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Zach Wahls @ZachWahls
7 years ago, 20 tweets, 4 min read Read on Twitter
STUDENTS AND FELLOW YOUNG PEOPLE — I was a young activist for LGBTQ rights who helped lead a movement that overturned the Boy Scouts of America’s ban on LGBT members and leaders. Here’s what I learned.
Some of this is bigger picture, some of this is practical advice. And needless to say, my fight was very different from the fight to end gun violence. Take or leave any of it. Here goes:
1) THE BIG STUFF: When we started @scouts4equality, we were told that change is impossible and that there was nothing we could do. We won a near total victory in less than five years. Anything is possible.
2) Needless to say, like I said, ending gun violence l is a wildly different issue—BUT the fundamental principle is the same: Impossible is nothing.
3) An important step for any change-maker: Think critically about why the status quo is the way it is, figure out who has the power to change the status quo, and then figure out how you can use *your* power to affect them.
4) For this issue, the people with the power to change our laws are politicians. Politicians respond to one thing more than anything else: re-election. If you want to change their minds, change their re-election odds.
5) Once you know what you want to do, you have to stay disciplined. I once read somewhere: “Discipline is remembering what you want.” Always remember *why* you are doing what you are doing.
6) Relatedly, that passion is incredibly important. But the @NRA isn’t so successful only because of their passion. They are ORGANIZED and raise money and create political consequences. Passion + Organization = Change.
7) COMMUNICATION: Your stories and your experiences will affect people. Take some time to write out your thoughts. Have a 90-second pitch about why you care about gun safety. What is *your* story?
8) With Scouts for Equality, my story was about growing up in the Boy Scouts with gay parents and how they were great leaders and they shouldn’t have had to hide who they were. Short and simple and effective.
9) When young people are willing to stand up and speak with conviction, adults will listen. It is not a coincidence that this is all happening after Parkland students spoke up publicly and called out President Trump.
10) Here’s an easy formula for speaking in public: Story of Self, Story of Us, Story of Now. Talk about why *you* care about this issue, share stories about why your *classmates* care about this issue, talk about why this matters *now*
11) GET STUFF DONE: When you have meetings, make decisions about what you are doing next. Making decisions is making progress. Somebody should take careful notes. Never finish a meeting without scheduling the next one.
12) This one is for young men in particular: be careful about talking over women in meetings. You probably do it reflexively and without thinking about it. I did too, until I was called out on it. And I'm still not perfect. Be aware of it!
13) When you’re getting stuff done and working on big projects, break it down into individual actions. When you finish one action, your question for yourself should be, “What is my *next* action?”
14) If you haven’t already, set up a @SlackHQ channel for your group:

We also used @asana to manage our work. Probably more than you need, but just make sure you know who is doing what and follow up on things.
15) MONEY: Some of the things you will want to do will probably cost some money. Pick one person to handle the money. Ask people to pitch in. Get adult help if you want or need it.
16) Do *not* do bake sales or car washes to raise money. Ask people to give directly. Fundraisers will almost certainly be a not productive use of your time at this stage.
17) You won’t need that much money, at least not at first. Don’t let it be a barrier either for your group or for people who want to be a part of it.
18) If this is helpful, I will try to think of more stuff later.

If you have questions, my DMs are open. I won’t be able to respond to everybody but I will do my best. If you are in Southeast Iowa, I am happy to try to meet with your group in person.
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