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Jul 21st 2020
While we’re waiting for the #RussiaReport, a reminder that even *without* it, we know that the Tories are awash with Russian money... Ruthless oligarchs don’t give away millions out of the goodness of their hearts... What did they expect in return? 🧐🇷🇺…
On the @ElectoralCommUK website, the filings for donations made to the Tory party by Lubov Chernukhin *alone* run to 5 pages... 🤨🇷🇺 #RussiaReport #ToryCorruption #LubovChernukhin
Lubov Chernukhin is married to Vladimir Putin’s former deputy finance minister, who is now London-based and has masses of unexplained cash. 😷🇷🇺 #ToryCorruption #RussiaReport
Read 5 tweets
Dec 7th 2019
How it is possible that @BorisJohnson is being investigated in the USA for potentially being compromised but nobody in the United Kingdom including the #bbcqt #media #Police have investigated this #crime #Brexit the #GeneralElection is days away #ReleaseTheRussianReport
The intrigue over a 'buried' probe into Russian spying deepened last night amid claims in security circles that it contains references to blackmail fears concerning Boris Johnson. #ReleaseTheRussianReport
One expert witness, who gave evidence to the ISC inquiry, has claimed privately to friends that he believes Boris Johnson was 'compromised' by a Russian businessman on a foreign trip in 2016
This is getting crazier 😱 #ReleaseTheRussianReport #GeneralElection2019 #GetJohnsonGone
Read 88 tweets

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