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📣 HEADS UP: House @EnergyCommerce Committee to grill @SeemaCMS on #ACASabotage this morning starting at 10am:…
Here we go: Opening statement by @RepDianaDeGette; overview of Trump Admin actions attempting to sabotage the #ACA. Ironically, it sounds like she might have a bit of a cold herself.
Opening statement by GOP ranking member @RepGuthrie; needless to say he's gushing with praise for Verma. As I explained yesterday, the "4% drop in premiums" for 2020 is a) misleading and b) is basically just a correction of carriers overestimating costs in 2017 & 2018.
Read 36 tweets
🗣 THREAD: A Kinda, Sorta Deep Dive into the 2020 NBPP!…
The #NBPP2020 is a long, wonky document from CMS which basically lays out the rules for the 2020 #ACA Open Enrollment period. Most of it is basic stuff like setting the dates (Nov. 1 - Dec. 15th) and the like, but it also makes some tweaks to the subsidy formula and so forth. 1/
As you can imagine, some of these changes are pretty benign, but others will have big implications for #ACA enrollees in 2020. There's a total of 17 items on the list, a few of which I actually don't understand well enough to comment on, but let's take a look at the rest! 2/
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THREAD: This morning, Trump's CMS Administrator, Seema Verma, posted a press release claiming that Trump Admin actions have "caused rates to drop for the first time." This is...stretching things, to put it mildly. 1/…
2/ FIRST, the "1.5% drop" @SeemaCMS refers to only applies to on-exchange plans, only includes 39 states, and only applies to the benchmark plans. When you include all 50 states, all plans at all metal levels and off-exchange enrollees, it's +3.1%.
3/ SECOND, it's true that even +3.1% is still a lot smaller than prior years...which is why you have to look at WHY premiums increased so much for 2018 LAST year. About 60% of that ~27% increase was due SPECIFICALLY to Trump Admin actions: CSR cut-off + other assorted factors:
Read 25 tweets

Do you remember “Harry & Louise”?

Here’s a reminder. Watch both commercials, but especially the second one. There’s a LOT going on here:

2/ First of all, notice how in 1993, “community rating” (i.e., not being allowed to charge people more based on their health status) was considered a HORRIBLE thing.
3/ Cut to 2018: 8 yrs after the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, 89% of the public thinks it’s important NOT to charge people more for their health insurance based on their health status. EIGHTY-NINE PERCENT. This is the real legacy of the #ACA.…
Read 19 tweets
How Much More Will #ACASabotage Cost Unsubsidized Enrollees in YOUR Congressional District???
1/ Last year, I posted state-by-state infographics which broke out the estimated number of Americans who would lose healthcare coverage if each of the various #ACA repeal bills form the GOP were to become law.
2/ At first I used my own estimates, but then @EmilyG_DC and her colleagues from the Center for American Progress (@amprog) stepped up and started compiling their own projections. Their methodology was different but our estimates were generally in the same range.
Read 67 tweets
ALABAMA: Unsubsidized #ACA enrollees will have to pay up to $1,200 more apiece next year due *specifically* to #ACASabotage then they would otherwise have to:…
For those confused (since AL carriers are actually *dropping* rates 2%), here’s why: They both clarify that rates would drop significantly *more* without #MandateRepeal & #ShortAssPlans. Note: I’m actually assuming 1/3 *less* of an impact than the @UrbanInstitute did in March.
Read 3 tweets
⚠️⚠️ THREAD: Trump/GOP #ACASabotage is costing #ACA enrollees even more than you thought. Here’s why (warning: graphs ahead!)
1/ Every year during the off season, I spend countless hours digging into hundreds of wonky insurance carrier rate filing forms to analyze the weighted average rate increases for the following year.
2/ I then compile a table which breaks these averages out on a state-by-state basis, and I have a pretty damned good track record of accuracy, if I say so myself.
Read 35 tweets
⚠️ NEW: PENNSYLVANIA: Modified 2019 #ACA Rate Changes: 0.7% INCREASE *with* #ACASabotage vs. 5.5% DROP *without* sabotage:…
NOTEWORTHY: At least one Pennsylvania carrier uses the word “SABOTAGE” in official filing form:
Read 4 tweets
I *half* agree with this. 2019 #ACASabotage-created rate increases will have *some* political impact, but not nearly as much as many thought. Here’s why:

EASY MESSAGE: “Rates increasing 20% instead of 8%!”

HARD MESSAGE: “Rates increasing 8% instead of dropping 2%!”
Ironically, the very ANTI-#ACASabotage measures being taken by some states reduce political impact. GOP kills mandate, causing rates to spike 10 points. State scrambles, reinstates mandate, spike cancelled out for that state. Doesn’t change what GOP did to other 4 dozen states.
And in other states it’s even harder to make the point: Minnesota’s reinsurance program means rates will DROP 8% next year, which is good…but if the GOP hadn’t repealed the mandate, they would’ve dropped by around *15%* or so. That’s much more difficult to “prove” to voters.
Read 3 tweets
⚠️ UPDATED: Across 23 states representing ~52% of the total individual market, avg. requested 2019 #ACA premiums are ~7.9% HIGHER *with* #ACASabotage vs. an estimated ~3.4% LOWER *without* #ACASabotage:…
PUT ANOTHER WAY, so far, unsubsidized #ACA enrollees will be paying around $790 more *per enrollee* next year on avg. than they otherwise would be without #ACASabotage.
EXAMPLE: In New York, rates WOULD have gone up 12.1%, but due specifically to the GOP repealing the #ACA individual mandate & Trump killing restrictions on junk plans, they’re expected to increase ~24%.
Read 8 tweets
1/ DEAR DEMOCRATS: Based on 21 states so far, I’ve concluded that you’re *sort of* overplaying your hand re. 2019 #ACA premium hikes. Let me explain.…
2/ The talking point being spread among Dems is that “#ACA premiums will spike by double digits due to #ACASabotage!” The image which comes to mind is of rates increasing by ~20-25% with sabotage vs. perhaps ~5-10% without it, costing unsubsidized enrollees up to $1,000 more.
3/ Now the first part *is* accurate: #ACASabotage *is* causing premiums to increase an extra ~12% or so. However, the *specifics* are shaping up to be a bit different than I expected:
Read 17 tweets
If you, like me, cannot point to a single thing @RepFrenchHill has done for the benefit of his constituents in #AR2 then you owe it to yourself and everyone else in the seven county area to vote for @clarketucker this November. #arpx #Vote #Midterms2018
.@RepFrenchHill has voted to end coverage for pre-existing conditions. He doesn't care whether or not you can afford to see a doctor, or even if your health insurance will cover a visit. He does not care about #Arkansans #AR2 #ByeFrench #VoteThemOut #arpx
.@RepFrenchHill supports @realDonaldTrump #ConcentrationCamps for migrant children, infants, and toddlers. He refuses to speak up about these egregious #HumanRights violations. #Arkansas deserves a better, more humane representative in #AR2 - @clarketucker is that person! #Vote
Read 89 tweets
THREAD: For anyone who doesn’t believe the latest batch of #ACASabotage by Trump isn’t gonna jack rates up next year, I’ve already got receipts out of Virginia.
1/ As I noted earlier today, Virginia insurance carriers have already submitted their *preliminary* 2019 premium rate filings. While these may be revised/change over the summer/fall, the initial statewide average is around 15.1%.…
2/ The averages range from a 5% *drop* (Optima Health) to as high as a 64% *increase* (GHMSI). That much is pretty clear. What’s less clear is *how much* of these increases is due specifically to #ACASabotage, as opposed to normal inflation/etc. HOWEVER…
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On the 8th Anniversary of #ACA it's crucial to demonstrate how our President has undermined healthcare for MILLIONS via #ACASabotage since his inauguration.

This THREAD is dedicated to everyone who used their voice to save healthcare & why we all must be a #HealthCareVoter 1/30
1/20/17: Trump's #ACA Executive Order directs federal agencies begin ❌ ACA “to maximum extent permitted by law.”

EO delays ACA provisions imposing tax, fee, or other costs & develops “free & open market” in health care among states.

Repeal legislation begins. #ACASabotage 2/30
1/26/17: Administration stops planned ads for the final week of open enrollment for marketplace health coverage. As a result, 400K+ are not enrolled.

Final 2017 plan selections come in below 2016. #ACASabotage 3/30
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Thread: So, about those blue images. We partnered with @2018ACASignup to try to help offset #ACASabotage around enrollment. Kinda impressed with how the whole thing worked. Here are some numbers:

6 national campaigns
29 state campaigns
21,853,777 reached on social media /1
Based on estimates of sharing, 5-10x as many people saw the images and messages via retweets and shares, bringing the potential audience on social media to somewehere between 100 million and 200 million pairs of eyeballs had a chance to see our messages. /2
That is not counting the flyers, both national and state-specific in English and Spanish that were posted by enterprising activists across the country, left in libraries, clinics, offices, grocery stores and more. Or the card tables set up at meetings and fairs. /3
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ALABAMA: Unsubsidized rate hikes WITHOUT Trump #ACASabotage: 6.1%. WITH #ACASabotage: 17.9%…
ALASKA: Unsubsidized rate hikes WITHOUT Trump #ACASabotage: 26.5% DROP. WITH #ACASabotage: only a 22% drop:…
Read 58 tweets
THREAD: OK, here’s how (and how many) people will be impacted by the #CSR #ACASabotage 1/n:…
2/ First of all: If your income is under 400% FPL (~$48K for a single adult, ~$98K for a family of 4), you likely won’t be impacted at all.
3/ Your FULL PRICE rates will increase, if you buy through the #ACA exchange, your tax credits should rise to roughly match the increase…
Read 33 tweets
1/ THREAD: Trump’s signing his EO tomorrow. Here’s how it can destroy the Individual Market:… #ACASabotage
2/ Here’s the breakout of how healthcare spending is concentrated nationally, according to @KaiserFamFound :
3/ As you can see, 1% of the population accounts for 23% of all healthcare spending. Think cancer patients undergoing chemo, etc.
Read 55 tweets

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