1/ I bought Bitcoin for $1k in April. Now it’s $10k. Did I just make $9,000?
I think you're forgetting something. There's only two things certain in life: death and...
Government won’t shut down Bitcoin, but US citizens still owe tax on worldwide income. Tax evasion, in extreme cases, leads to imprisonment.

The top income bracket in the US pays 39.6% short-term capital gains which is $3,564 for you. But if you #hodl for over a year, long-term capital gains is only 15%.

Clever, but no. Each crypto-for-crypto trade is a barter of intangible assets according to the IRS and triggers a tax event. forbes.com/sites/robertwo…
Anytime you exchange your bitcoin for an item is a taxable event. When you buy a $10 burrito with Bitcoin you trigger a short-term capital gains tax of $5.40.

“The IRS [could] collect several billion dollars in back taxes, penalties, and interest,” according to @GreenTraderTax. In 2015 only 802 people reported their bitcoin profits. venturebeat.com/2017/03/20/onl…
Services like @BitcoinTax or @Coin_Tracking semi-automate transaction import, but not all crypto apps make it easy. (Referral codes: cointracking.info/?ref=K188874, bitcoin.tax/r/Z3tAutAz)
Bitcoin accounting is even more tedious for business. The burrito shop calculates capital gains they owe for each burrito, taco and nacho sold.
Indeed! Opportunistic entrepreneurs can "Sell shovels to gold miners" as they say. It's called Second Order Effects. Here's a video to inspire your Bitcoin Enterprise
@Bitpay, @Coinbase, @CoinGatecom and others do already. Here’s a table comparing the Bitcoin payment processors: kyleschutter.me/crypto-for-bus…
You could give up US citizenship, buy $200k in real estate in Dominica to become a citizen there. Eduardo Saverin (FB co-founder) gave up citizenship to avoid taxes. Expatriation is at an all time high. @Deedrah

You could donate to a non-profit.
Someone donated $86m in Bitcoin to start PineappleFund.org, tax free. Bitcoin has made a lot of people rich. Maybe now is a good time for us to give back. @conniegallippi at @BitGiveOrg helps non-profits accept Bitcoin

1st Calculate: bitcoin.tax or cointracking.info
2nd Minimize:
Move to low tax state (eg Texas)
Give to family/charity
Match losses
Invest in IRA, 401k, HSA forbes.com/sites/davidmar… @MarottaOnMoney
@laurashin just created a great podcast at unchainedpodcast.co/the-tax-rules-… The title, Tax Rules that have Crypto Users Aghast, seems appropriate.