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Jul 29th 2021

What is The #Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Amendment Bill, 2021 proposed in the #ParliamentMonsoonSession ? #CBA2021

#coal #mining #FossilFuels #land #lawforall

@iep_india @CBA_Raipur @JharkhandJanad1 @AdivasisMatter @ForestRightsAct

#CBA2021 amends #Coal Bearing Areas Act, 1957 which currently allows #CentralGovernment to acquire #land only for Govt Companies i.e #CoalIndiaLimited & only for #mining purposes.

#Land was not be used for permanent infrastructure e.g.roads, rail… 2/10
The #CBA2021 will allow central government to do three things:

1. Give rights to #State Govts to lease #land to successful bidders of 2020 #CoalAuctions.

Private sector is incentivised and spared of #landacqusition #compensation
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Jun 9th 2021
1/ #Vaccination #Adivasi #COVID thread; day begins with an orientation meeting to #Solega #Adivasi leadership on #vaccination at a hamlet; we address doubts and misconceptions; leaders criticise the stereotype of #Tribal Community as being hesitant and "running away";
2/ ask that officials & NGOs engage meaningfully and respectfully with their leadership at multiple levels; refuse the idea that they are ALL hesitant which often prevails among "others"; they explain what is the best way of engaging #Adivasi communities
3/ They offer to identify #COVID volunteers in each podu (hamlet); volunteers can be oriented in small groups & shall help with obtaining proper consent and participation of their elders;
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Jul 20th 2020
Govt of India used the #Covid lockdown to pass policy decisions for forest diversion, diluting the #ForestRightsAct- 25% of the projects in Schedule 5 areas.

In Part 1 of a 2 part series @AditiPinto brings voices from those affected by hydro projects.…
Analysis of Expert Appraisal Committee reveals that approx. 120 projects were recommended, 90 were deferred, 30 projects returned and only 2 projects were rejected. This has huge implications on #Adivasi and Forest dwelling communities.
Read how Forest+ EAC within @moefcc went on a project clearing spree for large scale industrial, mining, hydropower, road projects with an absolute disregard to #environment laws. #Adivasi #ForestRights #COVID19…
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Jun 25th 2020
#Lockdown has had a gendered impact. It has particularly affected #Adivasi and #ForestDweller women with no access to markets & harassment by forest department @ForestRightsAct bring to you #voices of Adivasi women from the ground. #VoicesThatMatter #ForestRights
In Part 2 of the series of #Adivasi & #Forestdwelling #women @ForestRightsAct bring a compilation of powerful stories from across India highlighting issues these #women faced during the #covid19… Image
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Jun 23rd 2020
What has been the impact of #lockdown #Covid19 on Adivasi women across India. Here we bring you stories of Adivasi and forest dwelling women from Uttararkhand, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. #AdivasiWomen #ForestRights
Triloki Devi, a PTVG woman from Uttarakhand narrates how the forest department made their life hell during the #Covid19 #Lockdown. Forest dwelling women have been affected by #lockdown in very specific ways. Read these stories.…
Rajanti Mallik & other women forest dwelllers organised a 'Gherao' to protect their forests as the Govt of Odisha used the pandemic to push for CAMPA plantations. #lockdown #COVID19
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Oct 10th 2019
@Dev_Fadnavis government has blamed state’s own bureaucracy for unlawfully rejecting #ForestRights claims of tens of thousands of #Adivasis & other traditional forest dwellers, putting some of India’s most marginalised citizens at risk of forcible eviction…
from their lands and homesteads.
In two separate affidavits filed before the Supreme Court, the @BJP4India government blamed the District Level Committees, staffed by officers of the departments of Revenue, @moefcc and @TribalAffairsIn of the state administration
and three nominated members from Panchayati Raj Institutions—for rejecting at least 22,509 #forestrights claims across Maharashtra without appropriately assessing the evidence submitted to support these claims, or for rejecting these claims by giving irrelevant reasons.
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Sep 19th 2019
#TRIBECON begins #Pravara; felicitations to #AbhayBang @SearchGad & #sudarshan #VGKK for their inspiring work on #TribalHealth; @DrLahariya @whoindia among others felicitated
#abhayBang #healthsystem design for tribal communities need to be relooked for #UHC; strategies & schemes must adapt with local social & cultural context; recollects #Brainstorming with @DesirajuKeshav at @SearchGad leading to #ExpertCommittee #tribalhealth @TribalHealthIND
#TRIBECON #AbhayBang notes with happiness increasing interest in #tribalhealth research, yet this continues to be “off the beaten path”; congratulations to #pravara medical college in bringing this together; the proposed #Bandardhara declaration to improve #tribalhealth research
Read 81 tweets

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