And my story is like that of many Americans.
A doctor saved my life.
It was only later that I would learn the tragedy of his life and our time together.
A short month later I was crossing a parking lot holding my five-year-old son's hand just a few days before Christmas. Every step was excruciating. (2)
I wanted an appointment with my nurse practitioner, but she wasn't available. I got Jed instead. (3)
Back when I'd thought I'd had a miscarriage, I'd had an ectopic pregnancy. (4)
On Christmas, he came into the closed clinic to check my ultrasound, despite a huge snowstorm. (6)
It was not a viable pregnancy and it would have killed me. (7)
But I found out later it came at a time of great personal loss for him. A few days before I went to see Jed, his son had been murdered. (8)
Jed had already suffered so much in his life. His mother had been killed and his brother suffered brain damage as victims of the HI-FI murders.
Jed never breathed a word to me.
What you do makes a difference, even when it comes at great personal cost to you. I'm alive today and I have a daughter because of Jed.
Thank a doctor who saved your life today. #NationalDoctorsDay