Im going to explain in detail why Churchill is a villain. For the 31% of you who voted as a positive just read this and tell me afterwards.
“We systematically, village by village destroyed the houses, filled up the wells, blew down the towers, cut down the great shady trees, burned the crops and broke the reservoirs in punitive devastation”
Under the orders of Churchill, the British Army opened fire on protestors on the streets of Athens in 1944. 28 were killed and there was over 120 injured.
British demanded that all protesters/guerilla groups were to disarm immediately
The following day 200,000 people took to the streets in a riot and this is when the army turned on the people and fired. Under Churchill’s orders.
See he haaaaated ELAS and EAM. (These guys literally ran Nazis out of the country)
These actions here show how they were motivated solely by the paranoia fear and hatred for communism.
He backed the right wing government that came in because of course he did. Even though it was THAT VERY RESISTANCE that drove Nazis from Greece??
Anybody know who Charles Wickham is?
He was a commander of the RUC between 1922-1945 in British occupied Ireland.
In other words, a prick.
This is where his dark side is just unfor-fucking-givable.
He orchestrated a mass genocide in Bengal.
He starved over 4 million Bengalis in 1943.
“I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion”
Churchill refused all said to Bengal. Canada and US offered rice and he refused.
Well... not Iran. Iran’s oil.
Churchill was in the middle of Iran’s affairs for YEARS. He excluded Iranians from natural resources and encouraged looting When most lived in severe and abject poverty.
He helped organise a coup. Democracy eh? Funny old thing.
Churchill was “Secretary of State for the Colonies” in ‘21. This is when he decided air power was superior to troops on the ground and he just bombed the shit out of any resistance
I’m assuming after he said this he laughed maniacally?
He bombed Mesopotamia a full village wiped out in 45 minutes.
Churchill believed in protecting the institutionalised racism spread through their colonies to exploit the population and take their resources.
Obviously believed the fertile highlands were for white colonial settlers. He forcibly removed the local population
Yep. You read that right.
It’s like @akalamusic says “When a people are enslaved one of the first things they’ll do is stop them reading cause it is understood intelligent people will rise and take their freedom”
Remember when Obama sent back the bust of Churchill? His grandad was tortured under the British army.
Churchill summed up his time here by saying “It was great fun galloping about” (there were also British run concentration camps at the time here) he believed that Afrikaners should be allowed “self rule” in other words exclude PoC from voting.
“We must be bound by the interpretation which the other party places on it and it is undoubted that the Boers would regard it as a breach of that treaty if the franchise were in the first instance extended to any persons who are not white”
“We always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English”
Fuck the fuck off. If there’s ever a quote in the history of the world to drive me up the wall it’s that one.
Turns out being a prick to the Irish is genetic.
He went on to describe them as “Gallant and honorable officers”
As if he gave a shit. Slept soundly in his bed. What’s 14 against the 4million in India? Prick.
Suggested that aeroplanes should be dispatched with orders to use “machine gun fire bombs” to scatter them.
“Bloody Irish what have they ever done for our wars”
Literally dehumanising the entire country again in terms of resources (people) and what that could procixe for imperialist land grabs.
Thousands of workers on strike in a moving act of defiance. 60k people in the city centre of Glasgow the British government sent troops to Glasgow to arrest union leaders.
Churchill reaaaally hated Socialism. Labour was gaining momentum up there.
“History is written by the victors” takes on a particularly chilling tone taking into account all of this.
Also I’m not a historian. I just like to read and inform myself. Check @crimesofbrits for more xo
I’d like to close by saying that I hope we #repealthe8th soon and grant our women a right to choice