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Apr 11th 2023
1/ Finance nerds, rejoice! Introducing BloombergGPT, a specialized AI agent built to navigate the exciting world of finance. Imagine having a powerful genie-like ChatGPT, but solely focused on finance. Let's dive into what this AI can do for you. #BloombergGPT 🧵
2/ First, let's understand the "why" behind Bloomberg, a media company, launching a Finance GPT. Bloomberg is more than just news; it's a financial, software, data, and media powerhouse with the Bloomberg Terminal as its cornerstone. It lives and breathes finance! #Bloomberg #AI
3/ Bloomberg has amassed a goldmine of financial data over the years. And what better way to utilize this data than to train a large language model to run generative AI chatbots? That's how BloombergGPT, trained on 50 billion parameters, came into existence.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
Fascinating press release from @circle revealing where they keep $USDC cash.

➤ $9.7bn cash
➤ $5.4bn at BNY
➤ $3.3bn at $SIVB (💥)
➤ $1bn at $CUBI (wannabe $SI bank)

Leaves ~$0 at $SBNY. Weird huh? @beefwellingtoni @NotChaseColeman @StockJabber… Image
@circle @beefwellingtoni @NotChaseColeman @StockJabber LOL @jerallaire made a thread about this and all the most upvoted replies are just outright scam bots trying to rip off panicked $USDC holders. #botsarefixed - thanks Elmo!

@circle cares so much about their customers obvs. #FutureOfFinance!
Seems also worth putting this here. Wonder if $SIVB or $SBNY have any loan exposure to $USDC...
Read 5 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
USDC Stablecoin Cash Reserves at Failed Silicon Valley Bank Come Under Scrutiny #USDC $USDC $QUACK #RichQUACK #Cryptocrash

1/ The USDC stablecoin is facing intense scrutiny after a Silicon Valley bank that was holding around $11 billion in cash reserves failed. This has raised serious questions about the safety and transparency of the stablecoin's cash reserves. $QUACK
2/ For those unfamiliar with it, USDC is a stablecoin that is pegged to the U.S. dollar and has become increasingly popular in the cryptocurrency space. It is managed by Circle, a leading crypto financial services company. $QUACK
Read 11 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
❗️If you are in crypto you should know what SDX is❗️

Let me break it down👇

Swiss Digital Asset Exchange @SDX_global

The first fully regulated digital asset exchange that provides trading, settlement, and custody for institutional & retail customers

#SDX $QNT #regulation ImageImage
SDX provides digital asset interoperability options for legacy financial institutions.

A regulated playground for digital asset investors.👀😃

#fintech #blockchain #SDGs #digitalization #sustainablefinance #interoperability #SDX #DLT #regulated #capitalmarkets ImageImage
Who are some of SDX's partners?
@yoshitaka_kitao SBI holdings

Partnering countries:

#tradefi #blockchain #futureoffinance #SDX ImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Oct 16th 2021
I’m going to have a fun TIME tonight.
love this UI for the avax bridge
good news, DAI is sent from the ethereum side.
bad news, it's nowhere to be found on the avax side.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 15th 2021
Quick thoughts on the OpenSea "insider NFT front-running scandal"

1) Prior to regulatory clarity, the onus is on the community to adopt best practices, voluntarily, & to self-police. We continue to call on all companies, projects & investors to increase transparency.
2) Unpaid, volunteer, passionate community members are amazing at uncovering data. The OpenSea front-running is another example of a bad actor being caught by the community via the transparency of the blockchain, rather than by "cops on the beat".

3) This is great to see... community members uncovering potential wrongdoings, and forcing immediate change via public pressure.

We've been advocates for increased transparency many times, and will continue to be vocal advocates.

From self-policing....…
Read 10 tweets

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