Exfoliate regularly to remove the dead skin cell to avoid any clogged pores that can lead to dull skin, acne & etc.
Exfoliate ada dua, physical & chemical. Physical tuh mcm scrub. Cari gentle scrub with small micro-beads that won’t harsh your skin
Clay mask ni sesuai utk oily skin sebab sebab dia oil absorption properties & can remove any dirt and impurities on your skin. If you have dry skin, go with mud mask 😊
Double cleansing I dh pernah bukak topic before, refer 👇🏻
AHA sesuai utk pores sebab dia exfoliate and sloughing off dead, dry skin cells, which are replaced by fresh new cells.
Cosrx , Paula’s Choice , The Ordinary 😊
Retinol will really help smooth the skin and make pores look smaller and less noticeable. Tapi Retinol kena prescription of doctor 😊
Sources from Blog Renée Rouleau :