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Oct 28th 2022
My posts have hit a nerve with people. Low pay resonates not just in the gaming industry, but in the wider world beyond, all over the planet. #PlatinumGames #Nintendo #Bayonetta #Bayonetta3 #Bayonutters #Boycott #NintendoEurope #NintendoAmerica #NintendoJapan
To donate your boycott money, there are many small local charities that need your help. Food banks, homeless charities, children’s charities, animal charities. #PlatinumGames #Nintendo #Bayonetta #Bayonetta3 #Bayonutters #Boycott #NintendoEurope #NintendoAmerica #NintendoJapan
Alternately, buy homeless people coffees, or bake/buy a cake for a lonely elderly neighbour. Buy a bunch of flowers and give one to people who look sad on the street, without saying a word. We must care for people. So many ideas once you start…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
It has come to my attention that some people are calling me a liar and golddigger. I feel the need to defend myself and my reputation in the industry. See thread #PlatinumGames #Nintendo #Bayonetta #Bayonetta3 #Bayonutters #Boycott #NintendoEurope #NintendoAmerica #NintendoJapan
As I posted on part three of my video thread. I explained that their first offer was too low. That offer was 10,000 dollars total. Remember, this is 450 million dollar franchise, (not counting merchandise.) I then wrote in Japanese to Hideki Kamiya, asking for what I was
worth. I thought that as a creative, he would understand. He replied saying how much he valued my contribution to the game and how much the fans wanted me to voice the game. I was then offered an extra 5,0000!
Read 11 tweets
Oct 15th 2022
Friends, Worldlings, Bayonutters. Hear ye!
#PlatinumGames #Nintendo #Bayonetta #Bayonetta3 #Bayonutters #Boycott #NintendoEurope #NintendoAmerica #NintendoJapan
Read 4 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
1/ #Nintendo has released their quarter earnings for 3 months closing June 30, 2022. While sales revenue dropped YoY, the result is arguably reasonable for the current climate. Thanks to exchange rate changes, profit increased YoY, despite the previously mentioned results. ImageImage
2/ An interesting note on HW versus SW sell-through: HW sell-through decreased, but #Nintendo experienced their second best first party sell-through for a first qtr since the launch of the #NintendoSwitch. Also note sales on Switch Sports. ImageImage
3/ Here's the deal with Nintendo's overall numbers when compared YoY. Again, considering the decline in the overall market, these numbers still put Nintendo in a decent, albeit declining position (even considering the Switch is going on 6 years). Image
Read 6 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
Think this is key for Nintendo ... they assume production improves from late summer towards autumn Image
For further context.... while Nintendo/Sony assume production improves in the coming months, actual sea shipments for Switch into the USA do not look great. #Nintendo Image
As a result Inventory as % of sales is almost record high, leading some to speculate a new model coming (Inventory spiked when OLED launched). BUT with production problems a new model is unlikely in the near term Image
Read 4 tweets
Jun 10th 2022
מתחילים! #lego #Nintendo #SuperMario Image
שקית מספר 1 מתוך 21 Image
(עכשיו הפסקה לקונצרט סיום שנה של ירדן ואחר כך שיעור שחיה של יובל)
Read 26 tweets
May 25th 2022
Quelques constats en vrac sur Metroid après y avoir joué longuement. Ca va parler de problème d'input, de timer chaotique, de nuancier de PV et de duplicité du jump... THREAD ⬇️
#Retrogaming #NES #Metroid #Nintendo
Je commence directement par le truc qui fâche car je suis assez sensible aux problèmes d'input dans les jeux et Metroid n'y échappe pas malheureusement. Il a le droit à son petit bug d'input comme trop de jeux NES. Dommage.
Ça concerne le shot. Chaque fois qu’on presse ou relâche n'importe quel bouton (même les boutons de direction) pendant qu'on presse le bouton de tir alors ça enclenche un autre shot non voulu.
Read 24 tweets
Apr 20th 2022
Pues mira, si @AlvaroLoman dice que es una idea chachi, ¿quién soy yo para contradecirle? Se viene... EL MEGA HILO DE REFERENCIAS DEL FANHUNTER NAPIAS OF FORTUNE 👇👇👇 Image
Que si alguien a estas alturas TODAVÍA no se ha enterado de lo que es... #NapiasOfFortune es un pack de personajes (narizones) pregenerados no-oficial y gratuito para #Fanhunter el #JuegoDeRol #Épicodecadente de @chemapamundirl, @celspinol y @DevirIberia.…
Empezamos por They-Ra, superheroine no-binarie a tiempo parcial. Aurorita Puigmartí es un claro homenaje a Adora / #SheRa, protagonista del spin-off de He-Man del mismo nombre, y concretamente al reboot de Netflix del 2018 realizado por ND Stevenson (@Gingerhazing). ImageImageImageImage
Read 76 tweets
Feb 21st 2022
Ce thread pour vous rappeler que l'équipe propose une compilation de tests de manette #Nintendo #Switch. Celui-ci s'enrichit de jour en jour selon les manettes que l'on arrive à dégoter. Evidemment pour le moment celle qui tient le haut du podium ...…
est la manette #NintendoSwitch Pro qui propose en plus d'une ergonomie au top le #bluetooth natif et fonctionnel (voir l'article pour rigoler sur certaines manettes). En deuxième on placera la pas trop mal @horiusainc HoriPad, qui reste filaire. Puis...
pour les moins exigent en nombre de boutons et stick analogique la @8BitDo_FR m30 (ready pour essayer SN30PRO V2). Pour le reste, on est toujours à la recherche d'une perle rare. On va tenter la @NyxiGaming (coucou les gars, n'hésitez pas à nous MP), la @ChereekiCN , la @QUMOX...
Read 5 tweets
Feb 16th 2022
1/ I've seen this question on Twitter a lot today:
"Why is #Nintendo shutting down the #3DS and #WiiU eShops? Why can't they support it longer?"

While I can't answer for Nintendo, I've spent over 20 years in IT and I can add some insight to the conversation: 🧵
2/ The reality is, if most corporations could build "good will" and keep servers & infrastructure buzzing for a small fraction of the balance sheet they would do so. Unfortunately, that is likely not the case with this or other similar entities. #Nintendo
3/ Nintendo chooses (right or wrong) to set up their eShops & systems per project. Meaning: The 3DS and WiiU eShops are VERY likely their own entities, with their own cost structures and systems to maintain. The #3DS and #WiiU released in 2011 and 2012 respectively.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 16th 2022
Seguinte, venho aqui RECLAMAR sobre a @CogumeloShop
Contexto: Eu e amigos formamos uma equipe para disputar determinado torneio que a premiação seria um cupom de R$500,00 para gastar na loja.

Vencemos e desde o começo houve ATRASO para nos disponibilizar tal cupom+ #Nintendo
Em consenso e acordo, decidimos deixar o cupom para uma pessoa específica da equipe. Essa, por sua vez, utilizou o cupom na pré venda de #Pokémon BD, estando ciente que o jogo seria enviado em até 20 dias úteis após o lançamento oficial.

O prazo passou, passou 1 mês, 2 meses+
quase 3 meses e nada de uma resposta DECENTE sobre o assunto.

TOTAL DESCASO com o cliente, visto que a pessoa além de pedir Pokémon BD ainda comprou outro jogo.

Está sendo exigida a restituição do valor mas seguimos com o indiferença por parte da empresa

Read 4 tweets
Feb 7th 2022
#RuneFactory5 is almost here—it's time we introduced you to the residents of Rigbarth!
Check out the "Characters" section on the official website, and get ready to meet our voice cast in this thread:
Let's meet our protagonists first!

@SimplyAllegra voices Alice, #RF5's female protagonist! Alice is a brand-new SEED ranger ready to help those in need!

Pre-order #RuneFactory5 today:
Ares, #RF5's male protagonist, is voiced by @robbiedaymond! Don't underestimate this new SEED ranger—he's full of potential!

Pre-order #RuneFactory5, coming 3/22 to #Nintendo Switch:
Read 16 tweets
Nov 5th 2021
English of the Presentation by President of Nintendo is available… #Nintendo
New data on annual playing users is interesting
Plus the demographic mix of users is very wide
Read 12 tweets
Sep 3rd 2021
🪅Too weird to not be believed😵‍💫

@Roblox the Massive Online Gaming Platform Rife W/ Scams & Abuse, & uses children as free labor 🎮😵… #roblox #RTC #gaming @SophNar0747 @Grummz @YellowFlashGuy @TheQuartering @RealClownfishTV @neontaster @InsideRoblox
Thanks go to People Make Games who first did the legwork on this story & it was their report that inspired me to cover this story

Great channel that is very informative & interesting

@chrisbratt @anni_sayers @Quinns108

#gaming #gamers #peoplemakegames
Roblox is Yuge,

Arguably most popular video game on earth,
40 million players login in daily to play 50 million different games (experiences)

The size of 7 Ubisoft's,
Next closet competitor is Nintendo
#gaming #gamer #gamedev #roblox #YouTube #twitch #streamer #robux #kids
Read 26 tweets
Aug 24th 2021
Dark Samus Jack-O Animation!
#Metroid35th #Samus #jackochallenge #SmashBrosUltimate #Nintendo #Blender3d
High Fidelity Scoliosis™
ok someone pls tell me what phazon tastes like
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Aug 21st 2021
oml this took me so long for a deceptively simple animation, but it's finally done 😩
y'all better best believe there's a rear view on my patreon 😈
who knows, maybe some alts will get posted there too... 😏 Image
Read 9 tweets
Jun 19th 2021
Kazuya Mishima has been busy on that cliff, everyone's getting a turn. I see some favoritism tho.🟡🤝😈 #SmashBros #SmashBrosUltimate #SuperSmashBros #SmashUltimate #SuperSmashBrosUltimate #TEKKEN #Tekken7 #PacMan #PacMan99 #NintendoSwitch #Nintendo
Who else heard the clown honk in the last panel?
Kazuya: That took forever.. Why are there so many fighters here?!
Read 3 tweets
Apr 3rd 2021
Winners and losers by @JCVpartners
🇯🇵Find out what's up in #Japan 🇯🇵

....follow the thread (links to the stories on substack)👇…
1) A great read on start-up growth companies across Asia. One of our favourites #AI Inside makes number 11 of the list

2) Remember #Hitachi? It’s a software company now, writes the WSJ, following the $9.6 billion acquisition of Global Logic
3) #Nomura will have to sharpen its focus on risk management after facing up to $2 billion in losses from a single U.S client

4) #Softbank to bring #Coupang to Japan? Son’s idea to strengthen Yahoo's e-commerce business by applying Coupang’s “Rocket Delivery” model
Read 5 tweets
Feb 14th 2021
💥He recopilado las 69 MEJORES EMPRESAS que lo pueden hacer mejor en los próximos años💥
👉Descripción, precio, crecimiento, características y valuación de 5 años en un sola página⚡️
🔥SUPER hilo desglosado en sectores🔥
El informe completo en mi web
16 sectores con mucho potencial:
1 Base de datos🖥️
2 Internet💻
3 Games / Streaming🎮
4 Fintech💸
5 Impresoras 3D📟
6 Evs🚗
7 Semiconductores🔌
8 Drones🚁
9 Realidad virtual📺
10 Software💽
11 Renovables☀️
12 IoT📠
13 Telemedicina🩺
14 Medicina🧬
15 Ecommerce🛒
16 Cannabis🍀

Read 70 tweets
Nov 19th 2020
Hoy, sale a la venta en Europa la @PlayStation #PlayStation5 y hemos preparado un #HiloInfocaliptico con la historia de la compañía ¿Te gustaría saber cómo llegaron a ser una de las compañías más grandes de tecnología? Pues acompáñanos en esta historia. Dentro Hilo.
Primero hay que hablar de Masaru Ibuka y Akio Morita, quienes fundaron la compañía en 1946. Ambos se conocieron como ingeniero y físico, respectivamente, durante la segunda guerra mundial, formando parte del llamado Comité de Investigación de Japón Image
En septiembre del 45, tras la rendición de Japón, Ibuka regresa a una devastada Tokio y funda la empresa #Totsuken (Instituto de investigación de telecomunicaciones de Tokio), reparaban y fabricaban radios con tanto éxito que el periódico #AsahiShimbun publica un artículo.
Read 77 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
Veo muchos tweets que hablan de "Sony debería comprar", pero hay que tener en cuenta una cosa. Bethesda costó 7500 millones. Sony (con #PlayStation, cámaras, televisores, estudios de cine, TODO) vale 95000. No le sobra plata. #Microsoft vale (temblor) 1 billón y medio. ImageImage
#PlayStation no tiene (a diferencia de #Microsoft) el problema de que le salen mal los juegos. Con un par de buenas IP, por ejemplo #Castlevania y #MetalGearSolid de #Konami, estaría hecho.

Pero un juego de Sony toma 5 años de desarrollo y 100 millones de dólares de inversión.
Por eso es que #Sony prefiere desarrollar sus propias IP, o aprovechar las que controla (ver: #SpiderMan). Pero la expansión a PC y la subida de precios confirma que el negocio de plataforma cerrada y juegos exclusivos no es rentable. Ni con 100 millones de consolas en el mercado
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Sep 21st 2020
Analysis: #NASDAQ

Case 484 #Nintendo Co. Ltd.

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#DPHC 1/4 Image
Chart 1
Daily Chart: Price has risen strongly stalling beneath synthetic #resistance at 31.34, moves are overextended and envisage a correction towards 27.90/70. Good #support is seen 26.58- 24.68, and below the .....

DPHC 2/4
..... broken Aug. 2020 #trendline at 23.65. Mild resistance is seen at 35.18/74 and we anticipate a move towards 39.61.

SPHC 3/4 Image
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Sep 21st 2020
Analysis: #OTC Other $NTDOY

Case 483 #Nintendo Co. Ltd.

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

#NTDOY 1/3
Chart 1
Monthly Chart: Price rose strongly above the Jan. 2018 pivot and 10 year #trendline resistance. #Momentum is strong and the immediate target is 75.96- 76.78, higher up we note the major #resistance zone between 81.10- 85.04.

Chart 2
Daily Chart: Good #support begins on the broken 2010 trendline (as support on the #SMA 20 is unreliable), then 61.83- 58.63/41 and below 57.08- 56.03.

The #Strategy is printed on the image.

$NTDOY 3/3
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Sep 15th 2020
The cancelled #Carmageddon TDR 2000 for #GameBoyColor was among the recent #Nintendo #GigaLeak. Here are a few screenshots of the title. It seems to me like it is substantially better than the previous GBC instalment.

#NintendoLeaks #gameboy #gamehistory #retrogaming ImageImageImageImage
More screenshots there:…
And yes, the game has zombies/aliens/something instead of humans. ImageImageImageImage
I would have swapped that intro FMV for more car sprites at angles. ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets

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