Zum #Infektionsschutzgesetz (-Entwurf): Nach "Geimpften" und
"Geboosterten" kommen jetzt "frisch Geimpfte" (3 Monate) und ab Okt. wieder Masken. #Masken(Mandate), sog. #Impfungen u. #Lockdowns wirken, aber evtl. nicht gut genug? 1/9
Bei den sog. Impfungen handelt es sich um zelluläre (mRNA) #Gentherapien, die ein rekombinantes (SPIKE) Protein in Zellen sythethisieren. Die mRNA Impfstoffe verbleiben nicht nur lokal im Muskel, sondern sind noch nach 2 Wochen im Blut nachweisbar. mdpi.com/2227-9059/10/7…
#NPI (Nicht-pharmakologische Maßnahmen): The Effects of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions on COVID-19 Mortality: A Generalized Synthetic Control Approach Across 169 Countries. frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…
PEI: Eine Studie im Journal of Clinical Virology (Onlineausgabe vom 4.12.21) zeigte: "Antikörper konnten dabei über mehr als 430 Tage nach der Infektion nachgewiesen werden, ohne dass ein Endpunkt absehbar war." pei.de/DE/newsroom/pm…
Ergänzung zu 7/9: Zwischenbericht der Immunobridge-Studie deutet hohe Immunität in der Bevölkerung in Deutschland an. Übereinstimmung mit ähnlichen Studien in England (und der Schweiz). zenodo.org/record/6968574
1/50 #Science is an ongoing process that serves to investigate phenomena, gain new insights or "correct prior knowledge" and this only works in #discourse. This includes diversity of #Opinion, #tolerance and a broad debate space. This is a large thread.
26/50 The detected "SV40 promoter with 72bps indel" is a "nuclear localization signal" that means either the #plasmid or one of its expressed proteins can be transported into host cell nuclei,...
27/50 ...where the host DNA is found, creating an open question of whether host DNA interaction will occur and to what effect e.g. integration with human DNA. anandamide.substack.com/p/sequencing-o…
28/50 Potential effects of plasmid #contamination in vivo? Notable, five chemistry professors from German universities have been studying #Pfizer#BionTech's covid vaccine. They addressed some questions to the company. Where does the gray tone come from? berliner-zeitung.de/gesundheit-oek…
The U.S. continues to fund this type of research, namely in various places outside the U.S. (#Wuhan, #Ukraine, ...), and according to various sources, sometimes even in direct collaboration with #Pfizer. clubderklarenworte.de/wie-macht-man-…
See references in this article. 2/20
It is just as creepy to increase the dangerousness of conflicts in order to better sell one's expensive #armaments to the man/woman. For me, this is just another form of the same greed-driven madness. bpb.de/themen/medien-…
Never forget. Especially (small) children and young people as well as older citizens have considerably suffered from the lockdowns and other measures at that time. In real life (at that time), I often observed people and kids wearing masks fitting badly, being too big etc... 1/7
...and thus can hardly filter because of leakages. Therefore, it is extremely important that masks should have different sizes. Shoes also have various sizes and shapes. 2/7
When singing and speaking, the mask also loses its filtering performance after a certain time due to increased humidity. In addition, the former loses function under humid conditions, while the latter operates with a significant air-pressure drop... 3/6
Frankreich hat 56 AKWs (!) mit ca. 61 GW installierter Nennleistung = ca. 69% Anteil Kernenergie an der Stromerzeugung (Stand Febr. 2023). 1/ 17 world-nuclear.org/country/defaul…
Zum Vergleich Deutschland hat nur (noch) 3 AKWs mit ca. 4 GW installierter Nennleistung (entspricht ca. 3,7 GW netto) = ca. 12% Anteil Kernenergie an der Stromerzeugung (Stand Febr. 2023). 2/17 world-nuclear.org/country/defaul…
Wieviel Windkraftanlagen (WKA) müssen gebaut werden, um die 3 AKWs, die wir noch haben zu ersetzen? Wir ersetzen hierbei CO2 frei durch CO2 frei, das heißt da ändert sich nichts. 3/17
My feeling is that many people in times of crisis (#corona, #EnergyCrisis, #inflation) do not perceive or hardly perceive (correctly) some natural phenomena at night, such as the starry #sky.
This can sometimes be seen beautifully even in big cities like #Berlin (See videos by @MusiciScience on various platforms).
In addition, there are also certain #acoustic#phenomena that probably few people think about. For example, I wondered why I sometimes wake up at night. An #audio spectrum analysis may reveal the cause. Take a look at the video in the last tweet in this thread.