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Apr 4th 2020
Specific "new evidence"... #Masks4All #MasksAreNormal #MaskGate, I've linked each separately by date for all my and the #medtwitter #DataScience junkie friends below:

#Data #Science #COVID19

👉February 19, 2020

#Data #Science #COVID19


"Asymptomatic cases in a family cluster with SARS-CoV-2 infection"…
👉February 21, 2020

#Data #Science #COVID19


"Presumed Asymptomatic Carrier Transmission of COVID-19"…
Read 13 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
Let's journey back on the #FireTheSG movement, shall we?

December 2018, @Surgeon_General @JeromeAdamsMD convinced the public #media, inflating a false "epidemic" w/30-day use, not daily.

Lie #1:…

Based on feelings, Google alerts, potential & inaccuracy.
No refuting vaping products help smokers quit, 👆above, continues below...

With #data he wanted to present, sentiment and "feelings" continued.

Lie #2:…

Indifferent, bans & taxes ⏫increasing countrywide, & no care of helping smokers quit.

False statements, accusations continued. When corrected, he didn't like that and had to swallow his narrative.

In full, with @2Vaping, @TheLegionCmdr, @Surgeon_General & others:…

“If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth“

Read 20 tweets

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