other: don't let them win.
3-Email updates from your bargaining committee can be vague and frustrating at times. That's normal. No barg comm will reveal the specific details that were discussed at the table in public or over email. You know your key issues, trust your comm.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
🧵Scenes from the mass demonstration happening now, led by hundreds of @ontarionurses members, in downtown #Toronto #BetterCare #SupportNurses #EnoughIsEnoughON #justice4workers #RepealBill124 #GeneralStrikeON #onpoli #onlab #canlab
Read 6 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
@cupenovascotia School Support workers across Nova Scotia have voted 97.5% in favour of taking strike action if an agreement that lifts education workers out of poverty cannot be reached. #nsed #nslab #nspoli #CUPE #canlab @BeckyDruhan @suzyhfx @DannyNSFL…
2) “We are holding a province-wide Day of Action today, Feb. 28, to tell the @TimHoustonNS govt. that our members need to see a deal that will make a meaningful difference in their lives," @melansonchris, President, NS School Board Council of Unions
3) From 2012 to 2022, while inflation in Nova Scotia increased by 23.5%, wages in the sector rose only 14.5%, dragged down by years of legislated restraint under the previous @LiberalPartyNS government.

#WageFreezes #Bill148 #UnionBusting #NeoLiberals
Read 14 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
But the impasse wasn't about compensation, Hossain said.
"We are fighting for democracy, equity and fairness in this deal, money is just a distraction. They want to make it a money matter, it's not all about money."

@MemorialU @MUNFaculty #FairDealAtMUN #nlpoli #cdnpse #canlab
@MUNFaculty President Ash Hossain says it clearly here - the employer will spin this as a money issue, but this is about so much more. Do we want a public university where a professor can be on contract for 5 yrs, 10 yrs, 15 yrs, with no hope of a permanent job?
Do we want a university where decisions are made by overpaid administrators behind closed doors. Collegial Governance doesn’t just mean more faculty involvement, it means students, workers, community, & alumni have a say. This is OUR university.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 10th 2023
@writenrun @TimHoustonNS @CH_ABeswick @NS_Justice @nspc I recently heard @CTVSteveMurphy tell @TVeinotteShow that Tim Houston is a lot more like Stephen McNeil than most people realize.

In other words, they're both "my way or the highway" kinda' guys. #WhiteMalePrivilege
@writenrun @TimHoustonNS @CH_ABeswick @NS_Justice @nspc @CTVSteveMurphy @TVeinotteShow @skimber The new Tim Houston has morphed into the old Stephen McNeill: arrogant, angry, self-righteous. (paywalled) #nspoli #nspc…
@writenrun @TimHoustonNS @CH_ABeswick @NS_Justice @nspc @CTVSteveMurphy @TVeinotteShow @skimber Last week, @MLABarbAdams announced plans to build 600 new #LTC beds, doubling the number under development.

Good news, but… Is it playing politics to note that most of those beds will not open until 2025, the year the Tim Houston govt. is scheduled to seek a new mandate? Image
Read 40 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
1. The facts of this case represent one of the most egregious set of violations of Saskatchewan’s health and safety law in at least the past 10 years.

Please read the first 8 paragraphs of the judge's decision shown in this 🧵
#canlab #ohs Image
2. Image
3. Image
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Nov 7th 2022
Ford blinked. He saw parents and other unions mobilizing to support CUPE education workers. He saw poll numbers suggesting the public blamed his government for the dispute. He saw unprecedented public support for a general strike – and he backed down.

#canlab #onpoli #onted
Ford overplayed his hand by unnecessarily suspending basic union rights and freedoms. It backfired. By refusing to negotiate and imposing a legislated settlement the PCs managed to unify a group of unions that had been internally divided.

#canlab #onpoli #onted
.@osbcucscso president Laura Walton confirms that Ford has committed in writing to repeal Bill 128 in its entirety.

#onted #onpoli #canlab
Read 7 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
Ford blinks. Agrees to withdraw the Notwithstanding clause in exchange for a commitment from the union to withdraw strike action.

#onpoli #canlab
Announcement is an admission that Ford overplayed his hand by invoking Sect 33.
The growing threat of a general strike appears to have played a part in this decision by Ford to walk back the Notwithstanding clause.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 14th 2022
Yesterday the members of CUPE 1295 at Brock Univeristy held an information picket and rally for a wage increase that 1. ensures an orderly start to the academic year and 2. recognizes the value of these workers.
"You have 280,000 CUPE members behind you!"

@Yoequality shares the full support of CUPE Ontario with members that are facing huge increases to their cost of living and wages that just aren't keeping up.
And @FredHahnCUPE tells the CUPE 1295 members that "No one wants a strike. But if there is a strike, I'll be out there with you beginning Day 1!"
Read 4 tweets
Jun 3rd 2022
Much ink has been spilled in recent weeks over union endorsements for Ford's Conservatives in Ontario - and what that may mean for the future of labour politics in Canada. Here's a 🧵.

#canlab #onpoli #cdnpoli
For context, the 8 construction unions that endorsed Ford have a combined membership that represents less than 5% of Ontario's total union membership. The NDP secured support from a broader range of much larger public and private sector unions.
But what made the PC endorsements newsworthy was their novelty (with the exception of LIUNA which also supported Ford in 2018). Remember that construction unions emerged as a key opponent of the Ontario PCs from 1999 to 2014, through the Working Families Coalition.
Read 16 tweets
Mar 24th 2022
Why, other than it being the right thing to do, should you care about disability or welfare if you're not on it?

Put simply, self interest.

If you think you can separate their material conditions from yours, you're deluding yourself. 🧵


#Canlab #LivingWage
The low wages and rollback of labour rights for the worker under neoliberalism are connected to the low rates and degradation of those on benefits. The insufficiency of benefit programs, feeds a ready supply of labour to low wage paying employers. Trapping the working class

into a cycle of poverty whether they earn a wage or receive assistance.

If you are poor and look down on people on disability or welfare and support punitive measures intrusiveness, cuts and austerity etc. to social welfare recipients, what you are unwittingly supporting

Read 5 tweets
Mar 16th 2022

CUPE Alberta President Rory Gill @RoryGillAB is speaking today to the annual CUPE AB convention. This thread will capture his comments in real time. #alberta #ableg #abpoli #canlab
@RoryGillAB 2. No matter what challenge the last two years have thrown at our members they overcome and so has our union. The proudest statement that I can make is that I am CUPE member.
3. At our last convention, I and many of you, believed that the vaccines that were beginning to be rolled out would provide an end to the pandemic and the public health protections.
Read 68 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
Ontario's plan to guarantee a 'minimum wage' of $15/hr for gig workers (but ONLY for time engaged on an assignment) will have ABSOLUTELY ZERO impact on the incomes of gig workers. Anyone who thinks it means something does not understand how the gig business model works #canlab…2
Gig workers spend a great deal of time (often OVER HALF) waiting for assigned fares/tasks, or traveling to central hubs. It's bad enough this unpaid time is excluded from this 'minimum wage'. Eg. if you spend half your work day waiting, then the 'min. wage' falls to $7.50 …3
Even worse is the impact of the endogeneity of labour supply in the platform model. Uber & co depend on enough workers signing on to keep a surplus pool of drivers available to meet demand. The cost of unpaid waiting time is part of the calculation drivers make in signing on…4
Read 15 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
With the Ottawa community solidarity rally getting underway, let's get a few things clear. Firstly, it's not a truckers protest.… /1 #OttawaOccupation #OttawaOccupied
Canada’s “Freedom Convoy” Is a Front for a Right-Wing, Anti-Worker Agenda… #OttawaOccupied #canlab
Anti-Vax Convoy Organizers Previously Targeted Picketing Oil Refinery Workers in Alberta…
#OttawaOccupied #canlab /3
Read 10 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
As a lifelong trade unionist who has spent a lot of time on picketlines and at protests, it's not lost on any of us how the police have been used to suppress democratic trade union rights and bust strikes /1 #cdnpoli #canlab
Indeed, often police forces are used to enable the transport of scabs across picket lines. In other words they act as a agent to help capitalism suppress working people's legitimate charter right to a union and all that this should entail /2
There are too many examples to cite. Pick a picketline. The Fleck strike of 1978 - a strike of mostly women working in horrific conditions. These women were courageous and their cause just.… /3
Read 9 tweets
Jan 27th 2022
MEDIA RELEASE: Members of United Nurses of Alberta have overwhelmingly ratified a new collective agreement with Alberta Health Services, Covenant Health and two smaller employers:… #abhealth #ableg #canlab
“The Bargaining Committee felt strongly the Mediator’s recommendation issued on December 21 was a fair deal that will benefit our members and also fair to the people of Alberta,” said UNA President Heather Smith.
“I am gratified that the members agreed with the bargaining committee’s recommendation and voted by 87 per cent to ratify this agreement," UNA's Smith said.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 17th 2021
🧵The other day @pressprogress published an article (… ) exposing @Sflecce’s private audience with right wing religious lobbying organization & “think tank”, #Cardus. #OntEd #FireLecce #cdnpoli
#Cardus, a registered “charity”, wants taxpayers to fund private for-profit religious schools & a voucher system that has gutted public education in 🇺🇸.

This model would siphon needed funds from public schools & funnel them instead to schools with RW religious ideology #ONpoli
#Cardus revenues = nearly $5M/yr.
Cardus’ donations from other charities increased 17.4 X from 2008-2020. A nearly 2,000% increase in just over a decade. Yet they pay zero in taxes, because “charity”…like lobbying to gut public education in favour of for-profit religious schools
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Dec 10th 2021
Have Saskatchewan Health Care Workers Reached a Breaking Point?

Presentation slides 🧵 Part 1. #covid19sk #ohs #canlab
Read 35 tweets
Oct 21st 2021
It is distressing but not surprising that disgraced former health minister Tyler Shandro's first act in his new role is to proudly weaken job safety laws.

#ableg #abpoli #canlab #yycacadia
The Occupational Health and Safety Code changes announced today explicitly create loopholes around the requirements for workplace safety committees, as well as weaken the standards around the kind of safety training required.
This is not flexibility, it's a continuation of the UCP's misguided efforts to water down Alberta's workplace laws.
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Sep 8th 2021
As someone who opposes Islamophobia, why should I vote strategically for a party that drafted a dog-whistle bill around it or that voted for it, over the NDP who didn't?

#Islamophobia #Elxn44 #cdnpoli
As someone who supports labour organizing, why would I vote strategically for a party who doesn't want to strengthen labour laws to support workers during strikes and lockouts, when the NDP does?

#canlab #strike #Elxn44
As someone who wants trade deals that are good for Canada and Canadian workers and don't contain harmful ISDs and respect our sovereignty, why would I vote strategically for any party who undermines that? #trade #cdnecon #Elxn2021
Read 17 tweets
Jul 17th 2021
This is shocking from the @bccla, and complete cowardice.

Sandbagging @HarshaWalia over a tweet — one which is certainly within the realm of progressive discourse, now & always — is unbelievably terrible.

#IStandWithHarsha #IStandWithHarshaWalia #BCpoli #cdnpoli #VANpoli #BCCLA
For the @bccla to force @HarshaWalia, by far their best Executive Director and staffer in decades, bar none, to resign over a tweet is shocking.

The credibility of #BCCLA has been shaken to the core.…

#IStandWithHarsha #BCpoli #cdnpoli #VANpoli #BCCLA
As @MatthewGreenNDP aptly says: “Burn It All Down” is a call for decolonization, not arson… not an ignition of actual, literal fires... but burning down structures of injustice to create better futures.

#IStandWithHarsha #BCpoli #cdnpoli #VANpoli #BCCLA

Read 10 tweets
Jul 16th 2021
News that the UCP are pursuing deep wage cuts for frontline healthcare workers just as Alberta is starting to climb out of this pandemic shows a dramatic and galling disrespect for the care they have provided Albertans.

#ableg #abhealth #canlab
These workers have changed sheets, served meals and cleaned hospital rooms, all while risking their own exposure to COVID-19.
"Frontline healthcare workers have guided Alberta through a dramatic global pandemic for the past 15 months. They have saved lives and provided exceptional care each and every day." - @DShepYEG
Read 3 tweets

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