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Feb 7th 2023
Figured I'd do a $RNDR ⭕️ #Telegram dump...

1/ So buckle-up, put on your thinking caps🧠🧢, and prepare for a wild ride 🏎️ where your mind will be blown🤯.

Some notes on #Apple, #Maxon #C4D #Redshift #Arnold #Autodesk, #ChatGPT #stablediffusion, #AI, #holograms and $RNDR ⭕️
2/ You've been seeing some news of $RNDR and #Apple (check their medium page), but also @RenderToken and @OTOY have been working with apple engineers for years! ImageImage
3/ How is $RNDR related to #AI? well, enter the world of #generativeAI and $RNDR's #AIroadmap... Also, #AI has been used in many of the #RNDRarchive projects! ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Dec 18th 2022
Used #stablediffusion2 #depth2img model to render a more photoreal layer ontop of a walking animation I made in #UnrealEngine5 with #realtime clothing and hair on a #daz model. Breakdown thread 1/6 @UnrealEngine @daz3d #aiart #MachineLearning #aiartcommunity #aiartprocess #aiia
Reused this animation I made from a post from a few months ago. Rendered in #UE5 @UnrealEngine using a @daz3d model with #realtime clothing in the @triMirror plugin. Walk was from the #daz store. Hair was from the Epic Marketplace. 2/6 #aiartprocess
Used SD2’s #depth2img model running locally in Automatic1111. Thanks to @TomLikesRobots for the help getting it working! And showing how the model retains more consistency than normal img2img. I basically did an img2img batch process on the image sequence. 3/6 #aiartprocess
Read 6 tweets
Oct 19th 2022
Hello hello London! 👋🏻 We’re at IET Savoy Place, London for DSS London 2022 by #YugaByteDB. It’s gonna be super interesting tech session starting at 2 pm today! Don’t miss my #Live #Tweets in this #thread! 🤩🧵
@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImageImage
Yes, the setup is going on for the grand presentation of the #Tech #Track. The master is teaching the student here! #JustKidding Say hi to Julie Wise and Dave Roberts from #YugaByteDB! 👋🏻

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImage
We’ve got our Social Media / Content Director @rachel_pescador from #YugaByteDB here, who’s busy at work and got some cool #swag! 🤩

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImage
Read 19 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
Created with #deforum #stablediffusion from a walking animation I made in #UnrealEngine5 with #realtime clothing and hair on a #daz model. Combined the passes in Premiere. Breakdown thread 1/8 @UnrealEngine @daz3d #aiart @deforum_art #MachineLearning #aiartcommunity #aiartprocess
I started with this animation I rendered in #UE5 @UnrealEngine using a @daz3d model with #realtime clothing using the @triMirror plugin. Walk was from the #daz store. Hair was from the Epic Marketplace. Went for a floaty, underwater vibe with the hair settings. 2/8 #aiartprocess
Used the #UE5 video as input into #deforum #stablediffusion. Adjusted the settings to keep the results very close to the input frames. @deforum_art 3/8 #aiartprocess
Read 8 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/21/2021…
Organizations’ system noise creates errors in decision making | McKinsey…

#SystemNoise, #DecisionMaking, #CognitiveBias
Read 20 tweets
Nov 14th 2021
95% of people are chasing meme coins

But few are looking at one of the biggest long-term opportunities in crypto...

A deep dive into how $XRP is building a frictionless decentralized liquidity pool for the world 🌍

(Not financial advice)

/THREAD/ Image
1/ The problem:

“With today’s internet of information you can’t store, move, transact value without a powerful intermediary. And that’s what blockchains solve”

Quoted by @dontapscott a leader in the decentralized blockchain revolution Image
@dontapscott 2/ Before blockchain

The internet had a problem with transferring $ value peer to peer

The only 2 options for sending money were:

1. Send $ using a cross border payment via bank transfers
2. Use a 3rd party and trust a stranger with private information

Lets dive into those👇 Image
Read 33 tweets
Oct 9th 2021
Rain Ripples with normals yayyy☔️

No flipbooks or particles used:D Also already have ideas on how to remove the tiling for example. (Full explanation in the comments~)

#madewithunity #unity3d #gamedev #shader #screenshotsaturday #vfx #Realtime
I didn't really liked the approach of using a large flipbook or a realtime rendered texture for rain. Kinda seems overkill for such a small effect. Also the flipbook approach has a limited framerate on top.
But then it hit me, that a single ripple could easily be recreated with good old polar coordinates! But that's just for one ripple only, right? Well then take a look at this little texture here to the left:'D Image
Read 8 tweets
Aug 31st 2021
\o/ Linus merged the bulk of the #PREEMPT_RT locking infrastructure for proper #realtime support to #Linux mainline, which thus will be a part of #kernel 5.15:…

Congrats to Thomas and everyone involved!

To quote: ```[…] The underlying concepts…
…of this code have been in use in PREEMPT_RT for way more than a decade. The code has been refactored several times over the years and this final incarnation has been optimized once again to be as non-intrusive as possible, i.e. the RT specific parts are mostly isolated. […]```
Reminder: that's "bulk of the locking infra", which is a big part of what's currently in #PREEMPT_RT, but other things remain there. IOW: It's a really big step for #REALTIME support in mainline, but not the last. More info expected in a status update this month on @linuxplumbers
Read 5 tweets
Aug 14th 2021
I really thought Maher was going to make it through the entire show without yelling at the Twitter Mob, but he saved the now-mandatory Cancel Culture rant for the end
I enjoyed Maher’s interview with Steve Martin & Martin Short. He did float a question about cell phones ruining comedy clubs (presumably subjecting comics to the judgment of Twitter’s Woke Patrol), but neither of his guests took the bait & Maher quickly dropped the subject.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 11th 2021
Global #SmartHumans gets the green light!

#Realtime #Data from the #SmartHumans will be available for researchers from all over the world through an online data portal.

* #SmartHumans uses satire to bring awareness to the illegal biohacking & remote trafficking of human beings. Image
Thousands of unsuspecting humans from around the globe are being non-consensually biohacked by sophisticated, transnational organized crime syndicates thru the use of drugs (medications, illicit drugs, injections, laced food+drink), bugs(GMO virus, bacteria, algaes, yeasts)...
...and devices (micro & nano electronics, sensors, inhalables, ingestibles & embedded biodigital devices, etc). Sophisticated criminal biohacking creates the ability to remotely access, assess & affect the subjects body without notification, consent or accountability.
Read 17 tweets
Jul 27th 2021
H τεχνική #PCR που έγινε γνωστή στο σύνολο του κόσμου λόγω της χρήσης της για την ανίχνευση του #SARSCoV2 , στηρίζεται στο γεγονός ότι το γενετικό υλικό μπορεί με κατάλληλα ένζυμα να αντιγραφεί και σε δοκιμαστικό σωλήνα όπως και στον οργανισμό μας.
H PCR μπορεί να ενισχύσει(πολλαπλασιάσει) και να ανιχνεύσει συγκεκριμένη αλληλουχία γενετικού υλικού. Αποτελεί μια εξαιρετικά ευαίσθητη τεχνική .Η #realtime #RTPCR είναι τεχνική που επιτρέπει τον ποσοτικό προσδιορισμό #mRNA… Image
Στην τεχνική αυτή ακολουθούνται τρία βήματα: (i) της αντίστροφης μεταγραφής (RT) - μετατροπής του RNA σε cDNA, (ii) της ενίσχυσης του cDNA χρησιμοποιώντας την PCR και (iii) της ανίχνευσης και ποσοτικοποίησης των προϊόντων ενίσχυσης σε πραγματικό χρόνο…
Read 9 tweets
Jul 16th 2021
Pullback Buy #BHARTIARTL 538.65 7/16/2021 12:00:00 PM SL: 528.15 T1(fibo): 537.47 T2(fibo): 541.87 T3(fibo): 546.27 #NimblrTA #Amibroker Alerts delayed by 20 mins for demo, #Preview Of #NimblrTA #Tools And #Resources Image
With Just in time alerts and such a euphoric rise, how it not be a positional entry ! #NimblrTA #Realtime #Dashboard

And carry the position from the start of the day! ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Jul 8th 2021
33) Prices have a memory, take advantage of it.
34) Be prepared as the stock prepares itself, this must be in realtime.

A selection of stock here explains how it happened live using #NimblrTA #Realtime #Dashboard at

35) Be with what is buzzing, be with the flow, know such stocks easily and wait for the right entry.
Read 17 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
I am humbled and privilleged to note that my #Research paper; "Sources of #Unemployment in #Lesotho" is now available and can be accessed via the People's Republic of #China's National #Science and #Technology #Library - #NSTL. I give thanks 😎 Image
So far this year, I have successfully published three #Research articles in #Macroeconomics & #Finance, with another two in press. I am currently hammering away at a handful of working papers which will most certainly find a home in reputable #Journals, come 2021 🙏🏽🙂 Image
Im currently internalising the very insightful reviewer comments on my latest #Research paper titled; "Investigating Determinants of Commercial Bank Spreads in #Lesotho", from the good folks over at the globally reputable #International #Journal of #Finance & #Economics #IJFE 😊 ImageImage
Read 52 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
No matter how much you love that toddler you are carrying around, if he weighs 25 pounds or more, there is a chance you could injure yourself carrying him on repeated occasions. Interestingly, two day's worth of saturated adult #diapers could be close to this weight. 1/
Most #CareProviders of #seniors are older adults themselves (especially the aging #nursing and #nursingaide #workforce) and are at greater risk of injury moving heavy loads like this, multiple times each week. 2/
The availability of #realtime #alerts for #incontinence events enables #CareProviders to change diapers in a timely fashion to prevent #urinarytractinfection and other problems. It also prevents against dry diapers being changed unnecessarily, 3/
Read 5 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
#100daysofCPD is where @UoB_HEFi will be beaming a spotlight onto #teaching and supporting #learning in #HigherEducation #CPD opportunities especially for #Beacon #HEAfellowship applicants & @uob_pgche participants during #COVID19 times & beyond Image
#100daysofCPD: #Day1 is the @UoB_HEFi #Learning and #Teaching Gateway. Full of self-paced online courses on a range of #technology and teaching topics. #BestPractice #CPD Go to… Image
#100daysofCPD #Day2: @matt_tel_brum shares this Resource - How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event containing all you need to know about Zoom’s #settings when using for #teaching, #meetings or #socializing during #COVID19 & beyond…
Read 106 tweets
Aug 2nd 2019
On track to deploy further enhancements over the weekend based on beta user feedbacks.

Bar Countdown has been added
Contributor: @syNTHETICC_ @ShowerheadATW

PS: We may later change the position of the counter in the future ImageImage
@syNTHETICC_ @ShowerheadATW Price format fixed even for very low denomination coins

Contributor: @ThisIsCryptoDE…
Read 10 tweets
Sep 8th 2017
We are inspired by @TalindaB's courage--and Chester's spirit. 40% of @IAVA members know a vet who's died by suicide:…
Chester was a true leader in helping @IAVA's #CampaignToCombatSuicide and in our fight to pass the #ClayHuntSAV act:
Chester was gentle and thoughtful...he met thousands of vets through @linkinpark's partnerhsip w @IAVA..he was always patient and kind...
Read 14 tweets

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