[] “[news commentator’s & reporters] are immersed in this barrage of irrationalities that is coming out constantly from the Republicans over all kinds of airways, radio, TV, what have you.” []
[] “…these reporters, pundits, & news anchors are working for huge corporations, virtually all of them these days. Only on the Internet is there the possibility of unbiased thought.” []
[] “& we know who owns the corporations...it ain’t me or you or the average Jane. So I don’t think it accidental pundits are unlikely to speak for us. For the people.” []
[] “For those a step down are terrified by the idea of losing their lives of moneyed comfort & becoming, god forbid, like the ‘unwashed’ below. They also, like everyone, have a craving to be ‘liked’ & approved of by someone above.” []
[] “…this jonesing is something in each of us, even those of very high status. It is an urge we all carry forward from our earliest experiences of life.” []
[] “& so it goes right down the ladder of status. Those of each level sucking up pathetically to those above them while patronizing those just below.” []
[] “[News reporters] don’t have a clue that they are coming across as smiling tail-wagging pets eager to please in the foppish performance of their cultivated tricks.” []
[] “Maybe pundits can’t see the Republican lies as much because they are become one with it, not seeing the forest for the trees. Maybe it’s that they’re dancing to a long ago tune, accepting approving smiles as payment for their jig.” []
[] “…you can try to make a case that somehow money to corporations will benefit ordinary people, but it’s easier & more honest to show how corporate ‘socialism’ is actually at people’s expense.” []
[] “…the pundits & journalists are seen adopting the Republican mantra as obvious facts & as unnecessary to ponder or question…it is clear they rolled over.” []
[] “Somehow [these pundits & journalists] disposed of their knowing that it was the Republicans who tripled, nearly quadrupled the National Debt under Reagan-Bush.” []
[] “How did people become so dumb all of a sudden? Anyway, I think a lot of it has to do with these things being repeated over & over again until people think they’re true. & it’s unnecessary to ponder or question them.” []
[] “The Republican line, the lie, that unions are entities equally as small & distinct from our society of people as are corporations, & are therefore ‘special,..’” []
[] “…& that what is good for unions is bad for *people*, for ordinary citizens, somehow given Frankensteinian life, jolted large & menacing by incessant repetition into zombified minds,..” []
[] “…blotting out the truth like a monster would the sun, & terrorizing, so they run away & fight, the very folks that now muddied truth would lift up.” []
Finally, if what your prefer are the paperback or ebook/Kindle versions, you may acquire them at the links below. All my books are priced at cost or the minimum allowable.
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…the Republicans were at one point cornered by justifiable attacks about being backed by special interests, so they concocted this idea that the Democrats were too.” []
[*Chapter 10 text begins:*] What do these events have in common? The popularity of Democrats since the 90s, with Obama’s favorability ratings high despite US entanglement in several wars; the astounding progress in race relations…”
“…exemplified by ever increasing numbers of African-Americans elected & appointed to the highest posts in US government since the 90s, highlighted by the election of the 1st ever black president in the most lopsided victory in decades;”
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I own the copyright to this book & am allowing it to be taken & posted anywhere by anyone. with my compliments.
This book can help create the Blue Wave in the Midterm 2022 elections we need for the continuation of life, freedom, & democracy in the world & in the US.
Please help where you can, we need you. You are the one you've been waiting for.
[*Quotes/highlights*:] “This section continues the exposition of this incredible phenomenon of decades-long & increasing intentional misrepresentations used by one party [Republicans]…” []
[] “Yet these payoffs [to Republicans] were small investments to corporations, relative to the benefits they would get in the changes in government policy which affected them.” []