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May 31st 2023




#RavindraJadeja #IPL2023Finals #WTCFinal2023 #INDvsAUS #WTC23 #RivaBaJadeja #Santner #MSDhoni #ViratKohli #WhistlePodu Image
His full name was Mulvantrai Himmatlal "Vinoo" Mankad. He appeared in 44 Test matches for India b/w 1946 and 1959. He was An opening batsman and slow left arm bowler.

#RavindraJadeja #IPL2023Finals #WTCFinal2023 #INDvsAUS #WTC23 #RivaBaJadeja #Santner #MSDhoni #WhistlePodu
He was best known for his world record setting opening partnership of 413 runs with Pankaj Roy, a record that stood for 52 years.

#RavindraJadeja #IPL2023Finals #WTCFinal2023 #INDvsAUS #WTC23 #RivaBaJadeja #Santner #MSDhoni #ViratKohli #WhistlePodu #Sentient #Dhoni #gill Image
Read 11 tweets
May 29th 2023
If you’re old like me, then Super Catboy’s trailer (above) will send you flying back to the ‘90s in ways you might not have entirely wanted. It’s the most tremendous pastiche of how games were advertised back then, even funnier given #Dhoni #GTvsCSK #GTvCSK… the incongruity (then and now) of furious metal and over-excited players with a 2D pixel platformer.

Created by “two German dudes,” it’s not just the promotion that reminds me of the era. This has Fire & Ice/Lion King vibes to its art, and all that… sliding about. There’s a demo on Steam if you want to check it out.A new video game in which users attack Russian forces with drones has triggered a debate about ethics. The German developer says he just wants to fight back in some way and that he will
Read 7 tweets
May 29th 2023
Jadeja was once called, “A player of bits and pieces.”

Never write off yourself!

Life goes from 0 to 100 very quickly! Keep working hard!

#IPL2023Finals #Jadeja #CSK
Dhoni started his international career in 2004 with 0(1) against Bangladesh

If Dhoni ends his career now, he’ll end the same way he started, 0(1)

Oh, but what a beautiful career between these two innings :)

#Dhoni #MSDhoni #CSK
Rayudu felt very humiliated when he declared retirement from International cricket after not getting selected in 2019 WC squad.

But oh, how he controlled and changed the course of this innings :)

#Rayudu #CSK
Read 6 tweets
May 2nd 2023
#IPL is spreading hate amongst the citizens and minting money.

This is not a new analysis and it's known for most people but after watching yesterday's incident between #RCBvLSG this is the right time for all the cricket fans not to fall into this trap. 1/n
IPL has always been everything about #MONEY and #entertainment. The teams were based on most popular cities in #India so that each team will have larger fan following and representation, just like #football leagues. 2/n
The people behind #IPL were/are biggest #businessmen, #Celebrities from various fields and #politicians. It gathered enough attention when it got started as new league in 2008. Just because IPL has celebs backing doesn't mean it's gonna be a superhit league in the long run. 3/n
Read 22 tweets
Oct 25th 2021
On-field or off-field, #Dhoni is very particular and disciplined about his workout routine and never misses out a day of it.
In an old interview from 2006, he revealed his dislike for gym workout. “I even don’t know the secret because I really don’t do the gym works and all. Sports training I did is helping me a lot”.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 8th 2021
THREAD TO ANSWER SOME QUESTIONS OF #SSRIANS ABOUT THE BIOPIC OF #MSDHONI THE UNTOLD STORY @nilotpalm6 @smitaparikh2 @iujjawaltrivedi @shwetasinghkirt @divinemitz @withoutthemind
@republic @pradip103
Qn 1- How idea of Biopic Came?
Ans - It was Planned on after winning 2011 WC but Took 3-4 Years To Convenience #Dhoni

The Casting Of Movie.
Read 22 tweets
Jun 23rd 2021
#VaccinationUpdate: 7.18 lakhs till 11.00 AM. And for those, like me, keeping a keen eye on #MadhyaPradesh - it has crossed 1.4 lakhs already, #Maharashtra at 73 k and #UttarPradesh 50 k. Keep it up India. #VaccinationDrive
#VaccinationUpdate at 12 PM - All India 16.38 lakhs; #MadhyaPradesh 3.02 lakhs; #Maharashtra 1.67 lakhs. #VaccinationDrive #vaccination
#VaccinationUpdate at 1.00 PM - All India 26.52 lakhs, with #MadhyaPradesh (4.73 lakhs) and #Maharashtra (2.7 lakhs) leading the pack. #WestBengal (1.04 lakhs), #UttaPradesh (2.5 lakhs) #Assam (1.27 lakhs), #Gujarat (2.15 lakhs), #Rajasthan (1.5 lakhs) catching up. #vaccination
Read 6 tweets
Oct 20th 2020
#Thread #Dhoni #IPL2020

இளம் வீரர்களிடம் ஸ்பார்க் இல்லை. அதனால் ப்ளேயிங் லெவனில் இடம் தரவில்லை என்கிறார் மகேந்திர சிங் தோனி.

சி.எஸ்.கே தவிர மற்ற அணிகள் அனைத்தும் இளம் வீரர்களுக்கு வாய்ப்பு கொடுத்து, அவர்களை நம்பியே விளையாடியும் வருகிறது.
பெங்களூரு அணிக்கு படிக்கல், சைனி, சுந்தர், சிராஜ், தூபே, குர்கிராத் சிங் போன்றோர்.

ஹைதராபாத் அணிக்கு கலீல், நடராஜன், விஜய் ஷங்கர், கர்க், சமத், அபிஷேக் போன்றோர்.

கொல்கத்தா அணிக்கு கில், மாவி, வருண், நாகர்கோட்டி, ப்ரஸித் க்ருஷ்ணா போன்றோர்.
ராஜஸ்தான் அணிக்கு கார்த்திக் தியாகி, ரியான் பராக், அங்கித் ரஜ்புத், உனாத்கட், ஸ்ரேயாஸ் கோபால், திவேதியா போன்றோர்.

டெல்லி அணிக்கு கேப்டனே 25 வயது இளைஞர்தான். தவிர, ப்ரிதிவ் ஷா, ரிஷப் பண்ட், அக்ஸர் படேல், தேஷ் பாண்டே உள்ளிட்ட இளம் பட்டாளத்தால் ஆனது டெல்லி.
Read 30 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
One thing you must bear in mind is that, the Maharashtra gov is watching CBI moves and social media with a microscope and pulling their PR machinery accordingly whenever they feel threatened... #SushantCase #CandidMeena

A simple example is when two Mumbai police landed up at sushants residence yday before the CBI came in, they said they had come to drink water. Its amusing they did not get water any where else. Watch and sibscribe #CandidMeena
Two scenes were shown one on news channels yday repeatedly, one which showed Sandeep Singh at the back entrance of Cooper hospital where Sushants dead body was lying. He was acting in a very agitated manner, while still controlling things..subscribe
Read 58 tweets
Aug 16th 2020
Every decision of the #MSDhoni retirement shows evolved thinking - The Date (15th Aug signifying his army association in last few years), the time (1929 hours when sun set at the southernmost point of India at Cape #Comorin)...
His last Instagram message (#Sahir Ludhianvi lyrics to show how any success or failure is just a fleeting moment) and taking decision at a time when there will be no media interaction (#CSK players are in bio bubble before departure for IPL).
His records, both as a player and as a captain are there for everyone to see but his biggest legacy will lie in how easy he can get detached from the game even while staying fully focused.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 16th 2020
భారత క్రికెట్‌ మహేంద్రుడు

ఆస్ట్రేలియాకు గిల్‌క్రిస్ట్, శ్రీలంకకు సంగర్కరలా వికెట్‌ కీపర్‌–బ్యాట్స్‌మన్‌ మాకూ ఒకడు ఉంటే బావుణ్ణు అని ప్రతి ఒక్కరూ అనుకునేవారు...

#Dhoni Image
అప్పటిదాకా నిజం చెప్పాలంటే ఇండియా కు కీపర్ కోసమే ఒక ఆటగాడి స్థానం కోల్పోతున్న అనే భావన ప్రతి ఒక్కరిలోనూ ఉండేది.. అలాంటి సమయంలోనే జులపాల జుట్టు ఎగరేసుకుంటూ నేనున్నానంటూ వచ్చాడు...
క్రికెట్‌పరంగా అంతగా గుర్తింపులేని రాంచీ నుంచి వచ్చి భారత క్రికెట్‌కే కొత్త గుర్తింపు తీసుకువచ్చాడు.
సొగసైన బ్యాటింగ్‌కు మైమరచిపోవడం అలవాటైన మాకు...
దుమ్ముదులిపే బ్యాటింగ్‌ మజాతో కిక్కెంచావ్...
ఏ బాల్‌ను ఎలా కొట్టాలి అనే క్రికెట్‌ పాఠాలకు విరుద్ధంగా
ఎలాంటి బాల్‌నైనా ఎడాపెడా కొట్టేయడం ఎలాగో చూపించాడు...
Read 21 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
Hello Traders, Below is our trade plan for upcoming week. It will be a buy & hold portfolio with time frame of 30 trading sessions #NIFTY #BANKNIFTY #fmcg #INFY #TCS #GranulesIndia #Bayercorp #SBIcard #Cipla #tataconsumer #Alltimehigh #Dhoni #DhoniRetires #ThalaDhoni #CSK Image
Below is the link to chart where we have tried explaining the idea behind buy on Granules #Granules #API #momentuminvesting #alltimehigh #ATH…
Below is the link to chart where we have tried explaining the idea behind buy on Tata Consumer #TataConsumer #fmcg #Nifty #banknifty…
Read 9 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
All right, all. #RheaChakraborty arrived at #EDOffice in #SuvedLohia’s car. So who is this SUVED LOHIA who turned his car into Ola and Uber for Rhea? Let’s find out:
#ArrestRhea #JusticeForSushant Image
#SuvedLohia is close friends with the Morea brothers, seen here with #SantinoMorea. Do not forget that the ppl who killed SSR first came together at #DinoMorea’s bungalow in #Bandra and then went to #MountBlanc. #JusticeForSushant #ArrestRhea Image
#SuvedLohia is a flop actor who is now a restaurateur. Where is he getting money from to open #MumbaiRestaurants like #Mirabella? IT Raid toh banta hai. #SalmanKhan #ArrestRhea #JusticeForSushant Image
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Aug 9th 2020
Friends of criminal goon #ImtiazKhatri - a thread to expose all those who are hand in hand with the underworld. #RepublicForSushant #JusticeForDishaSalian
Hi there #DeepikaPadukone, #GuruRandhawa, #RanveerSingh, #HoneySingh 😊 Image
Read 13 tweets
Jan 17th 2020
Rare pic #TeamIndia Off- field..
just look at Rahul Dravid..Howz so young & handsome!!! ❤️

#TheWall #RahulDravid #Dhoni #sehwagh #YuvrajSingh #INDvAUS Image
Vintage Rahul Dravid 💙
#Cricket #TeamIndia #cricketers ImageImageImageImage
Under the Boabab tree, one of the oldest trees in Zimbabwe. Sachin, Rahul Dravid, Kumble, Mongia and Srinath is busy trying to explain the importance of the Tree. 😌

#Throwbac 90's #Cricket Cult Fashion! Image
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