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Jul 7th 2022
1/11 #market & #Floor update July 7:

$ETH and $BTC slowly increasing over time!
Some real lows in volume on OS and LR for NFTs and no outstanding gainers or losers again in the floorsheet!
2/11 Biggest increase goes to Shinsei Galverse up 46%!
Besides this we have only a few other collections above 10%
Milady Maker up 17%
Creepz Genesis up 16%
0N1 Force up 14%
MoonCats up 11%
OnChain Monkey up 11%!
3/11 The biggest decreasers are even less represented
Coolmans Universe down 24%
The Heart Project down 16%
Goblin Town down 13%
Lil Pudgy's down 11%
Read 11 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
1/9 #market & #Floor update July 6:

It seems like a pretty normal past 24hs, not much has changed in floor prices, most staying within the 15% margin
$ETH and $BTC recovering the dump it formed yesterday almost as quickly as it dropped
2/9 Biggest increase goes to Ether Orcs alies up 33%
This is the only one above 15% in the list
Gutter Rats up 15%
Coolmans Universe up 13%
Lil Pudgy's up 13%
Wonderpals up 13%
Smolbrains up 12%
Goblin Town up 10%
3/9 Same goes for the down projects where none are above 15%
M2 serums down 12%
Deadfellaz down 12%
BYOPills down 10%

Besides this nothing really standing out!
Read 9 tweets
Jul 5th 2022
1/11 #Market & #Floor update July 5:

Most prices remain the same but red overtakes the floorprice side!
$ETH and $BTC retests prev daily level to then retrace as Nasdaq and SP500 take a plunge today as well as the EURUSD flippening! Image
2/11 Biggest increasers today is Akuma Origins up 65%!
Also the Heart Project is up 28%
Wolf Game up 19%
Proof Collective up 14%
0N1 Force up 14% as well
Clone X mintvials up 13%

As you can see not that many great increases today!
3/11 Biggest decreases are little today, but red is overtaking the floorsheet
Biggest one is MiladyMaker down 15%
Art of Seasons down 14%
Edenhorde down 12%
WonderPals down 12%
Lil Pudgy's down 12%
Everai down 10%
KaraFuru down 10%
OnChain Monkey down 10% as well
Read 11 tweets
May 30th 2022
1) Last night I released a #Moonbirds at 19e (in at 31.9e); then took 6 #goblins without hesitation. I am still fully optimistic about Moonbird's long-term value, but today I want to share how this historical-level ghost project #goblintownnft makes me feel.
by @Wilsonchen1101 Image
2) The first time I saw #Goblin (5/22) at 11th place in the OS trading volume, after 5 seconds, I said "Fuck what? What a shit", I closed it because it was ugly! Ugly enough not to take a look at its #Twitter and official website.
3) Later, I heard from various channels, nothing more than unbelievable #ugliness and unbelievable #floor #growth... Yesterday I saw many ppl tweeting "Goblin language", I realized, I almost missed a #bluechip with most potential. I started to seriously study the gob project
Read 14 tweets
May 2nd 2022
🧵How I am playing the #Otherside/#Otherdeed

- Logic on when to enter (AKA #floor support price ?)
Upside/Downside potential

- What to buy? (#Koda / Artifact / Floors )
- Why I choose Artifact over #Koda
- TLDR of 🧵on post number #6

1/x Determine floor price support.
(What is the %Prob of it going lower ?)

Current Floor: 4.29Eth
(Note: Pre-reveal @ 7 to 8 Eth)

Minting of #Otherdeed was 305 #Apecoin @ $22 (~$6,700/~2.4 Eth) + Gas wars ( 2.5Eth for 2 mints)
Minting cost = 2.4 + 1.25 = 3.65 ETH
1/x For comparison:

Current Floor: 4.29

Minting cost (Normal user): 3.65 ETH
Minting cost (+KYC): 3.65 + 0.5 ( 1 ETH/2 ): 4.1 ETH
Minting cost (Bulk Sybil): 3.65 + 0.25: 3.9 ETH

Don't make sense to sell < mint.
So downside is really low✅

Read 10 tweets
Apr 13th 2022
[#Thread] Aujourd'hui je vais vous expliquez comment atteindre des rendements astronomiques le plus rapidement possible sans aller chercher son #ROI tout de suite sur #STEPN

En gros comment faire 10k/$ par mois le plus vite possible. ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
#STEPN #NFTCommunity
Pour commencer il va falloir investir un peu, vous vous doutez bien que faire autant d'argent ça demande quelques choses en échange !

Privilégié les Runner au début si vous avez une bonne condition de course, elle rapporte plus mais si vous avez du solde prenez une trainer.
Il vous faudra investir dans 2 chaussures pour commencer :

La première avec des bonnes stats. Ce sera votre principal en privilégiant l'efficiency et la resilience ainsi que 0 #mint c'est très important
La deuxième au prix du #floor donc la moins chère possible avec 1 #mint MAX
Read 21 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
聊两句 @FloorDAO 朋友推荐给我看看的项目

“把底层资产/协议控制资产从 ETH/稳定币 这些换成 NFT 资产的 OHM @OlympusDAO

就是协议金库的钱拿去扫 NFT,然后用 NFT 再去赚钱。

正常情况下都是拿稳定币或者 ETH / WBTC 这些,但是 @FloorDAO 想用 NFT 作为资产,或者说协议控制价值

稳定币去生息很好理解也很方便,但是扫完 NFT,怎么用 NFT 赚钱?


现在项目自己说的就是用 @NFTX_ 扫货完之后,控制着优质 NFT 的 ERC20,如 扫 Punk,然后拿 $PUNK 通过做市 来收取手续费

Read 8 tweets
Aug 4th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/04/2021…
Place-based pathologies: economic complexity maps COVID-19 outcomes in UK local authorities…

#EconomicRecovery #PublicHealth #COVID19 #localities #mapping
DeepMind’s Vibrant New Virtual World Trains Flexible AI With Endless Play…

#DeepMind #VirtualWorld #ArtificialIntelligence #SkillsetDevelopment
Read 8 tweets
Feb 24th 2019
Getiri (ve götürü:) fonksiyonu, nakit (spot) ürünlerden farklı (ve kaldıraçlı) olabilen; bilanço dışında gösterilen; dayanak varlık(lar)dan türeyen, riskleri azaltabilen veya katlayabilen finansal sözleşmelere #türev ürün denir.
Statik tanımları sevmediğimi bilirsiniz. Gerektiği kadarını cümlede kullanmak iyidir deyip, koyun pazarlığına girişelim.

Kurbana çok var ama ben köyüne gidip pazarcıdan bir kuzu beğendim. Kendim büyüteceğim. Hemen 800 TL verdim, araca yükledim = #SPOT, nakit işlem

Bakacak yerim yok. Gelecek kurban bayramında beğendiğim o kuzu büyüyünce alacağım; kilosu 30 TL'den anlaştık= #FORWARD, vadeli işlem

Kuzu hastalanabilir, riske etmek istemedim. Bayramda herhangi bir koyun alacağım. 32 TL/kg dedi, ok'ledim = #FUTURE, forward'ın standart versiyonu
Read 9 tweets

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