Recently, me and Maya got used to sleeping besides each other. During most of the nights the palm of my hand would be over her ear.
This night is exceptionally crazy. My hand hurts as I cover Maya's ear so she could sleep and not hear the sounds, the sounds are relentless not stopping for even a second.
Nearby and far away sounds.
All those around me are tense. Fear is in their eyes but we are trying to hide it. Women in one place and men in another.
This time the attack sound was close.. very al unfolded in a few seconds.. the [explosive] barrel dropped on the building adjacent to us.
In seconds it filled the space, such that those around me started shouting: who switched off the light!
The light didn't switch off but the white wave filled the space..
Personally, the sound of the explosion alone was enough to make me fearful for my children..afterwards there was the cloud that entered the basement..
No one can see anything and no one is able to move..coughing, the chloride smell..
Where is Kosay? and Kosay's father?
My heart started hurting
The men came in to rescue us.. I heard my husband's voice and I was worried about him since we wasn't with us under the blanket.
I was hearing the voices of women screaming out for help, yelling:
We endured ten minutes of hell
From inside the basement, we are hearing the sounds of bricks being demolished above..and fearful that the building will collapse above us and we will be stuck in the basement with the chloride
The white cloud was due to the building debris that fell at the basement's entrance .
For the whole night I felt a real pain in my heart muscle and felt that my hand was paralysed..they could be psychological effects from the fear.
At that time I asked those around me to film short video clips... for documentation.. the attached video illustrates the white cloud
I tried to document many moments of my life underground in the basement
For me I will never forget what I have been through.
It is essential that I do not forget so I do not forgive.
And how in the twenty first century a people were treated by a governing regime, friendly countries and enemies in indictment for demanding freedom. .
With us and with our children who lived with us the taste and delight of freedom, even though the entire last period was filled with grief.