There's no point making things go faster if you're headed in the wrong direction.
There was a range between 'we don't know what to do with your UXers should do' to 'here do this'
Trade Me is extremely collaborative. They used one of the company values 'there's no I in Trade me'
They didn't always agree but by having customers at the centre it facilitates the conversation.
The outputs of our work in evaluative research is visible and actionable, but this wasn't necessarily the case with the strategic research.
When Julie started people were very apprehensive about doing research, she had to go out and convince people to do even the smallest amount of researches value.
Include people in the project as possible—more time now—saves time later with evangelists of your work
Your BAU work doesn't stop, but keeping a backlog is really helpful
The demand increases, so enable other people for tactical