The man who doesn't believe in experts and exaggerated the effect of the EU on his dad's business for political gain?
Their Campaign Leader, @DanielJHannan, promised we'd be staying in the Single Market.
They convinced millions of voters that the EU was forcing 100,000s of refugees into the country, despite the fact that the EU is literally incapable of that. Read below:

How much? With which sources? Because the vast majority of those who have spent literally years studying the topic, DIRECTLY from EU Law and Treaties, say that March 2019 would be the start of a disaster. But we don't like experts?
Since the referendum, they have become nothing short of alt-right, sexist, racist, and recently transphobic propaganda. See for yourself.
Not even going to use the obvious one here. It feels like a cheap shot. It would be like taking health care from a baby.
So we'll just remind you that he supported Turkey joining the EU and that he said this: