Here’s a small tale of government indecision, prevarication and “no deal” neurosis with big implications. 2 qs:
1. Have you heard of the Road Haulage and truckers bill🚚
2. Until you do: Is “no deal” planning **really** happening🐌
But without it - & we crash out of the EU and rely on WTO rules - will we have food on shop shelves
But no major pieces of “no deal” legislation have hit the Commons yet
There have been small bits and pieces (nuclear safeguards for EG). But nothing big.
Until now

The Gvt acknowledges internally that the Road Haulage Bill is the first proper piece of legislation for “no deal” planning that they’ve put forward
Except they haven’t put it forward. It was meant to come early Jan but it’s now deadlocked, No10 confirm
Britain’s 75,000 hauliers can use EU roads because of EU membership. If we crash out they rely on a permit system for “3rd countries”
Officials think we will get 1,200 permits, devastating the industry
Some Brexiteer spads are attacking civil service pessimism (sounds familiar!)
Others think it make “no deal” look awful thereby undermining our negotiating hand
1. We will get a deal so why waste time and money on this bill
2. The transition negotiations are delicate so why antagonise Brussels

Delays to no-deal bill raise fears that Theresa May is going soft…