
As the numerous media reports in Dec 2015 indicate, we were all just as shocked when RSI/CIG decided to sell it separately…
I wrote extensively about this after I broke that news last Summer.…
That's the importance of SQ42 in its use as a single, tangible and viable asset, SEPARATE from Star Citizen.
If such a GLA exists, there would be no amended complaint.
They may file for an extension, or it could be automatic
RSI/CIG could possibly claim Star Citizen uses CryEngine, while Squadron 42 uses Lumberyard.
Problem is, they already went on the record (after lawsuit was filed) saying they haven't used CryEngine for years, switched to LY
Then in Dec 2016 after it was discovered, Chris issued this public statement.
Star Citizen was not in dev during 2011.
Everything shown were the same tech demos they later became notorious for.
And they were built by CryTek.

We can't even attribute 2011 to pre-production, as that would imply that the work carried over into what they started in 2012.
So basically, 2011 was the marketing preamble to raise money to build the game.
This is what the campaign launched with.

I had stated two weeks ago that if there was a waiver signed by CryTek, allowing Ortwin to represent them, then they would have to respond to that in the answer.
That part has now been removed in the amended complaint, indicating that a waiver exists.
So that would have been a CryEngine build.
They claimed to have switched (a few days work) to LY in Dec 2016