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Thread by @XoXo__Kellie: "Let's talk about the , fear tactics, and the manipulation of the American people. Some folks in were discussing fear tactics, […]" #NRA #WeResist #Resist #NFA

, 23 tweets, 8 min read
Let's talk about the #NRA, fear tactics, and the manipulation of the American people.
Some folks in #WeResist were discussing fear tactics, "well-regulated militias", and the NRA in general. We're gonna dive into these topics in this thread.
First up, the #NRA, everytime a mass shooting happens, the NRA come out strong in defense of guns. We expect them to, after all, it's what they do. They call the gunman "crazy", they say that "crazy" people shouldn't have access to guns, etc.
You don't necessarily have to be "crazy" to do a mass shooting. True enough that most of the people that have committed mass shootings are "crazy" but it's not something that is synonymous with being crazy. You just have to be evil enough to do it.
The #NRA was found in 1871 in New York by William Conant Church and George Wood Wingate. They rose to national prominence because of a challenge by the Irish Rifle Team in 1873. Eight American riflemen won the match firing breech-loading rifles.
This not only promoted the NRA to the national spotlight but also helped to establish breech-loading firearms as suitable for military marksmanship training.

In 1934 the then President of the NRA, Karl Frederick, stated:
"I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I seldom carry one. ...I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses."
In 1968 the NRA supported the #NFA (National Firearms Act of 1934) as well as the #GCA (Gun Control Act of 1968), that together created a federal system to license dealers and establish restrictions on certain categories and classes of firearms.
It wasn't until the 1970's that the NRA became political. Until this point they focused primarily on sportsmen, hunters, and target shooters, downplaying #GunControl issues. The passage of the GCA galvanized a large number of NRA activists.
In 1975 they begin focusing more on politics and established the #NRAILA (NRA Institute for Legislative Action) with Harlon Carter as director. Their PAC, the Political Victory Fund was created the next year in time for the '76 elections.
The NRA has been ranked as one of the biggest spenders in congressional races since the PAC establishment in 1976. A Fortune magazine survey said that lawmakers and their staffers considered the NRA the most powerful lobbying organization three years in a row.
The modern NRA opposes most new #GunControl legislation, instead focusing on stricter enforcement of existing laws and increased sentencing for gun-related crimes. The NRA-ILA mission is described as:
"the Institute is involved in any issue that directly or indirectly affects firearms ownership and use. These involve such topics as hunting and access to hunting lands, wilderness and wildlife conservation, civilian marksmanship training and ranges for public use...
12/ enforcement-related issues, product liability, trapping, crime victim rights and criminal justice reform."
We all know that the NRA gives large amounts of money to Republican candidates in congressional races. . So there's no need to discuss that. Instead, let's move on to "well-regulated militias".
This portion will be partly opinion. The #2ndAmendment states: "A #WellRegulatedMilitia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
a militia is defined as:
1. An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers.
2. A military force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.
3. The whole body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service.
At the time of it's writing, the 2nd amendment was useful in that we had no police or military organization to protect us. In modern times we have both. Typically militias acted as police would act today as well as going to war if the need arose.
The line, a well-regulated militia has no bearing on our society today. Further, the constitution makes no mention of semi or fully automatic guns, because the had not yet been invented. As a liberal some may think that I support taking away ALL guns, I do not.
I support your right as an American to own a gun, however, i do not support a person legally or illegally owning ANY type of semi or fully automatic gun. You're not entitled to own weapons of war because a piece of paper written hundreds of years ago says you can be armed.
We need to enact stricter gun control laws and close any loopholes that may be because of internet sales, gun shows, etc. We need harsher punishments for those involved in shootings, those found in possession of unregistered guns, those found selling restricted guns.
We need no-nonsense gun control reform, including the ban of any modification devices for ANY type of weapon. Stricter background checks should be put in place and we need to encourage our MOC's to stand with us on this.
Now back to facts
Fear tactics and the manipulation of the American people
Fear tactics have been part of government control since ancient times. I prefer to stick to more recent events because not everyone is familiar with ancient wars and strategy.
Let's start with Nazi Germany. The Nazis convinced Germany that enemies were at the gates and the only way to stop them was with a war. They used fear tactics to convince Germans to go to war.
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