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We're kicking off with the #PovertyInquiry hearing šŸ§µšŸ‘‡ #BTPM

1st session will hear from @QCOSS_, @BasicRightsQld and Zig Zag Young Women's Research Centre.

The #ParentsNEXT inquiry doesn't start til 11:30 AEDT, there was an error on the @Aust_Parliament website for that one.
@QCOSS_ @BasicRightsQld @Aust_Parliament From @QCOSS_: Low income households spend more on fuel, food, housing, electricity and water than households with higher incomes.

Median rent in Brisbane has increased by 13% and fuel by 17%.

Income support payments have increased 4% due to indexation. #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@QCOSS_ @BasicRightsQld @Aust_Parliament A @QCOSS_ survey found that poor mental health, stigma and shame are stopping people from seeking support.
Read 52 tweets
Watching estimates ... so Ray Griggs from the Department of Social Services doesn't know that NDIS recipients are NOT a subset of of DSP recipients šŸ¤¦
More than 9000 people have exited the #CashlessDebitCard in the first month since they've been eligible to do it ... that's 73% of the people who are allowed.

55 people have said they want to continue on a voluntary basis.

you think to yourself "gee the labor party are pathetic" and then you see slade brockman and jacinta price in senate estimates and think "fuck that's right you can be worse than the labor party and we are all fucking doomed"
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Cool to hear @RedCrossAU repeating right wing paternalistic talking points about the #CashlessDebitCard right now.
It seems @RedCrossAU have chosen to appear at the hearing about the #CashlessDebitCard repeal bill to make a lengthy pitch for ā€¦ further funding for Red Cross.

Non-profit industrial complex get in the fucking bin.
Now theyā€™re saying people in community should decide what happens with cashless welfare, except people who DONā€™T ā€œvolunteerā€ for cashless welfare should have to be ā€œhelpedā€ (presumably by Red Cross) with paternalistic services that assume none of them can manage their own life.
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ā€œCommunity consentā€ is the basis on which the Coalition politicians who introduced the Cashless Debit Card in 2015 and the Labor politicians who voted for it have always justified the program.
The charade that must be maintained is that CDC isnā€™t just another form of colonial violence inflicted through another racist welfare experiment, but is instead a self-determined response to challenges faced as a result of harms caused by generations of genocide & dispossession.
Responding to @Malarndirri19 during the Dec 2020 senate debate on making CDC permanent, @Anne_Ruston claimed she'd "consulted" on changes to the bill in the preceding 24 hours, but couldn't recall who with šŸ¤”

A handful of 100s of had submissionsā€¦ Screencap from linked page.   Position of major interest gro
Read 23 tweets
Ok I'm starting a grim šŸ§µ of gross stats & facts to have on hand for #Budget2022

In December 2019, 76.5% of people on Newstart (557,395) had relied on income support for more than a year. This has gone up by 41%!!! It's now 786,139 people (83.84% of all people on JobSeeker).
The unemployment rate hasn't been this low since before the global financial crisis in 2008 when it was also 4%.

BUT the proportion of working age people who rely on an unemployment payment has nearly doubled ā€“ from 3.3% in mid-2008 compared to about 5.9% today. #Budget2022
For each entry level job advertised in February 2022 there are about 23 people who've been on an unemployment payment for more than 12 months.

Don't forget: you're also competing with applicants who aren't on a payment or are short-term unemployed. #Budget2022
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[A thread] Morrison is gearing up for an election based on "freedom". His rhetoric the last few days has been around giving Australians choices (he actually used this justify his #EV backflip). #auspol 1/9
Morrison is subtly, and not so subtly, painting Labor as anti-freedom and dictatorial. He is being backed of course by Murdoch. He cannot fight an election on fiscal rectitude as he has blown out a trillion dollar debt and tripled the deficit. #auspol 2/9
He is using the Victorian lockdowns and other Labor states border closures (WA and QLD) as political weapons - using them as evidence of Labor's willingness to curtail personal freedoms and choice. #auspol 3/9ā€¦
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I had so many things to say and there was never going to be enough time to cover all my thoughts and feelings about #Budget2021.

Iā€™ll be doing a thread here shortly with everything I didnā€™t get to get to at the @ACOSS budget event.
There was only one way to feel about the bullshit we heard from @MichaelSukkarMP + @JEChalmers: despairing. Theyā€™re detached from reality.

We canā€™t trust the gov to care for vulnerable people + the Labor party has given us no hope that they will either. They are NOT on our side.
This IS an austerity budget. Constantly repeating the govā€™s line that theyā€™re spending big + that theyā€™ve ā€œincreasedā€ payments is gaslighting every poor + vulnerable person in this country. Itā€™s a lie.

Ppl on JobSeeker are $15 FURTHER BELOW the poverty line than before COVID.
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ok Iā€™m fiiinally sitting down to read the budget papers the whole way through Image
Please reward my efforts by coming to our NON-BORING budget reply reply tomorrow night

Fuck #TheirBudget, itā€™s our lives that matter

RSVP here (everything is free unless you want to pay):ā€¦
Ok so we know the ā€œcommercial in confidenceā€ argument is the bullshit excuse they use to hide how much money theyā€™re burning on #CashlessDebitCard ā€œtrialsā€, but how, HOW, can they pretend AAT cases are CIC? Somebody help me out here. #BTPM #Budget2021 @aimnau Image
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The Universal Periodic Review #UPR37 has now commenced:ā€¦

Australia will have its human rights record questioned by UN members on the global stage. The world is watching, and @NATSILS_ will be live tweeting.
Australia's representative Andrew Walter from AGD is giving an opening statement. The new #ClosingtheGap Agreement and @coalition_peaks has been highlighted as a key step forward for working in partnership with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people. #UPR37 #AusUPR
Dialogue has now commenced, with Venezuela citing concerns around Aus treatment of First Nations people, including the age of criminal responsibility. #UPR37 #AusUPR
Read 106 tweets
Labor & Greens Senators are asking how the Government has determined that the #CashlessDebitCard isn't racist. Obviously the card is racist. @MRobertsQLD decides to stand up and have a silly whinge about the comments that the card is racist. What a moron. #SaynoStirling
One of the biggest problems here is that there is an evaluation on the card that @Anne_Ruston doesn't have yet. Despite this, they are going to vote in 50 minutes. Ridiculous. #saynostirling #CashlessDebitCard #auspol
Known racist and piece of shit @PaulineHansonOz is now having a whinge about Labor & Greens querying whether the card is racist. Piss off. #PaulinesWarOnBattlers #SaynoStirling #CashlessDebitCard #auspol
Read 14 tweets
.@Senator_Patrick your voicemail at Parliament House now states your are being inundated with calls against the cashless debit card - and only invites messages from people on other issues. I left you a message anyway.

Donā€™t support the card! #auspol #RaiseTheRate #PovertyKills

If anyone else wants to call Senator @Senator_Patrick here is the number for Parliament House in Canberra. Just ask reception to be put through to his office. Ask him - his answering machine - NOT to support the card. #auspol #NoCDC
If Senator Patrick supports this he supports ineffective legislation that delivers only cruelty and sanctions - to people in #poverty.

These are not criminals, they are people deemed eligible for Social Security. #PovertyKills #ServicesnotSanctions #RaiseTheRate #auspol
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We have not received a response to the letter we sent to @Senator_Patrick requesting a meeting with us, @NATSILS_ and @NTCOSS.

Watch the debate and see how he votes here:ā€¦
Our members in Ceduna strongly oppose the #CashlessDebitCard + have campaigned against it for yrs. Reporting from @lukehgomes shows the card is causing harm in communities. @Senator_Patrick cannot in good conscience vote for this bill and should not blame Ceduna for his decision.
Ok, here we go
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The #CashlessDebitCard is coming up for debate in the senate.

Follow along live to see whether @Senator_Patrick and @JacquiLambie vote on principle or decide to play politics with people's lives.ā€¦
Labor standing firmly against the CDC legislation in the senate, pointing out the Card is racist, & discriminatory. @SenKatyG says thereā€™s no reason the gā€™ment had to push it through this week ā€” we agree
Now @SenatorSiewert is up: she references the report leaked to the Guardian yesterday, that gā€™ment tried to hide. ā€œThis isnā€™t based on evidence or what works ā€” this is based on ideology.ā€
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Labor will oppose the Governmentā€™s legislation to make the #CashlessDebitCard permanent and roll it out across the Northern Territory.
Last month, the Government introduced legislation to make the Cashless Debit Card permanent in Ceduna, East Kimberley, Goldfields, and Bundaberg and Hervey Bay. As well as roll it out to 23,000 people in the Northern Territory.
The Government is ideologically obsessed with the Cashless Debit Card.
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The Government has today introduced legislation that will make the #CashlessDebitCard permanent in the current trial sites and introduce it to the Northern Territory and Cape York.

This is a toxic piece of legislation. This card is denying people their dignity & quality of life
The Minister needs to come clean about whether the pause on new #Jobseeker recipients being placed on the Cashless Debit Card will continue or not.

It is highly likely that people newly on income support will now be put on the card.
Just because people are without employment it does not mean that they cannot manage their finances. It is insulting and paternalistic.

This Government has an agenda and it is stigmatising and demeaning people who need to access the social safety net.
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The Government's plan to rollout the #cashlessdebitcard nationally is an ideological obsession with punishing people on income support.

Rather than wasting money and time on this card the Government should be increasing #Newstart.

There is absolutely no evidence to show that income management works and its just plain cruel to go ahead with a damaging and expensive scheme like this when we have people living in poverty on #Newstart
The community will not accept a nation wide rollout and the big four banks, Coles and Woolworths should be very wary of becoming involved in this disaster of a scheme.
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[Thread] If you havenā€™t heard about the #indue #cashlessdebitcard used for some #centrelink payments. Ohh boy. Strap yourself in, youā€™re in for a ride. The Liberal government have been ā€œtrailingā€ the card at 6 sites across Australia since 2016. #auspol #AuspolSoCorrupt
The sites are Ceduna, Kununurra, Wyndham, Goldfields, Bundaberg and Hervey Bay regions.
The idea is to ā€˜quarantineā€™ 80% of a persons payment onto the indue card. This is meant to stop a person from using their payment to buy alcohol, illicit drugs, make cash withdrawals or gamble. This is to ā€œtackleā€ the scourges affecting communities.
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The Greens call on the Senate to reject the Gov's attempt to expand and entrench the #CashlessDebitCard following the senate inquiry report into the Bill tabling today and listen to the lived experiences of people on the card & compulsory income management in the NT.

I really hope that my Senate colleagues will listen to evidence we heard at the inquiry and not be swayed by Government propaganda and vote for people on low incomes in our communities to end this punitive and stigmatising program and oppose this Bill.

This Gov doesn't have sound evidence to justify rolling out the card in the NT or extending the trial sites. It relies on anecdotal evidence, misleading data & evaluations that are heavily criticised for their lack of rigour to support their claims that the card works.

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Always great to be in the studio with Katie Woolf @Mix1049_Darwin. Today discussing the #CashlessDebitCard which the @ScottMorrisonMP Government plans to impose on 23000 Territorians in 2020. Labor is against the expansion of the cashless debit card unless itā€™s voluntary.
@Mix1049_Darwin @ScottMorrisonMP "I think anything that's forced on people is always questionable especially when there's been no evidence to say that it actually works. The evidence we do see is the reverse: greater poverty, homelessness, ppl on the streets, lack of jobs in our communities." #CashlessDebitCard
@Mix1049_Darwin @ScottMorrisonMP These are the things that keep pushing people that are already in dire straits into further difficulties. We dont see any real improvement say for birthweight with children, even going to school, so it has a roll on effect in the social spehere. @Mix1049_Darwin #CashlessDebitCard
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I'll be tweeting on the #CashlessDebitCard hearing in Darwin today - follow thread here

APONT have slammed the committeeā€™s inadequate consultation time and the lack of hearings in remote locations.

#CashlessDebitCard #Auspol
They said the unwarranted haste recalls the NT #Intervention, the injustice and trauma of the Intervention still burns with us. Once again we are not deemed worthy of consultation.

#CashlessDebitCard #Auspol
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Imagine the social segregation of not being able to attend your best friend's 40th Birthday party because it's held in a restaurant that doesn't accept #indue #CashlessDebitCard
Imagine not being able to take your mum out on Mother's Day or dad on Farther's Day for lunch or dinner because local businesses aren't pre-registered for #CashlessDebitCard #indue
Read 19 tweets

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