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Nov 11th 2022
What can patients do to lower #cholesterol levels, if they can not take #statin due to any reason?

1. They can take #garlic and #lemon juice, if statins are contraindicated or causing any #adverse effects such as myalgia or muscle weakness.
2. High cholesterol level is a risk factor for stroke and heart attacks. Statins are commonly prescribed drugs to lower cholesterol levels. However, some patients can not take statins due to adverse effects such as muscle pain and muscle weakness.
#Diet #nutrition #healthydiet
3. In a study, 20 gram of raw garlic and one tablespoon of lemon juice was given daily for 8 weeks in people with high chol. Total cholesterol reduced by 41 mg/dl, LDL cholesterol reduced by 30 mg/dl and BMI reduced by 1.6. (Ref: International Journal of Preventive Medicine 2016)
Read 4 tweets
May 11th 2022
Millionaire shortbread with a twist: freshly baked shortbread cookie base, a layer of handcrafted caramel, a boozy bourbon marshmallow center, enrobed in the best Belgian chocolate on the planet. Made for a custom order today, only 3 orders left!

➡️… Image
New in the store today: Triple Gingerdoodles, like snickerdoodles but instead of cinnamon, they are made with stem ginger, crystallized ginger, and rolled in buffalo ginger and sugar. Crispy edges and soft in the middle.

Only 2 left!… Image
New in the shop this week:

Norwegian Havrekjeks!

Our favorite Norwegian oat shortbreads dipped in the best couverture Belgian chocolate ever.… Image
Read 37 tweets
Apr 26th 2021
In view of the rising #misinformation campaign, I'll attempt to debunk some of the most common and widespread myths surrounding #COVID19India.

Educate others.


Wearing masks will reduce O2 and cause CO2 poisoning.

Masks DON'T affect the O2-CO2 gas exchange at all. Masks won't reduce the oxygen or increase CO2 in your blood.

A study was also done to prove it. -…

#Lemon juice through the nose will kill the virus.

Lemon juice is acidic. Taking undiluted lemon juice through the nose will damage the inner lining, cause irritation, and may cause bleeding as well. It will not kill the virus either. DON'T SNORT LEMON JUICE.

Read 31 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
El hilo de hoy va para #ProyectoLIBERA #MiPuebloSinBasuraleza Lo siento, tengo la úlcera que no aguanta más y tengo que soltar un poco de lastre. Igual habría sido mejor un artículo en el blog, pero estoy bastante liado y no tengo tiempo.
Los envases de usar y tirar son un problema: muchos están diseñados para consumir fuera de casa y con más frecuencia de lo deseable son abandonados en mitad del campo. Sin la labor de los voluntarios que los recogen seguirían allí para siempre… #basuraleza Image
La #basuraleza, #littering o la basura dispersa es un problema. En España y en todo el planeta. Tanto que desde Europa proponen que quienes ponen en el mercado productos que con su uso se convierten en residuos tengan la obligación legal de cubrir el coste de la recogida.
Read 20 tweets
May 18th 2020

Here’s my #recipe for my #lemon #blueberry #muffins (see pic). Hope you enjoy them!

Lemon Blueberry Muffins

2 cups all-purpose flour, spooned into measuring cup and leveled-off
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 stick (1/2 cup) unsalted butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
2 large eggs
1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons of lemon zest or to taste
1/4 teaspoon lemon extract, optional **
1/2 cup milk
2-1/4 cups fresh blueberries
2 tablespoons or to taste turbinado sugar
Preheat the oven to 375°F. Line a 12-cup muffin tin with paper liners. Spray the pan and the liners with non-stick cooking spray.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
#Trump ajoute la controverse en fin d'1 déjà bien mauvaise soirée pour lui par ce tweet où il utilise 1 dog whistle (message suggéré)clair. Traiter de"dumb" (crétins) le présentateur de CNN Don Lemon et la star du #basket #LeBronJames, tous 2 Afro-Américains"parlera"à sa base. RT
2) En 2017, le General Social Survey de l'université de Chicago établissait que les 2 principaux clichés racistes sur les Afro-Américains- idiots et paresseux- avaient la vie dure chez les républicains. #Trump n'insulte pas #LeBronJames et #Lemon au hasard…
3) Quant au "#IlikeMike" cryptique de #Trump à la fin de son tweet, il indique sans nul doute la préférence du président pour Michael Jordan, l'ex-star du basket #NBA dont le rang de plus grand joueur de l'histoire est aujourd'hui contesté par #LeBronJames...
Read 4 tweets
Feb 15th 2018
@elonmusk @Tesla @TeslaMotorsClub #Tesla 5285 is pissed. since my Tesla is out of warranty. Since I see everyone having issues. I'm going to tear my pos lemon apart. I diagnosed the door, expect a door teardown of why the window does not work right. Fix your QC Tesla.
Thanks for flooding my car, the smell of mold is bullshit.
Next week the #tesla teardown begins. #lemon #designedtofail #tesla

Thanks @Tesla for selling me a $104,000 pile of shit.
Read 13 tweets

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