REMEMBER THIS 👇 in upcoming debates, if YOUR representative says words to the effect of: "Oh no, we're not trying to destroy #HumanRights. We agree Human Rights are important - honest, guv! - we just don't like the UK #HumanRightsAct and/or the #EuropeanConvention (#ECHR)"...
Such claims are DEMONSTRABLY BULLSHIT if they come from the mouth of *anyone* who supports the position @CPhilpOfficial has espoused, which the @Telegraph has splashed on its front page...
Bad enough that @SensyneHealth has cost NHS Trusts nearly £15 million - Lord Drayson's claim to be 'giving something back to the NHS' lies in tatters - but what people should *really* be asking about is the MILLIONS of #patients' data the company claims to be processing...
...because, as our letter to the Trusts in April pointed out, at least some of their patients' data that they handed over is #linkable#pseudonymised data - i.e. it is #identifiable, thus #PersonalData in UK law:
So while @SensyneHealth's #shareholders might want to check the company's claims about the #amount of NHS patients' data it actually has, those Trusts that HAVE passed #identifiable data to #Sensyne should terminate their agreements asap - and demand certified #deletion, too...
..."collecting and analysing live data" on a #permanent basis, in a '#CivilContingencies' context, sounds like something the public should be told more about!
Not unrelatedly, and while there's been a lot of focus on @PalantirTech's #NHS contracts, have you tried searching...
Umm. Hasn't anyone at @MoJGovUK told @DominicRaab that a "Bill of Rights Bill" won't enter the statute books as a #BillOfRights (if passed) but only as a Bill of Rights *Act*?
We still have to wait for the Bill to be published, of course - but the petty press release:
makes it clear this isn't a #BillOfRights; it's not even a #BillOfGoods - it's a Bill of #Bads and #Wrongs that starts off poorly, and then gets even worse...
Even as it characterises #HumanRights claims as "trivial", the Government reveals its fatuity; the example it gives 👇 refers to a ruling that simply required the UK Courts to see through *their own process*!
Just how "trivial" does this Government consider #DueProcess to be??
Take 15 mins. Watch this video. It's more important to you than you know.
This is what China is doing, but Western governments are on exactly the same path #technologically; they just have a different set of #rationalisations.
...of @ukhomeoffice's centralised #biometric National Identity Register - the heart of the #IDcards scheme in the 2000s - and is as true of @DCMS's "Identity & Attributes Trust Framework" 👇 of which the first 'adopters' include the #HomeOffice (again)...
...indeed, the chart itself 👇 suggests that "the women of Wakefield" support the Liberal Democrats LESS than the men.
This rather American(?) conflation of "left" and "liberal" in both language and assumption is a form of #CategoryError - in large part due to the insistence...
...on the all-too #binary 'left/right' framing that fails to encompass many nuances within politics.
That UK-level choices prefer only two 'parties of Government' does not entirely reflect either sentiment or ground reality, as the local government layer in England indicates...