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📆El máximo de intensidad de esta lluvia de meteoros, será la noche entre los días 22 y 23 de abril. Aunque podréis disfrutar de las Líridas hasta aproximadamente el 26 de abril.
😱Podréis ver hasta 20 meteoros, o estrellas fugaces, cada hora. No son demasiados, pero esta lluvia de estrellas se caracteriza porque se pueden ver #bólidos, meteoros muy brillantes, llamados en este caso "bolas de fuego Líridas".
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Thread 1/n 🧵 A complete historical overview of the failure of fiat currencies:

💰 775+ fiat currencies have failed throughout history (this is only a partial list, the actual number is in the thousands)
💰 Average lifespan of a fiat currency is only 27 years
💰 Over 750…… Image
2/n 🧵

🏛️ The Roman Denarius: A tale of currency failure and its impact on an empire

There is a false belief that a currency or nation is too big to fail. One of largest contributing factors to the fall of Rome in 476 AD was the collapse of their currency.

• Introduced…… Image
3/n 🧵

The United States has had numerous failures with its currency. Many aren’t aware of our storied past and have a false sense of security in the dollar.

Continental Currency 🇺🇸:
• Issued during American Revolutionary War (1775-1781)
• Rampant inflation due to excessive…… Image
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Nationale Notenbanken haben um 2010 HEIMLICH Geld 'gedruckt'. Aufgedeckt hat es v.a. #DanielHoffmann/#TUBerlin."EZB sieht tatenlos zu
..historische Entscheidung..
Erstmals [sagte] die #EZB.., wie viel Geld sie in die Finanzmärkte zu pumpen gedachte,
>um die lahme Konjunktur und die äußerst niedrige Inflation anzukurbeln.

..1,14 Billionen #Euro schweres Anleihenkaufprogramm..
neue geldpolitische Ära..

Tatsächlich hat diese Ära schon Jahre zuvor begonnen – nur hat das so gut wie niemand mitbekommen[!].
Die Notenbanken des #Euro-Systems kaufen schon längst in großem Stil Wertpapiere auf. Und dabei macht das erste kleine Staatsanleihen-Programm der EZB aus dem Jahr 2010 nur den kleinsten Teil aus. Denn zusätzlich haben die nationalen Zentralbanken in Frankreich, #Italien
Read 59 tweets

#Turkey #Ankara #Lira #ECONOMY #Intrestrates

The subdued economic outlook for the Fed, on the other hand, was less well received by the market. According to the Bloomberg news agency, the Fed fueled the flight to “safe havens”, which hurt one currency in particular -
the Turkish lira. The US Federal Reserve made it clear on Wednesday evening that it would not touch interest rates until the end of 2023. The lira recently continued its most recent series of losses against the US dollar.
On Thursday the rate fell to 7.5574 lira per dollar, making the Turkish currency cheaper than ever against the American greenback. The lira had lost against the dollar on 13 of the last 14 trading days. The decline continued on Friday, albeit more slowly.
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#Turkey #Ankara #Coronavirus #Lira

The Turkish lira reached a record low against the U.S. dollar, reaching 7.55 on Thursday at 12:21 local time in Istanbul.
The fall follows better than anticipated economic data in the U.S., where the federal reserve upgraded its 2020 GDP forecast, leading to a depreciation across many emerging currencies as investors moved to the dollar.
The weakness of the lira comes amid predicting by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that the Turkish economy would decline less than anticipated this year. The international economic organization had expected a decline of 4.8 per cent in 2020.
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Vorrei chiedere (a chi ci sta) di alzare il livello ed uscire dalle logiche di APPARTENENZA, a SMETTERE DI TIFARE per qualcuno e ODIARE un altro. Basta con le felpe di #Salvini e i congiuntivi di #DiMaio. UNIAMOCI ORA contro la VERA EMERGENZA che è quella ECONOMICA. 
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Fra pochi mesi l'Italia entrerà in una #RECESSIONE seconda solo a quella del dopoguerra.
Le previsioni delle maggiori banche d'affari e degli economisti sono catastrofiche.
Pochi hanno una vaga idea del baratro verso cui stiamo correndo.
Potrei già godermi i frutti di oltre 30 anni di lavoro e "coltivare orchidee" ma sto sul pezzo utilizzando le informazioni di cui dispongo per diffondere il mio punto di vista sperando di contribuire a liberare la mia amata #Italia dai #traditori che l'hanno resa debole. 
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1/5 A currency #crisis in 2018 opened the door for Turkey’s government to clamp down on financial markets in a way that turned inward the largest #economy in the Middle East, and spooked off foreign investors:… (thread)
2/5 President #Erdogan and his deputies say the measures, including tapping central bank legal reserves and regular #FX interventions, were needed to stabilize the #lira and boost growth – and they have had some success…
3/5 The investment impact in #Turkey has been dramatic: foreigners now hold only 8% of Turkish debt and mostly missed a once-a-decade bond rally, while non-residents sold a net $3.3 bln last year…
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