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Feb 24th 2021
#Silver #Comex #shadowcontracts #Update!

Nailed it.

Benefit of experience boys. If you were wondering why shadowcontracts continued in Silver; This is why.

They knew.
#silversqueeze #WSS #Wallstreetsilver #PSLV $PSLV #PSLVChallenge #Fintwit @WallStreetSLVR @Galactic_Trader
With 28k on the docket, probably reducing to -19,5k/-20k on the final report, they're about 10k away from their previous high, with today and tomorrow to go to roll over.


Today, the 24th, is of the biggest import.
As i said, the biggest rollover day happens 2-3 days before the end. We just had it.

Under normal circumstances, i would imagine anywhere between 3 to 8k rollover today and then 2-3k tomorrow, putting final delivery around 15k - Quite substantial but probably not enough.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 23rd 2021
#Silver #Gold #Platinum #Comex #Shadowcontracts UPDATE!

#Silversqueeze/#PSLVChallenge edition!

With interesting data on $PSLV and $SLV shorts. Data first, analysis below! 👇

#WSS #Wallstreetsilver #PSLV #goldsqueeze #platinumsqueeze #Fintwit @WallStreetSLVR @Galactic_Trader ImageImageImageImage
First the one everyone wants to know: #Silver.

77 shadowcontracts, meaning +385,000 ounces found and put up for delivery *this month*, before the delivery wall hits in just a few days. Calendar says "last day of delivery 26th of February" - these ounces will be delivered by then
Preliminary rollover of -10,8k which'll go up to ~-11,5k in the final report. I've seen these numbers before and it was expected, the question is, is that gonna happen more?

To hit the previous record of ~16k, they need to shed another ~32k contracts in 4 days.
Read 21 tweets
Nov 18th 2020
#Shadowcontracts #gold #silver #PLATINUM update!!!

ALERT! 🚨🚨🚨

You guys remember me writing in my article (I HAVE A WEBSITE goddammit) that i had 1 screenshot of the same happening in Platinum futures?

Here's that screenshot. Compared to today.

Somebody's gained weight. ImageImage
As you can see, since June 30th, 335,584.068 total #platinum ounces have been added to the #Comex. Current value; $312,948,922.61.

Broken into categories, Registered has grown from 177,615.278 ounces to 481,153.049 ounces; a flat increase of 303,537.771 - +170.89%.
During that same timeframe, Eligible has increased from 108,551.903 ounces to 140,598.200; a flat increase of 32,046.297 ounces - +29.52%.


Read 8 tweets
Nov 11th 2020
I wanted to QT this together with today's #Comex #Gold and #Silver #Shadowcontracts update because it's related;

I think (early data, not sure) they're closing the shorts in preparation for the Failure of Comex in December; And they're using silver to run cover for gold 🚨
November 10th data is quite interesting you see. We're in the midst of rollover, so we would expect to see contracts disappear. Since both #gold and #silver roll over, both should reduce OI.

This certainly happens, especially on the 9th with such a big drop on the vaccine news.
But on the 10th, price went sideways the entire day. So does that mean no contracts where lost?

No. In fact, on the Prelim report, 8,224 (8750 on final) contracts worth 822,400 ounces of #Gold where closed. But #Silver went up with 1,778 (1620 final) contracts. 8,9Moz of metal. ImageImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Oct 2nd 2020
It's here! The long awaited sequel;

The Definitive September #COMEX #Silver #Shadowcontracts thread!

The amount of Shadow contracts this month has surprised even me.

NONE of the numbers make sense anymore!

So the Theme of this month will Be;

Let's start with clarification.

#Shadowcontracts don't have to be delivered on the same day, though #Comex doesn't display those numbers exactly.

Within 24 or 48 hours is enough to not-make-sense in a #FUTURES market. What about contracts made 15 minutes before closing? 2/z
It makes NO sense that in a #FUTURES market, On Monday the 28th of September, 47 contracts where made that HAD TO BE delivered on September 29th.

That was the Final September delivery date. All September 20th contracts HAD TO BE DELIVERED BY THAT DATE.

Why not wait 1 day? 3/z
Read 34 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
We are nearly a month later and BOY IS IT WORSE then i thought.

The Definitive August #COMEX #Silver #Shadowcontracts thread!

Summarized; I know I'm right now. The patterns that emerged this month have been enlightening.

COMEX. Is. Dead.

Picture first explanation later! 1/y Image
I would highly recommend first reading the other thread. But just to summarize; #Shadowcontracts are the contracts that are created, then delivered, on the same day.

This means that open interest goes up by 1, then down by 1, meaning there's 1 delivery to 0 OI change. 2/y
So if open interest changes by -10, but there where 15 deliveries, there where 5 #shadowcontracts.

Open interest being below the number of deliveries isn't a problem, it should simply never be above it.

As shown in the picture, It adds up to quite a few ounces. 3/y
Read 33 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
ALRIGHT it's here! The definitive Thread about #COMEX #Silver #Shadowcontracts starting to appear in July.

Picture first, explanation below. It's cobbled together from daily screenshots from their site… where you can check daily futures volume. 1/x
First off, small apology about missing a few days of final reports; i drew the short straw on long term #covid19 effects and it's been a rough year. Never the less it's accurate enough.

Let's start with the basic question: What do i mean by #silver or #gold #shadowcontracts? 2/x
By that i mean a contract for delivery on the #COMEX that is created - and delivered - on the same day. It's my explanation for why the open interest change doesn't line up with the deliveries.

I want to stress i don't know this, it's just the only logical explanation left. 3/x
Read 47 tweets

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