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Feb 3rd 2023
The Circular Economy model is one that requires organisations across the value chain to explore adopting #disruptive #technologies based on improving asset life; adopting mechanisms for reusing, repairing and remanufacturing in the production process.…
The aim of #circularity is to put back into the system everything relating to #production #distribution and #consumption in order to extract as much value as possible from the #resources and #materials we utilise.
The Circular Economy can be considered as an enabler to achieving overall #sustainability in our #economy
Read 6 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
"Fabricating #Clay: #Machines, #Materials, & #Code"

🧵 Today's SFI Seminar by @leahbuechley (@UNM):
"We build the geometry directly by thinking about the PATH that our 3D printer takes. There's no intermediate slicing software [to render CAD as "2D" layers]."

- @leahbuechley, #3DPrinting clay with a 1.5 mm nozzle
"You can start to think about surface textures - like spikes that you can't do with a traditional slicer.'s a path that's a sine wave, but every other layer is rotated. creature is following THIS path, and the other is chasing it around."

#clay #3dprinting
Read 11 tweets
Oct 10th 2022
My updated NAV model:

Company: @ElectraBMC
Sector: #Materials #Refining #Mining
Ticker: $ELBM
CEO: @TrentMell
Recycling Peers: $ABML $LICY
Refining Peers: None (domestically)

#Cobalt #Manganese #Graphite #Nickel #Lithium #Aluminum #BlackMass #EV
*I'm Long-Bullish|Not advice* Image
Alternative forward looking valuation multiples (EV to EBITDA & Sales) Image
NAV valuation contribution Image
Read 25 tweets
Aug 23rd 2022
Requirements to completely phase out #FossilFuels:

"The proposed non-fossil fuel energy mix translates into 586032 new power plants. To put this in context, the total power plant fleet in 2018 (all types incl fossil fuel plants) was only 46423 stations”

Other studies: "There was no long-range #planning at all."

"The basics have not been done here"

"Years to produce metal at 2019 rates of production. Copper: 189,1 years" ImageImageImageImage
"...not one single person has actually come back with a sensible pushback at all. And no one has been able to refute the numbers⬆️ either" @SimonMichaux ⬇️

Read 9 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
Policing is facing #recruitment crisis: # applicants continue to ↓ across continent.

One tool freq used by #police = recruitment videos. But what do these videos highlight & how can they affect who applies?

In new article, I explore these ?s:…


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Police #recruitment #videos serve several related functions, incl to:

1. Attract prospective applicants to the PD;

2. Communicate specific roles, responsibilities & benefits of a career with the PD;

3. Help prospective applicants assess their potential with the PD.

In light of their functions, it’s important to consider how content of #videos may impact who applies for #policing #careers, and, in turn, who becomes police officers.

This is especially relevant given the challenges currently facing #policing, like the legitimacy crisis.

Read 16 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
It's weekend and it's the end of the month. The #markets are closed.

So there is the perfect time to analyze the #momentum & relative #strength of the markets.

This information is relevant for all #investors, but especially for #trend #followers 📈📈📈


The #momentum of the markets are one of the most powerful forces in the evolution of the #asset #prices.

The #reversion to the mean is the opposite force, which is equally powerful. Momentum works on a short and medium term (up to 3 to 5 years).
There is a ton of academic research related to the momentum and the benefits of using it and relative strength. But presenting it this is not the purpose of this #thread.

Relative strength is actually a comparison between the #momentum of two or more #markets.
Read 35 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
#lithium carbonate breaks $510k yuan/ton which is $80k USD - almost a $10k increase in the last fortnight. A small thread on why this matters below for #electricvehicles and #lithium #mining stocks. Happy punting all.
#Spot #lithium traded as above is usually representative of tiny volumes at different districts in China. Could probably spend a whole thread describing lithium prices in different areas but that'd be a waste of time. Take away point is the volume is tiny but it's a trend.
The head price you see here is representative of what traders/chemical producers are getting for product sold typically to #cathode #producers who use the chemicals to create lithium batteries.
Read 13 tweets
Aug 16th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/16/2021…
Scientists Pin Down When Earth’s Crust Cracked, Then Came to Life…

#geology #PlateTectonics #life #evolution #origin
Next generation electronics: Expanding the possibilities with silver nanowires…

#electronics #nanowire #TechnologyDevelopment #materials
Read 8 tweets
Apr 22nd 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/22/2021…
Opinion | Set Up Branches of Elite Colleges to Expand Access…

#HigherEducation #accessibility #OpEd #BranchCampuses
Vartan Gregorian, Savior of the New York Public Library, Dies at 87…

#obituary #PublicLibrary #scholarship #leadership #service
Read 10 tweets
Feb 5th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/05/2021…
Oil: Shell reports sharp drop in full-year profit, raises dividend…

#oil #dividend #profit
The need for the U.S. to improve data on the COVID pandemic…

#pandemic #COVID19
Read 10 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/01/2020…
A New AI Study May Explain Why Deep Learning Works | Psychology Today…

#learning #deep #psychology
Geometry Reveals How the World Is Made of Cubes…

#geometry #world
Read 8 tweets
Sep 20th 2020

Corpuses — large collections of language data — are very useful for writing and editing language-learning materials. This presentation explores how and why, with some specific examples...

#Tibetan #language #education #corpus #linguistics #materials #development

One key is 'frequency lists'. Frequency lists are lists of words based on how frequently they appear in a language. It tells us if any given word is common or rare.

Frequent words are useful. People use them again and again — meaning learners are exposed to them frequently naturally, too. And, the learner has opportunities to use them again and again — giving practice in production.
Read 23 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
As #tech sold off in the last 2 weeks, there were still places that were resilient during this time period. Whether tech gets through the consolidation phase or breaks lower, time will tell.

Meanwhile few ideas on longs and shorts going forward. 1/
On the long side, equity exposure in #transports, #materials and int'l mkts like #Germany and #Korea worked well. Exposure in these areas continues to stay bullish.

Vols are showing upticks as well, so should stay careful.

Commodities in bullish trend while #Gold and #Silver are consolidating for the time being: #Palladium, #Copper, #Coffee, #SoyBeans


Read 7 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
📢𝗦𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁!

We are thrilled to announce our new series #Tech4India as part of the #ETI in partnership with #NESTMEA @MEAIndia & @PrinSciAdvOff

Stay tuned for:

🔸Info on key #emerging technologies & sectors 📡🧬🚀⚛️ 🤖

🔸Details on participation in the #ETI Image

Recent advances in 𝗤𝘂𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗺 𝘁𝗲𝗰𝗵 can bring paradigm shifts in #computing #communication & #cryptography affecting all sectors in the process

Participate in #ETI & help India prepare for the #QuantumRevolution 2.0⚛️


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We encourage people from varied backgrounds to form multidisciplinary teams and send us EoI on innovations like #QuantumComputing #QuantumCommunication & #QuantumNetworks

Selected teams will be invited to prepare a consolidated tech dev & adoption roadmap 4 🇮🇳
Read 15 tweets
Aug 23rd 2020
After 6 months of #lockdown and #lab shutdown I spent a full day 9 am-8 pm in lab doing experiments! New #grad students in #lifesciences: There is always light 💡 and #fluorescent images at the end of the tunnel! Filing a #patent on my #invention from #phd work soon @OrganOnAChip
This is an Organ on a Chip platform that enables mimicking #tissues and #organs in a high throughput manner! The main focus will be towards developing #mucosal organs with tissue resident #immune cells and lining #epithelial cells for #testing #COVID19 treatments #covidvaccines
I recently gave a talk at #oooc2020 organized by @GVNlab at @Columbia. In the talk I demonstrated the #ease of fabrication, #functionality, and #modularity of this platform.
We’re open to #collaborate with interested #researchers! Interested to learn more:
Read 11 tweets
Aug 11th 2020
Sometime before 1565, an enormous deposit of graphite was discovered in Cumbria, England. The locals had been using the black powder to mark their sheep.
It was discovered that this #powder could be used as a refractory #materials to line molds for cannonballs, resulting in...1
...rounder smoother balls that fired farther because of better aerodynamics. This was so valuable to the English Navy that the mine came under the strict control of Queen Elizabeth I. The poor locals and miners began to smuggle chunks of graphite out of the mine. The French...2
...among others, paid a good amount. So the locals carried this material in their pockets, making their hands and clothes black and dirty. Thus, the dark black graphite opened up a secret and illegal #market. Over time, this came to be called the 'Black Market' #ScienceTwitter
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Aug 4th 2020
Lithium is the only metal to have been produced at the Big Bang. All other elements - except Hydrogen and Helium - were produced by stars - some in hot nuclear cores, others in fantastic explosions like a supernova.
The percentage of lithium in the Universe, however, is more ...
..or less the same today as it was at the beginning of time.
In other words, the lithium that powers your laptop is as old as the Universe itself! With only three protons and three electrons, lithium is a fragile element that is easily destroyed in the hot interior of stars...
The only exception to this rule is a class of Red Giant stars that are much heavier than the sun. These stars contain 1000 times more lithium than others. This result comes from a study of 200,000 stars observed with a host of large telescopes on earth and in space. These ...
Read 4 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 7/16/2020-2…

Successful digital business transformation is a shift in mindset and heartset | ZDNet…

#transformation #mindset
Discussion about "The Ecosystem of Wicked Problems" in the Complexity Explorers (by SFI) public Facebook group moderated by Naveen Srivatsav…

#causal #diagrams
A new strategy to synthesize 2-D inorganic materials used in capacitors, batteries, and composites…

#strategy #batteries #materials
Read 6 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
Some take aways from the BoA 'Global Fund Manager Survey'...(1/5) HT @MillennialMacro
2/5 Global fund manager survey key takeaways...71% think the stock market is overvalued...While still heavily allocated to #US markets, the #EU is most favoured regional equity long & Euro expected to appreciate...#Investing #Macro ImageImageImage
3/5 Global funds managers #commodities allocation is the "highest overweight since July 2011"...Most favoured: #Eurozone, #Materials, #Tech, #Healthcare...Not Favoured: 'Value', Global #Banks, #Bonds, #UK & #Energy...#Investing #Macro #AssetAllocation ImageImage
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Jun 2nd 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/02/2020-2…

What COVID-19 Means For The Future Of Capitalism, Democracy And Sustainability…

#coronavirus #future #capitalism #democracy #Sustainability
U.S. COVID-19 Contact Tracing Programs Designed for Failure, Despite Bloomberg Money; Why Can't the U.S. Copy the Lessons of Hong Kong's Success? | naked capitalism…

#tracing #failure #contact #Bloomberg
Stretch and flow: Research sheds light on unusual properties of well-known materials…

#research #flow #materials #Stretch
Read 12 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
With only a few days to go before the most comprehensive #lockdown announced by GoI comes to an end, participated in a VC with Hon PM to discuss the exit strategy to deal with fallout from #COVIDー19 Crisis & ways to kick start the #economy. Made the following suggestions.(1/n)
1. TESTING: Use Rapid test kits to segregate the people into red, yellow & green zones. Empowering employers to test their workforce, will reduce the burden on Govt and create green zones of productivity and help get economy back on track. (2/n)
2. #supplychain: They are extremely important to get the economy moving even in a partial manner. Allowing trucks to #transport goods and other #materials is vital for the #economy. The Govt might also consider ensuring Road side facilities for the drivers' #welfare. (3/n)
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Jun 25th 2019
Hi, I’m Chitku 🙂 we’ve met before. This is my brother Kaachbo. We have been brought into this world by Priyanka Tolia😎 ImageImageImageImage
Around 2003, while working in Mumbai, many of her colleagues from varied Himalayan states of India, discussed frequently and naively on the needs of design interventions to create livelihood opportunities so as to push mountain industries that otherwise face isolation. ImageImageImageImage
They dreamt of opening #design studios from where they could work, expand on #Indian #Designscape – bringing forth the unique #mountain #lifestyles #philosophies on #materials & #form. Today, Chitku Design Studio is a result of such dreams…
Read 4 tweets
Mar 6th 2018
A treasure trove for #nanotechnology experts. Our high-throughput study on novel #2dmaterials. #graphene-like #materials #compchem #dft
Paper: (1/3)
All the computed data including the full AiiDA #provenance is available on #MaterialsCloud: @AiiDA_team (2/3)
Or in a more traditional way in the supplementary information - I would call it the book of 2d materials, definitely worth to have a look at it!… #BookOf2D (3/3) Image
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