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🔶चपाती की भाकरी? नक्की काय खावे🔶
🔸Jowar Roti Or Wheat Roti🔸

-बरेच जण म्हणतात चपाती ने वजन वाढतं.
-वजन कमी करायची असेल तर भाकरी खावा.
-मधुमेह असणाऱ्यांनी चपाती ऐवजी भाकरी निवडावी.

-यामध्ये खरंच काही तथ्य आहे का?
सगळं काही जाणून घेऊयात या Thread मध्ये👇
1/13 Wheat roti or jowar roti co...
▪️गेले बरेच दिवसांपूर्वी Whatsapp वर "जेवणात का खावी ज्वारीची भाकरी""ज्वारीच्या भाकरीचे महत्व" असे Messages पाहिले.
▪️या मेसेज मध्ये "गव्हामुळे अनेक आजार होतात, वजन वाढतं, Acidity वाढते आणि बरेच काही सांगितलं होतं".
▪️असे मेसेज समाजात प्रबोधनाऐवजी गैरसमज च जास्त पसवरतात.
2/13 Image
🔶चपाती भाकरी मधील Macronutrient🔶 Per 100Gm Of Grain.

गहू - 72 Gm.
ज्वारी - 72 Gm.

गहू - 13 Gm.
ज्वारी - 11 Gm.

▪️Total Calories▪️
गहू - 340 Calories.
ज्वारी - 329 Calories.

वरील Comparison वरून समजलं असेल की दोघांमध्ये फार मोठा फरक नाहीये.
3/13 Image
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"Fabricating #Clay: #Machines, #Materials, & #Code"

🧵 Today's SFI Seminar by @leahbuechley (@UNM):
"We build the geometry directly by thinking about the PATH that our 3D printer takes. There's no intermediate slicing software [to render CAD as "2D" layers]."

- @leahbuechley, #3DPrinting clay with a 1.5 mm nozzle
"You can start to think about surface textures - like spikes that you can't do with a traditional slicer.'s a path that's a sine wave, but every other layer is rotated. creature is following THIS path, and the other is chasing it around."

#clay #3dprinting
Read 11 tweets
Some thoughts on prevalence and prevention....
I have a child with #celiacdisease. Global prevalence 1-2%
That means, even if undiagnosed, out of 1000 ppl, 10-20 of them will have #celiac
It's too many to be considered a "rare disease"
But not enough to be on everyone's radar
There are a lot of kids with "something" but not a lot of kids with each "something." So if you add up all the kids w diabetes, celiac, cancer, cardiac disease you get to a bigger number
But each of these problems? Not huge
And - we can't really prevent most of these diseases.
The burden of disease management falls on kids & their families
We don't serve #glutenfree food to everyone (except in my house!)
Or make sure foods have a low glycemic index
Or test to prevent spread of viruses that can wreak havoc on a compromised immune or cardiac system
Read 7 tweets
#LowFODMAP Diet, restriction phase x 2 wks done!😅

✅Hardest #GIEmpathyInitiative yet (5 pts!)
✅Worth it b/c 🤯reflections in🧵⬇️

Disclaimer: LFD is🙌for some w/ #IBS but NOT good fit/safe for all

@Gut_BMJ 2021 Network MA on LFD in IBS @alex_ford12399
1⃣Hardness of diet complexity:
✅❓rhyme/reason to👍vs.👎fruits/veggies
#Glutenfree🚫always safe (fillers!)
✅ If packaged you just avoid b/c label reading =😱
✅🙌@KateScarlata_RD for LFD label reading tips
✅Apps @MonashUni app ($8), FastFodmap(free)
2⃣Hardness of diet behavior change:
✅Eating out = embarrassing to be "that person" + 😱spice situation
✅NEED coach (dietitian) to guide/remind of goals
✅If eat like🗑️at baseline,❓sustainability ➡️maybe why many patients preferred @NICEComms diet…
Read 9 tweets
@MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @ownyourcrohns @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita 📣 #IBD patients & caregivers:

#IBDPoll 1️⃣

📊Thinking abt your IBD needs, what's been the biggest hurdle to your care?
📝 In the replies, elaborate. What’s helped your care?

Please share your #PatientExperience w #MondayNightIBD 👇🏽

@MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @ownyourcrohns @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita #MondayNightIBD #PatientExperience
#IBDPoll 2️⃣

🧐Thinking about your culture’s expectations

📊 Have you tried Complementary and Alternative (CAM) Therapies (ex: ayurveda, homeopathy)?

What drove you to try these therapies? Please share your experience.

SE=side effects
@MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @ownyourcrohns @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita Thank you @MondayNightIBD for shining a spotlight on 🌏 #SouthAsianIBD pt experience!

I'm Madhura from 🇮🇳, co-founder Team @ibdesis. We are proud to lead #PatientExperience on #MondayNightIBD!

We hope to improve care for our community around the 🌍 through @SouthAsianIBD.
Read 22 tweets
In an act of solidarity, I went #glutenfree with my wife.


Gluten is a general name for the proteins found in wheat. Gluten helps foods maintain their shape, acting as a glue that holds food together.

A general rule of thumb is food with grains.
-no more cereal
-no more bread
-no more pasta

She has Hashimoto's disease.

Hashimoto's disease is a condition in which your immune system attacks your thyroid.

She feels much better since going gluten-free.
Read 8 tweets
#Thanksgiving #RecipeOfTheDay

Meringue-Topped Rice Pudding with Apples

This traditional French dessert is not only delicious & elegant, but the perfect #glutenfree dessert for your Thanksgiving table


👇 ImageImage

There are 3 parts to this recipe: rice pudding, caramelised apples, meringue: the ingredients are listed in order used; read thru the entire recipe before shopping & organizing; some ingredients are used in more than 1 part (there are eggs in the pudding & meringue)...



7 ounces (200 g) round rice for puddings/risotto
3 ¼ cups (750 ml) milk
1 teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon (pinch) salt

3 medium flavorful/tart cooking apples
2 tablespoons (45 grams) unsalted butter
1 tablespoon sugar


Read 13 tweets
Honey Custards with Caramelized Apples

A great #Thanksgiving dessert for those with #celiac or who need #glutenfree - as requested by @zachariah_axel

Find this recipe in my #IsolationBaking e-cookbook.



3 cups (700 ml) milk
3 large eggs
1/2 cup (125 ml) runny (liquid) honey
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 medium apples, any variety (see note)
1 generous tablespoon butter or margarine
2 to 4 tablespoons honey



1 to 2 tablespoons rum, optional
Cinnamon or nutmeg, optional
Whipped cream for serving, optional

Note: 2 apples is enough for a heaping spoonful of apples per custard. If you'd like a little more topping, just increase the number of apples used. Use roughly 1 teaspoon

Read 13 tweets
CALL TO ACTION: @US_FDA is temporarily relaxing food labeling to help minimize the impact of COVID-19 disruptions to the supply chain. It weakens #glutenfree labeling & may create a #celiac health risk.
Read our group letter & submit your comment to FDA.… Image
Tremendous thanks to @GFWatchdog for leading the collaborative letter writing, two attorneys who volunteered their time, & @NationalCeliac @TweetSSCD, @GlutenDotOrg @BeyondCeliac & others. Please add your own voice by submitting a comment to FDA. Link and content in our blog.
Special shoutout to the two attorneys, Adam Rapp of Glynn & Finley in Walnut Creek, CA, and Kaki Schmidt, in Washington, D.C., who helped draft the letter and work with @GFWatchdog pro bono. It makes a huge difference when community members with specific skills jump in.
Read 3 tweets
Camp Celiac swag is our #GivingTuesdayNow fundraiser! We have cool gear for everyone. Support kids with #celiacdisease and other #gluten-related disorders during the pandemic by helping us fund virtual Camp Celiac! Here's one of two logo styles… Image
Here's our second logo style for our Camp Celiac swag #GivingTuesdayNow fundraiser! Create your own #glutenfree home celiac camp and attend in style… Image
We can't host in-person Camp Celiac this year but our director & counselors are planning Virtual Camp Celiac 2020 on our social media platforms & Zoom. We have substantial costs in providing virtual camp & other free community services during the pandemic. Thx for your support!
Read 4 tweets
Proposed labeling by @GeneralMills of using "GF" for a product that is not also labeled "gluten-free" violates the spirit if not the letter of the @US_FDA #glutenfree labeling rule & is an ill-considered affront to #celiac advocacy & #glutenfree consumers… Image
@GeneralMills @US_FDA Thanks to @GFWatchdog for alerting the community to this issue and taking the lead. @GeneralMills needs to provide a statement. We would consider a boycott if this cannot be resolved through other means. It's an unsafe approach to labeling #publichealth #celiac
@GeneralMills @US_FDA @GFWatchdog While @GeneralMills is planning to skirt and possibly violate the @US_FDA #glutenfree labeling rule with "gluten friendly" products using a "GF" symbol, note that the unwelcome term has only been used in restaurants, not on packaged products made in controlled environments
Read 4 tweets
Great teamwork by media, physician, patient, advocate, lab, to demonstrate for public understanding that restaurant #glutenfree pizza may not be safe for those with #celiac. Need restaurant education & @US_FDA action @GMA @BenjaminLebwohl @GFWatchdog @k_liebowitz @Biadiagnostics
Let's recall what @US_FDA has stated about food labeled #glutenfree in restaurants:
"FDA recognizes that compliance with the gluten-free regulation in processed foods and food served in restaurants is important for the health of people with celiac disease." 1/8
"FDA’s regulation established a federal definition of the term “gluten-free” for food manufacturers that voluntarily label FDA-regulated foods as “gluten-free.” The definition was intended to provide a reliable way for people with celiac disease to avoid gluten, and..." 2/8
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No. 1/130 people getting properly diagnosed w #celiacdisease or allergies “popularized” safe gluten free food. We fought for it ourselves.
@GwynethPaltrow popularized pseudoscience & not taking people seriously whose GF diets are medically-necessary.…
We fought for our children and ourselves. We called companies. We voted with our dollars. We’ve been vocal online for decades. It is the height of arrogance for Gwyneth to claim a few articles on GOOP and a cookbook 4 years ago deserve any credit. #celiac
Because it’s not a “lifestyle craze” for hundreds of thousands. It’s not a wellness fad. It’s life or death. And amazing advocates & activists like @GFWatchdog fight every day to make sure gluten-free food is consistently safe & companies are accountable.
Read 21 tweets
1/ This is an important area of study for #celiac disease and it’s good to see a major celiac center like @CeliacatCUMC taking it on. It’s a difficult topic to study for many reasons, but scientific rigor is still the only way forward. [thread]
2/ Crowd-sourced data on #gluten cross contact in #glutenfree restaurant meals could be a useful addition to Columbia’s excellent body of work on hypervigilance and anxiety in celiac disease patients if it is presented with equal scientific care and rigor.
3/ My understanding is that this was a preliminary abstract from a conference, restricted in word count and expanded upon in oral presentation.
Unfortunately, the preliminary simplified conclusion that one third of GF meals contain gluten has predictably already swept the news
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Bob's Red Mill is suing @GlutenDotOrg over use of the GF symbol on @BobsRedMill packaging. GIG has a trademark and says Bob's symbol is too close. Bob's says its symbol is different from GIG's trademarked one.… #celiac #glutenfree #certification #symbol
Link to the complaint by @BobsRedMill in its suit against @GlutenDotOrg…
And link to the attachments in @BobsRedMill suit against @GlutenDotOrg…
Read 3 tweets
1/3 We received the following reply from@vansfoods regarding the issue with square waffles being found by two separate #celiac consumers in packages of round #glutenfree ones (potentially containing undeclared allergens of #wheat and #dairy)...
2/3 "Van’s Foods takes this matter very seriously. Following our established protocol to address any consumer issue, our Consumer Relations team has been in contact with the consumer and we are actively investigating the situation..."
3/3 "...We’re unable to comment further until we’ve completed our investigation." We will post any updates from @vansfoods or @US_FDA, which has been notified. @GFWatchdog @FoodAllergy @GlutenDotOrg
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We have one consumer report of a box of Van's GLUTEN-FREE Waffles (round) containing their Belgian Waffles (square & made of #WHEAT). The box was purchased in Northern California, expiration 8-22-18. We alerted @vansfoods #celiac #glutenfree #foodallergy @GFWatchdog @FDArecalls Image
According to the company website, Van's Belgian Waffles contain the following #allergens that Van's Gluten-Free Original Waffles do not: WHEAT, DAIRY, CORN. Both types are described as free of eggs and nuts.
The manufacturer @vansfoods will be looking into this and we will publish their reply or action. There has been no independent confirmation or recall. We are putting out this alert out of an abundance of caution for those with #celiac and #foodallergies
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