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Most recents (8)

Dec 20th 2022
Massive 6.4 #earthquake rocks #California leaving people without power | Dec 20
- Its #epicenter was 210 miles north of #SanFrancisco, where a quake hit last week…
6.4-Magnitude #Earthquake Hits Northern #California | -3h
Northern #California #earthquake causes 'widespread damage' to roads, homes | -2h
Read 56 tweets
Sep 3rd 2022
🐦 1

#Technical #Analysis #LongTerm #Investment

#Retweet for maximum reach!

Today I will show you how to pick #MultiBagger(2-10x) stocks #Technically

Disclaimer -

If the company isn't liquid enough, I can't give guarantee on the output. Also let us backtest it further.
🐦 2

You have to assess the liquiduity and fundamentals then apply this #strategy.

Please go through the series of tweets THOROUGHLY to understand the strategy, I have tried to explain it in the simplest way possible.

Pre-requisites :
* #RSI
* #Volume
* #Patience
🐦 3

What NOT to expect from this strategy?

* Instant return!
* "Becoming Millionaire" in 1 Month

What to expect from this strategy?

* #Guaranteed #MultiBagger #ALERTS
* 2-10x #RETURNS over 2-5 Years
* #Conviction
* Good Sleep @ Night
Read 13 tweets
Mar 26th 2022
Recently I contributed to a paper on "Reporting Cyber Risk to Boards". It summarizes findings and best practices from a CISO Working Group, and is a must read for CISOs, CIOs, and other Cybersecurity executives that report to the Board.
Boards often fail to see the continuous importance of cybersecurity and have knee jerk reactions to breaking cyber stories in the media then quickly forget about it until the next big cyber incident. Typically, cybersecurity only becomes an issue when it is already too late.
In cases where cybersecurity reporting to the Board is taking place, there is a wide variety of methods, tools, and processes in use. Organizations struggle with what to report and how to obtain effective feedback from the Board.
Read 26 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
No matter how much you love that toddler you are carrying around, if he weighs 25 pounds or more, there is a chance you could injure yourself carrying him on repeated occasions. Interestingly, two day's worth of saturated adult #diapers could be close to this weight. 1/
Most #CareProviders of #seniors are older adults themselves (especially the aging #nursing and #nursingaide #workforce) and are at greater risk of injury moving heavy loads like this, multiple times each week. 2/
The availability of #realtime #alerts for #incontinence events enables #CareProviders to change diapers in a timely fashion to prevent #urinarytractinfection and other problems. It also prevents against dry diapers being changed unnecessarily, 3/
Read 5 tweets
Nov 8th 2019
1) There are different parts in successful trading/investing. One of them is trade identification/analysis. While there might be other parts such as position sizing, trade management, psychology, one should be as consistent as possible while dealing with each part.
2) When identifying chart patterns consistency is key. There is a tendency to see patterns when actually they don't exist. A good way to avoid this is to focus on successful chart pattern completions and keep on looking for similar setups.
3) I.e. H&S bottom reversal should form after a downtrend. Preferably the chart pattern should have a horizontal neckline and symmetry between the right and left shoulder. Breakout should clear not only the neckline but also the 200-day average.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 15th 2019
I would be more than happy to guide on anyone who wishes to start learning #NimblrTA

The idea is let's do it for next 30 days and review where we are and what change it may bring.

Content is what is readily available but would be done in steps.

@Deishma @AhoNiranjana
#Topic #NimblrTA #Strength #Candles

Content for study…

Once done you may ask queries or if something is not clear or may have feedback, open discussion and learning.

Efforts will be yours to enlearn!
#Topic #NimblrTA #Strength #Candles
About Breakout Candle…

Acknowledge the tweets with
1) Questions
2) Feedback
Once you complete the topic must mention your participation through a tweet or like so it's known how many are following
Read 63 tweets

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