-US Embassy Opening Causes Chaos
-Mueller Investigation Enters Year 2
-Expresses Need 4 Better TV Lawyers
-Recv'd $500M Loan From Chinese
-Calls Leakers "Traitors & Cowards"
-Privately Complains About McCain
-Talks 2 Hannity B4 Bed Every Night

Day 584 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office

Day 452 since Donald Trump held a news conference.
Trump’s first and only solo news conference was on February 16, 2017.
What is he afraid of?

Day 436 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Day 225 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

Day 45 without Trump publicly offering his condolences for Master Sgt. Johnathan Dunbar, the fallen American service member who lost his life after an IED bombing in Syria. Why?

Day 45 Since Hope Hicks left as Trump’s 4th Communications Director after testifying to a Congressional committee that she had told "white lies" on Trump's behalf.
Trump has since been directing all White House messaging and communication.

Meghan McCain on the lack of response from the White House on Kelly Sadler’s remarks: “People are going to have to answer for their own conscience.” (via ABC)
Matt Schlapp says that "Kelly Sadler is a little bit of a victim here." (via CNN)
Raj Shah says of Kelly Sadler’s joke about McCain: "I understand the focus on this issue but it's going to be dealt with and has been dealt with internally."
Shah dodges when asked why Sadler won’t apologize publicly.
Sr. official: "Not apologizing is a core operating principle for Trump. The basic belief is that you never actually get ‘credit’... so why do it? Even the Access Hollywood response video included a defiant Trump going after Bill Clinton."
Trump: The leaks are exaggerated.
Also Trump: Leakers are traitors and we will find you.

The Trump WH has no communication strategy on Avenatti.
The RNC is not doing any research or rapid response either
There is no plan in place.
Trump told followers this morning to watch Fox News coverage of Jerusalem embassy opening.

Robert Jeffress, who has called Islam a “false religion,” says Mormonism is “wrong,” and has preached that all non-Christians—including people who are Jewish—will not go to heaven, will give a blessing at the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem. nbcnews.to/2rFIxko
Jared Kushner’s comment about Gaza during Embassy opening saying “as we've seen from the protests of the last month & even today, those provoking violence are part of the problem & not part of the solution” was omitted from official WH transcript!

Gaza's health officials say total of 52 Palestinians killed, more than 1,200 wounded by Israeli fire in Gaza.
Not sure which is more disturbing:
Trump was aware of the massive outbreak of violence when he wrote this, or that he was unaware.
These photos show the stark divide between shooting deaths in Gaza and the celebrations in Jerusalem. buzzfeed.com/katebubacz/isr…
Asked about dozens of protesters killed by Israeli troops at Gaza border, @RajShah45 says: "We believe Hamas is responsible for these tragic deaths."
Mueller’s team allegedly detained a lawyer with ties to Russia who’s closely associated with Joseph Mifsud, the professor who claimed to George Papadopoulos during the election that Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, The Atlantic reports. theatlantic.com/politics/archi…
A Ukrainian politician who communicated with Trump associates about a controversial plan to resolve Ukraine’s conflict with Kremlin-backed rebels says that he has been called to testify before Mueller's grand jury, Politico reports. politico.com/story/2018/05/…
Russian firm linked to Putin's chef steps up legal attack on Mueller, calls criminal charge against company a "make-believe crime" politi.co/2IBBhR7
Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie will be a witness at a public hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee this week.
It's being reported that Trump's view of the Mueller probe is almost entirely shaped by Sean Hannity's propaganda.
There are two Mueller probes: The one in reality and the one in #Foxlandia. The gap between them has never been wider.
Mueller's probe is larger and more complex than most understand. One reason it's taking so long. wired.com/story/bob-muel…
Trump vents to associates about the FBI raids on his personal attorney Michael Cohen — as often as '20 times a day,' WaPo reports.
Trump also gripes that he needs better 'TV lawyers' to defend him on cable news. washingtonpost.com/politics/buckl…
Sens. Warren, Blumenthal, and Wyden are demanding answers from AT&T and Novartis about their payments to Michael Cohen, saying they “raise obvious questions about corruption.”

Switzerland’s Attorney General is in discussions with local prosecutors in the hometown of Novartis about payments made to Michael Cohen, Bloomberg reports. bloom.bg/2Ge8xIW
In one gov't agency after another, New Yorker encountered a pattern: on controversial issues, the Trump admin is often not writing down potentially damaging information.
Emails and records don’t exist, reports are created without any work product.
Scott Pruitt’s EPA and the White House sought to block publication of a federal health study on a nationwide water-contamination crisis, after one Trump aide warned it would cause a "public relations nightmare," newly disclosed emails reveal. politico.com/story/2018/05/…
Scott Pruitt requested a 24/7 security detail starting at his first day at the EPA, an internal watchdog report says. abcnews.go.com/Politics/pruit…
Trump and Pruitt tried to conceal a study showing toxic chemicals in the water.
Internal emails show Trump officials bracing for PR "nightmare" over drinking water standards change hill.cm/Tm5pYyk

DeVry, a for-profit college that paid $100 million for defrauding students in 2016, was under further investigation by Dept of Ed pre-Trump. Betsy DeVos ended that & put a former DeVry dean in charge of looking into for-profits. nytimes.com/2018/05/13/bus…
$1,000,000 mystery donation to Trump’s inaugural committee appears to have been orchestrated by a set of conservative legal activists, including the Federalist Society's Leonard Leo, who created an LLC likely to disguise donor ID. mcclatchydc.com/latest-news/ar…
The US hit ZTE with 7-year ban for violating Iran and North Korea sanctions, then lying about their efforts to address the problem.
The heads of the NSA, FBI, & CIA are concerned ZTE may be using their technology to spy on US consumers.

How interesting --> Trump Indonesia project just got $500 million in Chinese government loans sc.mp/2rCpF5x via @SCMP_News
WH spokesman declines comment on Trump’s family company seeking Chinese government funding for Indonesia project on grounds that the company is “a private organization”
Mike Pence joined Trump for the meeting where the president told Brad Parscale that he would manage the 2020 race.
According to NYT, Pence “stood behind Mr. Parscale, rubbing his shoulders, as Mr. Trump spoke.” nytimes.com/2018/05/14/us/…
Amid tension between Trump and Pence political teams, Corey Lewandowski has been called in to work for VP's PAC. One source tells NBC News it's a sign that, even as Pence has emerged in the political realm, the president's still the boss. nbcnews.com/politics/polit…
Sens. Durbin and Feinstein and top House Democrats are calling on the DOJ Inspector General to investigate allegations of illegal hiring practices at the Justice Department.

The Senate just confirmed this lifetime federal judge who couldn't say if racial bias exists in the criminal justice system. Every Republican voted for him. huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-ju…
When Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio, many thought it was undeserved & outrageous. But a few scholars thought it was unconstitutional. And now the 9th Circuit will hear their case--with major implications for separation of powers.
First Lady Melania Trump had surgery today, but @realDonaldTrump didn’t come with her because of his busy Monday schedule.
She will be out of the White House for the remainder of the week.

How to change Trump’s mind on trade? Businesses, fearing tariffs, flood Fox & Friends with ads to lobby him during “executive time” nyti.ms/2IfXxR9
Asked by Ingraham about Pat Toomey being in favor of NAFTA, Don Jr. responds “these are the things the left will do”
Ingraham interrupts to tell Jr. that Toomey is a Republican.
Trump has continued to grouse privately to friends and associates about John McCain, according to Politico, whom he considers an unhelpful pest. politico.com/story/2018/05/…
Trying to sort Trump motivations into categories.

On the new U.S. embassy plaque, "Donald J. Trump" is in a larger font size than "Jerusalem, Israel"

Senate voted on impeachment of Andrew Johnson 150 years ago this week:

Daily reminder...

This is scary!

“From King David’s time to our own, President Trump has now etched his name into the ineffaceable story of Jerusalem.”—Vice President Pence, at the Israeli embassy tonight in Washington.
Oh, brother!
Why is Trump's embrace of Israel so popular with evangelicals? Half support the existence of the country because it is a prerequisite for the second coming of Christ. wapo.st/2Ig0JME
The Dem staff of the Senate Intel Committee has prepared a classified background document on Gina Haspel, Trump's CIA nominee, that includes details some senators and aides have found disturbing, four people familiar with the document told NBC News. nbcnews.com/news/us-news/s…
Trump’s personal financial disclosure report is due Tuesday.
Under the Ethics in Gov’t Act, he has to disclose liabilities that exceeded $10,000 during 2017, even if he repaid later.
That would include debt to Michael Cohen for the Stormy payment. usatoday.com/story/opinion/…
Michael Avenatti just now on @TheLastWord about these Cohen tweets: When the truth comes out, “it’s going to redefine the word ugly.”