[*Quotes/highlights:*] “*It’s a Wonderful Life* is beloved & timeless, no doubt, because it reassures an entire generation & all those who have had to give up their dreams for whatever reason that their sacrifices were for a higher good…”
“In one way or another, the situation in the Forties, with the war effort & afterwards, created a generation who, except for the rare individual or one of unusual circumstances,..”
“…[the situation in the 40s, with the war effort, created a generation who] was called upon to step up into mature responsible tasks long before the idealism of their youth would have preferred that they do so.”
“[The WWII] generation is scarred for having missed this opportunity [of youthful idealism & freedom]. They are individuals deserving of our sympathy; yet crippled they were, nonetheless.”
“Pearl Harbor Day, when [the WWII Gen's] fate was inevitably forged, when it became clear that for the second time the light of individual freedom would be extinguished, would become an important marker in their lifetimes—"
“…we can pity the World War Two Generation. As in John Updike’s *The Centaur*, the World War Two Generation is depicted as a generation that was required to give up its dreams & do its ‘duty,’ above all.”
“& as in Updike’s novel, [the WWII Generation] are beaten down in a life that is regimented & has no ‘color,’ spark, life, idealism, or dreams. They have become the robot-like residents of Pleasantville.”
“But Updike points out that [the WWII Gen's] sacrifice, despite the personal tragedy of it on the individual scale, is both necessary & noble in that it makes possible the realization of dreams by the generation to which they gave birth.”
“Then it is adult females—in this movie exemplified by Betty Parker, the mother of Bud & Mary Sue—who are next to consider alternatives & new ways. Adult males are the last to turn to color, but among them it is the sensitive of heart….”
“This rebellious act by the artist is reminiscent of antiwar demonstrators, who got fired upon at Kent State; of civil rights demonstrators, who police attacked w dogs;”
“[This rebellious act by the artist is reminiscent] of Tienanmen Square demonstrators, who were rolled over by tanks, shot, & killed; of Black Lives Matters protesters, who were tear gassed, pepper sprayed, & plowed into with cars;”
“& most defiant of all the courageous men & women of the Middle East risking thr lives for freedom, & the Occupy & Antifa heroes throughout the world putting thr bodies in front of, arguably, the most dire, widespread fascism ever to exist.”
“Big Bob’s Chamber of Commerce represents MAGAts, Trumpers, Republicans, Tea Partiers, & those in general in our society who have succumbed to the rewards & threats of the World War Two Generation, & their Fifties Gen/ Gen X clones.”
“They are the ones induced to live a regimented, robot-like, unfeeling, passionless life; to become one of J. D. Salinger’s ‘phonies’; to abide by outdated & misconstrued idea of ‘family values’;”
“& above all to ‘behave’ & not do anything to rock the boat of the status quo which might threaten the privileges of those currently enjoying power & wealth handed down, mostly, by heredity.”
“The events in China’s Tiananmen Square more than thirty years ago so affected & still affects some of us here in America because we know at some level we have experienced it before.”
“What happened in China three decades ago [Tiananmen Square] is so much like what happened in the U.S. five decades ago, somewhat less graphically, around the Vietnam War demonstrations.”
“…the result of both was the same: In both cases the opposition, the youth movement, crushed—violently in China, subtly & behind the scenes in the US—at the command of an octogenarian generation,..”
“…[ the youth movement, crushed, at the command of an octogenarian generation] clinging desperately to power as much as to their waning physical frames.”
“The Filthy Rich, in collusion with Russia, aimed their weapons, as well, against Hillary Clinton who received all the ridicule & vicious slander imaginable...and oh, let us not forget those emails *guffaw*.”
“And currently the lie-making machine on the Right is pumping out propaganda against Joe Biden who also—though he had been the poorest person in the Senate & who famously took the train to & from Washington every day—”
“We see in this Trump era, with Russian misinformation & slander allowed to be flooding our social media, there is not a 2nd thought given about making up the most outrageous charges—pedophilia in pizza store basements that don’t exist, e.g.”
“…the results in both countries are the same. They involve the ultimate victory of sociocultural change in both instances being delayed until the dying off of an elderly generation in power—”
“…we will look at how the WWII Gen kept themselves alive longer than any other generation & how they used that longevity to buy & clone their ideas into the generations following them.”
“In fact, the way the media portrays it, the world that the WWII Generation created, as manifested in the Fifties—the Fifties style of culture—is the one against which all happenings are to be measured.”
“The Fifties, we are led to believe through incessant repetition, is what is ‘normal.’ This is the narrative the money of the 50s & WWII Gens has managed to embed in media minds,..”
“…[That the U.S. in the Fifties is what is ‘normal’ is the narrative the Filthy Rich have embedded in media minds,] as networks continue to broadcast the same naïve & silly sitcoms from the Fifties & early Sixties to new generations.”
“…this looking to a former time for values is a repudiation of all generations after who grew up in different times & who have evolved along with an evolving cultural & global environment.”
“This refusal to ‘die,’ to turn over the reins of society to younger generations, is indeed an abomination. It represents the WWII & 50s Gens worldviews being propped up mechanically,..”
“…though the sand beneath their beliefs is continually washed away. This tension between obsolete old ideas that refuse to die & new ones needed for progress & survival is what we look at next. A Culture War rages.”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We saw the beginnings of cultural enlightening & progress during Clinton’s term in the Nineties. In retrospect it was a colorful time; it was an enthusiastic time.”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…we are beginning to see a metaphor for psychological realities & that ‘following the script’ has a broader meaning for a choice that everyone must make in life in growing up,..”
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…[the 60s Generation] were biding their time, waiting—sometimes hopeless that it would ever arrive—for a reversing of the pendulum & a return in society to the ideals & visions of a better world…”
our modern life is permeated with ways we block out ordinary experience to bring our experience in line with things we hold in our head (left brain).
we decide where to go, & zone out in a car to get there,
thread 2/
then the only experience we allow ourselves is that of being there.
with clocks & appointments & schedules we tell our bodies *when* & *how* it should perform, not feeling (right brain) what our bodies want & need to do in the moment.
[Quotes/highlights:] “Not coincidentally, Millennial Generation parents were predominantly of the Vietnam Gen/ Boomers & Millennials echoed their parent’s more liberal & mind-expanding drug use.” []