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Aug 19th 2020
⚠️ BREAKING: #TexasFoldEm: To the shock of absolutely no one, SCOTUS won't decide the fate of the #ACA until *after* the election:…
The stakes of the election couldn't be any higher. As a reminder, here's how many Americans would lose healthcare coverage if the #ACA is struck down by *CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT*:…
ALABAMA: If the Trump/GOP #TexasFoldEm lawsuit strikes down the #ACA, 186,000 Alabamans are projected to lose healthcare coverage in the middle of a pandemic...and the state would lose more than $1.1 billion in federal revenue per year. #TrumpChaos #SaveACA Image
Read 53 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
We're 100 days from the #2020Election!

1/100 THREAD “This election is a matter of life & death for kids like Xiomara.” Xiomara’s mom, @ElenaHung202

Now to 11/3, we're sharing a story of a #LittleLobbyists each day - 100 reasons to be a #HealthCareVoter
2/100 “Shreve was in the NICU for 9 months. Without the #ACA & #Medicaid, he would have reached the lifetime cap on care long before discharge." Shreve’s mom, Laura

This November, #vote against putting a cap on kids' lives.

3/100 “#Medicaid allows our family to function. It allows us as parents to sleep at night knowing Willa’s safe with a nurse. It makes it possible for us to work. It gives Willa access to the tech she needs to communicate & thrive.” #ProtectOurCare
Read 89 tweets
Jul 8th 2019
Friends, tomorrow a Federal appeals court will hear arguments on the Administration's lawsuit to throw out the entire #ACA -- including #PreExistingCondition protections.

A thread on what this means. 1/…
The fight to #SavetheACA is why Little Lobbyists exists. #ACA protections allow our kids to survive and thrive: #PreExistingConditions & essential care covered, no arbitrary annual/lifetime caps on care. 2/
So when this Administration and the GOP in Congress began attacking the #ACA over two years ago, families organized together to fight back, to stand up for our kids and millions of others who would be devastated by these attacks. 3/…
Read 7 tweets
Oct 28th 2018
1/ I refrained from responding with the level of vitriol I felt last night because I was at a lovely same-sex marriage and wanted to celebrate the beautiful day/night with the wonderful people there.
But not tonight...
Follow the thread for some FACTS....
2/ Let's start with this excellent article summarizing some FACTS we know.
And as a reminder: FACTS don't give a DAMN if you believe them or not.
And the FACTS tell us that more guns = higher rates of murder and suicide...…
3/ In fact, as the article above discusses, people w/guns at home for self-defense had a 40-70% INCREASED CHANCE of being murdered at home. This went up to 270% INCREASED chance of being murdered if the gun was loaded.
Guns at home also = a 3-6-times increased risk of suicide
Read 9 tweets
Oct 27th 2018
I’d love to know what Sen. Barto means by “making healthcare great again,” but she won’t attend public debates.

She has been a consistent voice for junk insurance that covers nothing and discriminates against those with preexisting conditions.

The bottom line is that healthcare in America is broken.

My day one priorities:
☑️protect those with preexisting conditions via state law
☑️allow individuals to buy into Medicaid
☑️stop undermining those aspects of the ACA that actually work

If you elect people who take money from insurance and pharmaceutical companies, you are going to get laws that benefit insurance and pharmaceutical companies.


@A_DLCC @MaricopaDems @kalltucker @LittleLobbyists @HealthCareVoter @azredsoxfan65
Read 3 tweets
Sep 24th 2018
Wanted to share a little about the lawsuit that AG Hawley filed that would eliminate protections for preexisting conditions for millions of Americans, including kids like ours. Feel free to follow along. 1/
Here's the first page of the lawsuit seeking to declare our health care protections unconstitutional. AG Hawley didn't have to join this lawsuit, but he chose to, on behalf of his state. 2/
Here's the part that says the #ACA protects #PreExistingConditions, makes sure people can't be charged more for them, and requires that insurers cover essential health benefits.

That's the part that keeps our kids alive and our families out of bankruptcy. 3/
Read 7 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
Friends, today's developments with regard to our health care made crystal clear #WhatsAtStake, the need to #StopKavanaugh, and the need to be a #HealthCareVoter this November.

Here's a quick explainer thread on what happened, and where we go from here. (1/)
In Texas today, a judge heard arguments on the lawsuit brought by several GOP State AGs and the Trump Administration to declare the #ACA, including #PreExistingConditions protections, unconstitutional. That judge seemed prepared to do just that. (2/)…
If that one judge rules to strike down #PreExistingConditions protections, millions of Americans - including those of us with medically complex kids - would be at risk of losing health care.

Such a decision would be appealed, and could ultimately land at the Supreme Court. (3/)
Read 10 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
Against him getting up the courage to kayak on his own for the first time.
Against just one more scoop of ice cream.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 29th 2018
This November, millions of Americans’ access to health care is on the line. Each day from #100DaysOut to midterm elections, we’ll share the story of a Little Lobbyist who needs YOU to be a #HealthCareVoter for them. THREAD 0/100
#100DaysOut “Meet our kids and think of them when you vote. Our children deserve that.” @ElenaHung202

This November, Xiomara's access to health care is #WhatsAtStake. She needs you to be a #HealthCareVoter. 1/100
#100daysout Timmy would’ve lost his insurance in the NICU if he hadn’t been born just 6 days after the #ACA banned lifetime caps on care.

Timmy's access to health care is #whatsatstake this November. Be a #HealthCareVoter. 2/100
Read 101 tweets
Mar 22nd 2018
On the 8th Anniversary of #ACA it's crucial to demonstrate how our President has undermined healthcare for MILLIONS via #ACASabotage since his inauguration.

This THREAD is dedicated to everyone who used their voice to save healthcare & why we all must be a #HealthCareVoter 1/30
1/20/17: Trump's #ACA Executive Order directs federal agencies begin ❌ ACA “to maximum extent permitted by law.”

EO delays ACA provisions imposing tax, fee, or other costs & develops “free & open market” in health care among states.

Repeal legislation begins. #ACASabotage 2/30
1/26/17: Administration stops planned ads for the final week of open enrollment for marketplace health coverage. As a result, 400K+ are not enrolled.

Final 2017 plan selections come in below 2016. #ACASabotage 3/30
Read 30 tweets

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