the worst was this: capitalism made the #Internet a *joke*.
it's still a joke. @mtaibbi and @jessesingal and @mattyglesias, and the rest of the elite "influencer" set who have proliferated in American #journalism (and polluted it), have assisted immensely in this massive _trivialization_ of a technological achievement.
and for no other reason than right-wing spite: the @GOP is a party of hatreds and they *loathe* Sen. @algore, who would have made a much better President than the genocidal coke fiend from Connecticut/Texas. they associated "the Internet" with Sen. Gore, and spat on it.
the @GOP / #conservative / #Christian set in America, the @pastorlocke and @JackPosobiec sort of person, lusts after the Internet the same way they lust for money: they grab as much Internet (and as much money) as possible, while castigating everyone else for being greedy.
in typical Western doublethinkful fashion, we are supposed to regard the Internet as a joke AND we're supposed to entrust our Future to it. @elonmusk is a perfect example of what sort of human being gets the most out of this racket: #capitalism's vision for the #Internet.
(oh, forgive me, Mr. @mtaibbi. I'll give the word "racket" back to you now. I know you're fond of it.)
considering the appalling state of the #Internet, it's safe to conclude that #capitalism really and truly has made a pig's breakfast of it.
the capitalists (like @pmarca and @elonmusk) wanted it both ways: they made the Internet both necessary *and* an elite plaything.
@mtaibbi's banked his professional reputation (what's left of it) on pretending that the #TwitterFiles are the new Dreyfus affair—that is to say, a massive scandal exposing a vast corruption (cf. how Alfred Dreyfus revealed the noxious antisemitism in French society.)
Mr. @mtaibbi thinks the #TwitterFiles are all important; he *also* thinks that @Twitter is a joke and he's probably hoping that @elonmusk chews it up and spits it out soon.
doublethink must seem like *magic*, to these people. they sprinkle it into everything.
I am not a #Christian; my friend Chara (who writes at @KrisAtLarge) is Catholic—albeit a heretical one—but I am no "believer". as I've said, I tend to leave religion to others.
all the same, it's tough *not* to have opinions about #Christianity—we're inundated with it.
in the United States especially, right-wing politics—which infallibly promotes an extremist and hyperpoliticized form of #Christianity—pours enormous effort and money into publicizing #Christian political demands.
@GOP politics and Bible-bashing are practically the same.
in fact, it seems like *all* public spokespersons for Christianity in the U.S. are political figures. #Christian@GOP politicians and activists and corporate executives proudly proclaim their purpose in public office to be the promotion of "Jesus" and "faith" and "values".
#geopolitical tedium is not for me. I like the world of ordinary matter and energy (and physics and chemistry and all of it) far too much. I like tools and instruments and equipment, and knowing how to use them. fretting about #Russia or #China is not my highest priority.
yet American #politics and political #media have completely inundated popular culture—because @jack Dorsey and #MarkZuckerberg permitted the politicization of #Internet#socialmedia. on specious grounds they kicked down the door between "public" and "private" online.
America's political right-wing has undergone remarkable evolution since the fraudulent installation of @RonaldReagan into the White House in 1980. there's an irony in how the 1980s and 1990s @GOP and their partisans was proud of "right-wing" as a label: Rush is Right!
because now nobody wants "right-wing" or "conservative" to stick to them. instead the game is to pretend that *none* of that political language means anything at all any more—in other words, you can call yourself anything and it means about the same. the @mtaibbi method.
heck, @Sargon_of_Akkad is an extreme right-wing *reactionary*, someone who wants to roll back the social clock to the days of chattel slavery—and he's "centrist" in the same way that @mtaibbi is "independent". they don't *want* the words to mean anything.
#IdentityPolitics. #IdPol. neither seems to be a popular hashtag. I'm not sure that I've seen the term that often lately; political propaganda has fads and changes of weather; buzzwords float into and out of fashion.
@mtaibbi is, here, *practicing* "identity politics".
that is to say, he's sheltering from criticism behind the shield of his "independence"—that's the *personal brand* that @mtaibbi has established for himself.
"independent" is a highly politicized and *dishonest* political identity; usually it's a straightforward lie.
he's too cagey to admit that he's got financial ties to @elonmusk, but "insider trading" and corrupt #journalism are *in vogue* these days; all the elite influencers of the Taibbi / @EliLake / @jbarro set undoubtedly play the markets.
I'd like to talk more about the #cryptocurrency / #blockchain phenomenon, starting again with the way that the #crypto crowd once leaned very heavily into the pretence that their cryptographic thingummies had "intrinsic value" and that they were "mined" like #gold.
the big names in #cryptocurrency especially, like @Bitcoin / $BITC and @ethereum / $ETH, fuelled this nonsense by asserting that ordinary currencies, government-backed #money, was mere "fiat money" whereas the #cryptocurrencies had some nebulous "intrinsic value".
you'll still find a *lot* of #cryptocurrency gamblers and grifters who cling to the "fiat money" canard. search for "fiat money" on @Twitter and you'll find some amusing examples. this was part of a general #sales pitch for #cryptocurrencies as somehow being _independent_.
#capitalism and capitalists' fortunes are built on this practice. all the free-flowing #business and #finance propaganda, churned out in huge volumes for the edification of persons who've devoted themselves to #money, talks about _investing_.
the great bulk of money made in #capitalism goes only to the ownership class; the toilers below them get pennies. those unable to toil get *less* than nothing—capitalism wants such people to be liquidated, hence @charlesmurray and @EPoe187 cook up rationales for doing so.
ultimately this is *why* #eugenics and "scientific racism" exists at all: #capitalism needs some pseudointellectual justification for marginalizing and liquidating all human beings who are unable or *unwilling* to toil for capitalism. this is WHY @Quillette is well-funded.