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Mar 28th 2023
1) Most of today's layer 1 protocols are limited by complexity and scalability.

One of the reasons that's responsible for this is that they try to do everything all at once.

What if they focused on one niche instead of being a jack of all trades?

2) @GlitchProtocol is a fast, interoperable, blockchain protocol purpose-built for DeFi.

Rather than aiming to be a jack-of-all use cases, $GLCH has a singular focus on decentralized financial applications and trustless money markets.
3) What makes #Glitch unique is its revenue sharing mechanism.

It provides incentives for developers to build high-quality dApps that drive adoption, while also rewarding developers, liquidity providers, and users, and ensuring low fees.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
Thread For Unique TV series To watch - Part 2

1. Lost Image
2. #WandaVision
When your life is a sitcom Image
3. #GodFriendedMe
God gave friend request in FB Image
Read 16 tweets
Oct 3rd 2022
1) Good morning lads,
why I am CONVINCED that we are switching the night of October 4th to the Julian calendar. The world is in a stranglehold of Satanism. Most people at the political and CEO level have gotten involved in this system in one way or another.
2) Some of their own volition, but some by using blackmail. Many are forced under threat to brutally abuse children. This abuse is captured on video and put in the vault. After that, this person can never serve the citizen again and follow “assignments” from this cult.
3) Threatening to kidnap and do horrible things to children/partners of high-ranking people is also usually the way they have strangled "policy makers" for hundreds of years.

The satanic rituals take place on precisely exact dates. To defeat evil you have to expose it.
Read 52 tweets
Dec 26th 2021
1/? Ryan saga megathread.

Ryan is a supremely wealthy penguin with a bangin sense of style. His adventures are becoming spread out across the cryptoverse and I decided to compile them here for easy access for his fans.

#ryan #penguin #xtz #tezos #adventure #nft
Ryan began with a drawing I made in MerMay, skateboarding Ryan:

Black tie renegade!

#xtz #tezos #hicetnunc #mermay #ryan #penguin Image
I had a lot of fun drawing Ryan, so I thought I'd make a little project on #hicetnunc featuring him. This was the first piece of the project:
Fabulously wealthy as he is, of course he has a gigayacht. Ryan is always trying to make new friends! Image
Read 32 tweets
Sep 4th 2021
1/3 Q3 has already been so productive for @GlitchProtocol with the extremely successful $GPOOL IDO ahead of the launchpad release and the launch of the Testnet faucet and wallet, to name a few. 🚀

What I'm most anticipating this month is the #GEX MVP ahead of Mainnet in Q4 💜 Image
2/3 #GEX will be the OG dApp on #Glitch..
✅ Permissionless P2P transactions.
✅Quick - Lightening fast arbitration & txn finality.
✅Cheap - Fraction of the cost of existing DEXs.
✅Secure - Runs on DPOS on #Glitch blockchain.
✅Fees flow back into Revenue Share. Image
3/3 This month's #Glitch newsletter shared that the initial wireframe for the #GEX is almost complete.⏳

The #GEX MVP will allow us to test the main functions and provide feedback for ongoing development up until Mainnet launch towards the end of the year. 🚀 #LFG
#defi $GLCH
Read 3 tweets
Aug 6th 2021
"A new era in decentralised launchpads is here" 🚀

1) @GlitchProtocol finally announced this week that the first official Glitch Grant recipient & Launchpad Partner will be @gpoolofficial - Genesis Pool 💥 👇🏽…
2) As well as the GPool Launchpad, which will launch later this month, they are working together to develop an integrated staking platform & a new multichain bridge which are set to be introduced in September.🤝🏼

Eventually, #GPool plans to move onto #GLITCH upon Mainnet launch
3) This is fantastic news for the #Glitch and #GPool communities, as devs will eventually be able to build and raise on the #GLITCH network.

Additionally, $GLCH holders that join the $GPOOL whitelist will be automatically rewarded with Gold GPass status.. ✨ Image
Read 8 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
in honor of Earth day, i explore a future in which she isn't, because human power structures prevail

this thread is: how white men started the apocalypse, in 5 acts

@hicetnunc2000 @hicetnunc_bot
#xtz #cryptoart #hicetnunc #NFT #cleanNFT #cryptoartist #nftcollectors #glitch
[act i]
(we) drowned all the oceans
[act ii]
(we) burned up the sun
Read 6 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
So, what happened to #NodeJS in 2020? Our top 5 meetup video selection will have the answer you're probably looking for. You can check our roundup here and under this tweet as well.…
First up: @jotadeveloper at @GitNationOrg talked about building a #NodeJS registry with the help of #React. You can check it out below.…
together? This talk will highlight opportunities by bringing #MachineLearning, #linearalgebra and #NodeJS with #TensorFlowJS. Learn more about using pre-trained models, training your own models, and running TensorFlow.js in various Node environments.…
Read 7 tweets
Feb 19th 2021
one more #ACAB #glitch banner

(full res version and one sized for a banner here heavily glitched pixelated ...
I can't stop making these
drew the pixel text for this by hand and went through an EXTREMELY elaborate process to get this result
Read 7 tweets
Oct 2nd 2020
It's here! The long awaited sequel;

The Definitive September #COMEX #Silver #Shadowcontracts thread!

The amount of Shadow contracts this month has surprised even me.

NONE of the numbers make sense anymore!

So the Theme of this month will Be;

Let's start with clarification.

#Shadowcontracts don't have to be delivered on the same day, though #Comex doesn't display those numbers exactly.

Within 24 or 48 hours is enough to not-make-sense in a #FUTURES market. What about contracts made 15 minutes before closing? 2/z
It makes NO sense that in a #FUTURES market, On Monday the 28th of September, 47 contracts where made that HAD TO BE delivered on September 29th.

That was the Final September delivery date. All September 20th contracts HAD TO BE DELIVERED BY THAT DATE.

Why not wait 1 day? 3/z
Read 34 tweets

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