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Tras los daños a la infraestructura de Jalisco causados por #Nora, la SIOP metió el acelerador para dictaminar todo lo que hay que reparar y cuánto costará, planear y prender la maquinaria. Esperamos que la federación nos ayude, pero, mientras tanto, empezamos con lo que tenemos.
Así como en el socavón de la carretera El Grullo-Cd. Guzmán, en Santa María del Oro ya va adelantada la liberación y limpieza del tramo que conecta con Valle de Juárez para luego repararlo, lo mismo con 3 puentes de este municipio, a los que hay que entrarles desde sus cimientos.
Ahí mismo comenzó la reparación del camino al Tepehuaje y de su libramiento; mientras tanto, en #Mascota, toca reparar el puente peatonal de la comunidad de San Rafael que forma parte de la Ruta del Peregrino.
Read 4 tweets
Nevím jak váš feed, ale ten můj celý den vyplňují videa a fotky z jihu USA zachycující řádění hurikánu #Ida (ale stejné můžete vidět i z Mexika, kde řádí #Nora).

Záběry mají opakující se motiv: devastující záplavy.

A my si teď vysvětlíme, proč k nim dochází. Krátký #vesmírníček
A co bych to byl za člověka, kdybych vás připravil o pravidelnou vesmírníčkovou hudební vložku. Takže než najdu vhodné obrázky, dejte si zatím tohle ;)
Začněme zlehka, ať se nám nikdo v povídání neztratí.

Hurikán je označení pro tropickou cyklónu v Atlantiku. Kdyby stejná tropická cyklóna vznikla v Indickém oceánu, bude to cyklóna. A kdyby v Pacifiku, hle tajfun...

Různá jména, ale furt to samé... obrovský atmosférický vír.
Read 18 tweets
Hurricane #Ida forms, with tropical storm conditions in #Cuba | Aug 27
- According to the latest NHC update, Tropical Storm Ida is 75 miles southeast of the Isle of Youth with maximum sustained winds of 65 mph. The system is moving northwest at 15 mph.…
#NewOrleans evacuates as Hurricane #Ida expected to strengthen to Category 4 with 140 mph winds | 5h ago
- The center of Ida was located over western Cuba around 8 p.m. ET on Friday. Jamaica, the Cayman Islands, and western Cuba will face heavy rains,…
Tropical Storm #Nora expected to become hurricane along Mexican coast | Aug 27
- the National Hurricane Center said the eye of the storm was located about 215 miles south-southwest of Manzanillo, #Mexico, and 570 miles southeast of Cabo San Lucas.
Read 7 tweets
1. Today, for the first time in decades, our government is going to take meaningful action to reduce gun violence in America. Here's a thread of some of what will change, and what still needs to be done. #TheTimeIsNow
2. First, President Biden is nominating a truly outstanding person to head the ATF. By nominating David Chipman to serve as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, @POTUS is demonstrating just how seriously his administration takes gun violence. #TheTimeIsNow
3. President Biden is ordering the Justice Department to make rule changes to stop the spread of ghost guns. These untraceable firearms require no background checks, and include build-at-home kits and 3D printed guns. #TheTimeIsNow
Read 15 tweets
1 of 19) GUN THREAD!

Republicans like @SenTedCruz are spewing disinformation that Democrats are seeking bans & #guncontrol legislation that will "do nothing" to save lives

This #GunOwnerForGunReform reviews US gun laws & exposes Republicans for yet another "Big Lie"

#HR8 #NoRA 1) Republicans like @SenTedCruz are spewing disinformation t
2) No law can stop all crime. What laws do (like laws against running red lights) is give law enforcement a way to deter, enforce, and prosecute.

More Americans have died by gun since 1968 than ALL US Wars combined. Here are a few ideas to save lives.

#HR8 #GunOwnerForGunReform 2) No law can stop all crime. What laws do (like laws agains
3) Background checks have stopped nearly TWO MILLION prohibited persons from buying guns, but BGCs are only required by licensed dealers. NICS data sharing is voluntary & exemptions for private sales across 38 states make BGC's easy to circumvent.

#HR8 #GunOwnerForGunReform 3) Background checks are ONLY required by licensed dealers &
Read 21 tweets
No, “AR” doesn’t stand for “Assault Rifle,” but was it designed as a military assault rifle to kill people?

A short thread >>> You decide and be #ArmedWithReason

#GunOwnerForGunReform #GunReform #NoRA
1/3: ArmaLite first developed AR-15 in late 40s as a military rifle & sold patent to Colt who developed it into the M16 & ramped up production of semiautomatic version for law enforcement marketed as the AR-15 designed to kill PEOPLE!
2/3: The AR-15 was developed as a military weapon. The AR-15 came first, in 1947 & tested in Vietnam; the M16 a decade later. There are only subtle differences such as semi vs full auto. Bump stock helps with that. Learn more:

Read 4 tweets
Ben Jackson: It's a really sad thing that the thing it took to shut down school shootings was shutting down every school in the country. Gun violence in schools is down this year because kids haven't been in school.
@DadoftheDecade #NoRA #Richmond2ARally
Ben Jackson: We're seeing killings over wearing masks. Record numbers of background checks and gun sales are happening, even higher than during the Obama admin.
@DadoftheDecade #NoRA #Richmond2ARally
Ben Jackson: Half of the increase in gun sales is people who are buying guns for the 1st time. It's scary because they're home, scared, in a bad political environment, & have never owned a gun before. That's a dangerous situation.
@DadoftheDecade #NoRA #Richmond2ARally
Read 10 tweets
Jadi ada ojol di channel nya elang motovlog yang keabisan bensin, nah coba di tolong lah sama motovlog ini
*btw kalian perhatiin deh plat nomor nya #ojolviral
Nah bapak ini bilang dari ancol mau pulang ke rawamangun, dia muter muter nyari orderan dari pagi sampe larut malem ini
Pokok nya si bapak ojol ini kekeh gamau di tolong sama sekali (alasan nya takut ngerepotin) sampe sampe ada pengendara mobil yang puter arah untuk menanyakan kejadian tsb. Akhir nya setelah susah payah si bapak ojol ini mau di bantu dan di stut ke bensin eceran oleh motovlog ini.
Read 23 tweets
.@kamalaharris discusses the 2nd amendment and how the constitution is a living, breathing document. #2020GunSafetyForum #NoRA
.@KamalaHarris on this importance of investing in our children’s health:

“We need to identify at early stages what a child needs to thrive.”

#2020GunSafetyForum #NoRA
.@KamalaHarris on gun violence in low-income communities:

“Healthy communities are safe communities.”

#2020GunSafetyForum #NoRA
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.@AndrewYang talks about the need to attack every link on the chain of gun violence not just sensible gun laws but also, investing in humans and communities. #2020gunsafetyforum #NoRA #YangGang
.@AndrewYang on children in the lockdown generation:

“If you’re a child and you can’t feel safe and secure in your classroom, your entire world gets shaken.

#2020GunSafetyForum #NoRA #YangGang
.@AndrewYang on the gun lobby’s strong hold over politicians:

“We have to flush out the lobbying money with *people powered* money. That’s how we override corruption in Washington.”

#2020GunSafetyForum #NoRA #YangGang
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.@amyklobuchar Answering a question from Patricia Oliver, who lost her son Guac at #MSDStrong. #2020GunSafetyForum #NoRA
.@amyklobuchar on why the time is now to act:

“There are many responsibly gun owners and guess what? A huge majority want universal background checks. And as your president, I won’t fold! We will get this done.”
#2020GunSafetyForum #NoRA
.@amyklobuchar on what needs to happen now to eradicate senseless gun violence in this country:

“We need to focus on an assault weapons ban, closing boyfriend loopholes, magazine limitations and universal background checks.”

#2020GunSafetyForum #NoRA
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.@betoOrourke eloquently answering a question on gun violence in communities of color. #2020GunSurvivorForum #NoRA
.@BetoORourke on the 2nd Amendment:

“We must exclude the protection of the 2nd amendment to those who are a serious danger to society...The 2nd amendment right does not trump the right to live.”

#2020GunSafetyForum #NoRA
.@BetoORourke on police brutality:

“No one should have to fear law enforcement. And we must hold those who abuse their power accountable.”

#2020GunSafetyForum #NoRA
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People often ask “how is the @nra responsible for mass shootings?” The #VirginaBeachShooting gives us several examples.

The incessant lobbying of that trade organization for the gun industry (and yes, this is what the NRA is) cost lives in this mass shooting. Thread.
It is legal to carry guns into public buildings in Virginia.

The @nra lobbies against bills that would keep guns out of public buildings and for laws that your specifically allow them to be carried there. #NoRA
The police found several empty large capacity magazines in the shooter’s possession after a “long” gun battle.

These magazines allow mass shooters to fire more rounds before reloading.

The @NRA lobbied against Virginia HB 2492 which would have banned them. The bill failed.
Read 6 tweets
We are heartbroken by the deaths by suicide of survivors of gun violence. Our hearts are with their loved ones.

We will not speculate on the triggers for these deaths, nor on the methods.

Rather, we will honor their memories by discussing the links between guns and suicide.
Firstly, it is important to note that the language around suicide matters. We pay attention to these things, and try to get it right. If you are unfamiliar with the language of suicide and accepted terminology, we recommend this excellent glossary:…
The data is clear: where people have more access to guns, more people die from suicide. Guns themselves are a risk factor for attempts, and are substantially more lethal when used in a suicide.
Read 13 tweets
From Dem Coalition in re Trump asking for UNITY in his #SOTU:
"A president intent on unity does not ban immigrants based on their religion." #StateOfTheHuman #WeWontGoBack
"A president intent on unity does not call the Speaker of the House “bad for America.”
#StateOfTheHuman #WeWontGoBack #SOTU @SpeakerPelosi
"A president intent on unity does not call for criminal investigations into his political opponents to distract from his own failures."
#StateOfTheHuman #WeWontGoBack #SOTU
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A summary of just a few critical moments that should TERRIFY YOU from Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing.




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It’s happened again in Florida. At least 4 dead. At least 11 injured.

Florida’s primary elections are Tuesday. #Vote.

Honor these victims by voting for candidates that reject the @NRA.

Be a hero.

#JacksonvilleLanding #NoRA
Florida voters: find your polling place and check your voter registration here:…

#JacksonvilleLanding #NoRA
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So, @BetsyDeVos is considering allowing states to use federal funding to purchase guns for educators.

Here’s what that money would be taken away from: 

(Thread) 1/7
#NoRA #BooksNotGuns
Title IV, Part A, is the mechanism through which community schools, 21st century and afterschool programs are funded.  Authorized at $1.6 billion in FY 2018, Title IV a block grant with 3 basic activities.

#NoRA #BooksNotGuns 2/7
•Providing students with a well-rounded education (e.g., college and career counseling, STEM, music and arts, civics, IB/AP, computer science)

#NoRA #BooksNotGuns 3/7
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3D GUN UPDATE: today, @SenBillNelson took to the Senate floor to ask the Senate for “unanimous consent” to immediately take up and pass his legislation to block the online publication of blueprints used to make fully functioning 3D-printed guns. #NoRA (Thread)
Under Senate rules, a senator’s request for “unanimous consent” – or passage without a vote – is approved unless any one senator objects.
Immediately after Nelson made his request, @SenMikeLee objected. #NoRA
Here’s a link to watch video of the Nelson’s remarks on the Senate floor: #NoRA
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Anyone concerned about protecting communities from gun violence should strongly oppose the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Here’s why:

(A thread)
Kavanaugh’s presence on the Supreme Court could undermine decades of work to strengthen gun policy and would gravely jeopardize public safety. #NoRA
If Kavanaugh is confirmed, it could mean the Supreme Court overturning common sense gun safety laws in states across the country — including laws that limit the sale of assault weapons, laws that are designed to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers, and more. #NoRA
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Hey .@SenateMajLdr McConnell: we know it can be hard to think of what the federal government can do to stop school shootings when you’ve taken $1.6 million in .@NRA money, so we made a simple thread. #NoRA
We know you like to say mental health is the problem. (It’s not the whole problem, but ok). Maybe stop gutting Medicaid and community health centers. Mental healthcare for the poor is a critical tool to stop many kinds of violence. #NoRA
Mandate trigger locks and safe storage. Properly stored and secured guns could have prevented any number of shootings, including Sandy Hook. #NoRA
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Next week President Trump will announce his second Supreme Court Justice pick.

Think this doesn’t affect your day-to-day life?

Think again.

Here’s #WhatsAtStake and how our lives and our democracy could be negatively impacted for generations to come. #SCOTUS
1. Simply put, the Supreme Court interprets the Constitution, which involves every aspect of our lives—how we conduct ourselves in society and boundaries for individuals and the government. Trump will surely nominate someone who aligns with his alt-right ideology. #WhatsAtStake
2. Women’s health. It’s not just about reproductive freedom!! It’s access to birth control, equal insurance pricing, equal access to care, and protection in the workplace. #WhatsAtStake
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Hello, @DLoesch. Since the Parkland shooting, common sense gun reform measures have been adopted at the local, state and federal level, while the private sector has made guns less available. And we are not done yet. (Thread) #NoRA
Federal: spending bill that went into law will make it easier for the Centers for Disease Control to investigate the causes of gun violence. #NoRA
Federal: spending bill also includes bipartisan provision that offers more money to states that comprehensively upload information to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. #NoRA
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The Gilboa Snake Double Barrel Assault Rifle is coming to a gun shop near you.

This Israeli gun is designed specifically to avoid laws against machine guns in the US, and to hold TWO 30-round magazines. Thread. #NoRA
US Law defines a machine gun as "...any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger."

Pretty clear, right? Well this gun has TWO triggers. #NoRA
...So technically, it fires two rounds almost simultaneously, by a single function of each trigger. Much like bump stocks, it relies on a deadly technicality to legally exist.
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