Former Trump aide, Nick Muzin goes to work for the opposition - Democratic Party of Albania (DPA) a right-wing faction favoring RU agendas.

3.21.17 Muzin registers as FARA, DPA the client, and DPA Chairman and signatory, Lulzim Basha.

Make Albania Great Again, the slogan of Basha’s campaign complete w/street re-named after Trump.

Incumbent, Rama hires Ballad Partners run by longtime Trump lobbyist (unnamed) along with Rep Robert Wesley(D-FL) for $20K per month.

Basha has a picture taken with Trump and reports ‘extraordinary meeting’ to Albanian press, pushed by DPA. Was there a meeting?

As Gates and Manafort get clipped by Mueller for their FARA registrations (or lack thereof), Trump Admin style -Munzin asks to amend his 8 months after he began work for Qatar.
But the Albania story isn’t over.

Biniatta is *based in Edinburgh? That’s weird.

Agmt was to pay Muzin $150K in 3 installments and a 1X payment of $500K.

The DPA says that they have no relationship with Biniatta, and only paid Munzin $25K. So the net amount of the original DPA agreement, $50K is so far unaccounted for and the $500K was paid to Munzin by the mysterious entity, Biniatta.

At this point you’ve guessed the Scottish based shell company for whom Munzin is a foreign agent, has Russian ties.

Biniatta has no reply upon further inquiry.

All told:
Global Delta Trade
Blackshire United
Contoform LP
and West Breton Impex LP
All have similar sites.

He declines to explain how he was first introduced to Biniatta though.

In 2017 KFG filed documents w/British registry naming a RU national, Konstantinos Ferulev as having primary control over firm.

When contacted a Russian decides mid-inquiry that he is not the Canada customer support line for Babyonica, but a wrong #.

Info about these shell companies limited, but David Corn points out, they could be thread b/t RU, GOP operative, and DAP.

Didn’t the #13Russians Indictment mention Macedonia?

He also boasts of brokering meetings with Assad, and Jewish organization Presidents.
No experience in the Balkans, yet $52K paid by Muzin for work on Albanian elections.

But the conversation ends when Biniatta is mentioned.

-Brandon Wheeler(son of Jack Wheeler) ED - Freedom Research Foundation $27.5K
-Baron Public Affairs $20K
Neither was forthcoming with work specifications for which they were paid by Muzin.

This story needs to get Maddow’d.