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Jan 12th 2023
So the wife of the #Spare was gonna be called as a witness for Prince Andrews trial.

#MeghanMarkle "was a close associate of Prince Andrew" & may "have seen what he did"

Bc of her "past association" with him she "will certainly have some knowledge"

Erm..Seen what!?

#YachtGirl Image
Marcus Anderson with Prince Andrew... aaaaaand
Marcus Anderson with Meghan Markle... ImageImageImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Sep 14th 2021
1/. ā€œTodayā€™s hearing didnā€™t focus at all about the allegations against #PrinceAndrewā€

His lawyer - a man who defended Armie Hammer & several high profile #MeToo defendants - argued Andrew hadnā€™t been served with the papers...despite evidence that he had.
2/. ā€œHeā€™s clearly just making Virginiaā€™s lawyers jump through every possible hoop."

In a sign that his delaying tactics are not likely to work, the judge told #PrinceAndrewā€™s lawyer: ā€œI think weā€™re making this a lot more complicated than it really isā€.
3/. The reason that #PrinceAndrew is so keen to avoid addressing the substance of the allegations becomes apparent when looking at the summons

Itā€™s full of detail, including travel logs & facts like #JeffreyEpstein having 12 different contact numbers for Andrew. (via @WakeHill)
Read 5 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
So these are the reasons why Kamala Harris shouldnā€™t be Bidenā€™s VP pick and if he chooses her - then take it with a grain of salt

#Biden's VP #KamalaHarrisDestroyed #KHive #Bass
Kamala Harris pushed a law that forces schools to turn undocumented students over to ICE, separating them from their parents and violating human rights, and continues to defend the existence of ICEā€¦

#Biden #KamalaHarrisDestroyed
Laughed about putting parents in jail if their kids missed school, disproportionately harming single parent households, the poor, and families of color like this one (evidence supports it in article above) #Biden #KamalaHarrisDestroyed #2020Election
Read 13 tweets
Jul 17th 2020
ā€œThe island was an absolute cesspool, just ask Prince Andrew about it.ā€

Donald Trump tells reporters to ask the Duke of York about Jeffrey Epstein's island in newly uncovered 2015 video. #PrinceAndrew #Trump #JeffreyEpstein #Epstein #GhislaineMaxwell
If Prince Andrew could sweat, heā€™d be sweating a whole lot now! #PrinceAndrew #AskPrinceAndrew #JustAskPrinceAndrew #Trump #JefferyEpstein #GhislaineMaxwell #Epstein #Maxwell
ā€œYou saw me at your parties, you saw me in Epsteinā€™s homes, you saw me on the planeā€ @VRSVirginia

This song, ā€œJust a Prince Who Can't Say Noā€, by Spitting Image was a chart success in 1984

What really went on btw #PrinceAndrew, #Epstein & #GhislaineMaxwell. Who knew what when?
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Jul 13th 2020
@HelenClarkNZ @ @UNDP know #GhislaineMaxwell??
#Ghislaine spoke @ the @UN 20+ times.
[25 Jun 2013]#Ghislaine #Maxwell, Founder of the TerraMar Project and H.E. Mr. Stuart Beck, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Palau, Speak at @UN press conferenceā€¦
How long was @HelenClarkNZ @ the @UNDP
(MINURSO), is not only accused of sexual harassment in a previous @UN post, but is about to benefit from a cover up by the UN boss ā€œto protect another UN officialā€ā€¦
Dat:Fri,Jun 28, 2013 at9:38 AM
Sub:The TerraMar Project To: matthew.lee, It was a pleasure to meet you. As promised, here is some information on the TerraMar Project ā€“ you can see all the latestā€¦
Read 21 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
@MarinaAbramovlc with #JacobRothschild in front of a very special picture called "Satan summoning his Legions". #QanonArmy says, that the #DeepState is in #PanicInDC.
#JacobRothschild is father of @NatRothschild1. Do you remember the connections? Nat knows #RachelChandler aswell as #GhislaineMaxwell.
#JacobRothschild together with #EvelyneRothschild and #LynnForesterRothschild.
Lynn is the spouse of #Epstein listee Evelyn. Together with Archpaedophile #JimmySavile, #FfionHague and @TheDukeOfYork, Lynn was on the board of Outward Bound where indescribable abuse took place.
Read 229 tweets
Nov 9th 2019
Roman Polanskiā€™s house under house arrest is right next door to a place that camps of children stay at. He literally can walk out across his garden and sexually assault little children at will.
They knew this when he was put under house arrest.
This is just like Epstein.
..people in intelligence are 100% protected

Here is something so sick people are not aware of,
#RomanPolanski residence,
Read 4 tweets
Jul 20th 2019
1. Does @POTUS @Trump also sexually assault little boys? Is it what Putin has on him & @senatemajldr @LindseyGrahamSC @RandPaul? Trump's pedophilia could confirm my theory Fred Trump was pedophile & assaulted his boys. I think that may have been why Bavaria shunned the family.
@POTUS @Trump @senatemajldr @LindseyGrahamSC @RandPaul 2. Family photos tell a lot. What I noticed is there are very few photos of Fred with the family. I can say that we also had very few photos of my dad with the family but that was because he was an @AP wire-service photographer and usually took the picture. Not the Trumps.
3. They had professional shots done in studios. Who would do that without the father? A family who all shared a terrible secret about a monster.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 5th 2019
Another great reveal from Enty
#LolitaExpress #jefferyepstein #pizzagate #pedogate

I know they thought they got away with it. When they threw that long time A list celebrity in his country under the bus after his death with planned leaks and a parade of victims,
they raised a toast with a bottle of wine that cost $25K while they watched child porn they had filmed and collected. Most of it they had filmed. One is a foreign born permanent A list musician who has briefly touched the third rail of child porn
but got away with his lame excuse because of his fame.

The other, a foreign born permanent A list socialite type who has been in this space before because of his banishment from multiple countries for similar offenses. Not so much child porn.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 25th 2018
People following the #QAnon narrative and the mainstream narrative have their sights set on the testimony of #JohnHuber regarding the #ClintonFoundation December 5th. It's a big day for people who follow #QAnon since Huber has been on our radar all year.ā€¦
But there is another story I don't think people should forget. December 4th another name directly mentioned by Q will be in the headlines. #JefferyEpstein.
His long awaited and delayed civil trial finally happens the day before John Huber's testimony.ā€¦
Is it coincidence that Epstein ( a friend of Bill Clinton's) and the Clinton Foundation are both suspected of human/sex trafficking.
Read 16 tweets

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