@Cal_Fire: fire.ca.gov/current_incide…
@CountyofNapa: countyofnapa.org
@CountyofSonoma: sonomacounty.ca.gov
Road closures info:
Napa: gis.napa.ca.gov/Html5Viewer/In…
Sonoma: roadconditions.sonoma-county.org
@ABC7 is maintaining a full list of evacuation centers (& assorted closures). Go local news! abc7news.com/full-list-nort…
Volunteer or donate.
As medical centers evacuated, donating blood is also helpful. (All types, but especially O-)
Volunteer via Red Cross (redcross.org/volunteer/volu… or 707-577-7600), CVNL (cvnl.org/volunteerism/e…), or local groups
Check with local emergency management office. In California, it's mostly Nixel or Everbridge
SF: alertsf.org
Berkeley: warnme.berkeley.edu
Marin: alertmarin.org
Napa: local.nixle.com/register/
Sonoma: public.coderedweb.com/cne/en-US/BF70…
A: Download the FEMA app! In California, also grab CalFire app.
DONATE MONEY. Material goods require logistical work to sort & deliver, often hindering efficiency. Local NGOs are best.
Ash (rising PM2.5 counts) aggravates respiratory systems. Try to stay indoors. Masks are rarely useful*
SoCal has Santa Ana & NorCal has Diablo winds. Inland high pressure drives strong winds through canyons
The new normal sucks.
>50% of NAm fires are human-caused from unextinguished campfires, tossed cigs, hot cars on dry grass, or sparks.
Declutter & clear vegetation: readyforwildfire.org
Learn via gaming: stopdisastersgame.org/en/
1. Learn local hazards.
2. Make plans.
3. Pack kits.
4. Practice.
The same holds for people: A few minutes now will save you stress later.
Opt-in notifications: member.everbridge.net/index/89280773…
See also: @OrangeCountyEOC @AnaheimFire
1. Sonoma County's website keeps going down.
2. Many regional cell towers are destroyed, creating service deadspots.
Emergency vet care? RedRover grants: redrover.org/relief/

For fires, big concern is ash (PM2.5). Most masks can't filter, poor fit renders useless.

Or find local NGO with existing relationship.
Their grants help injured pets (apply or donate at same link)