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Thought I'd take the opportunity of Oklahoma's attacks on public education getting national headlines to do a #thread on their GOP state superintendent of schools, Ryan Walters. Because hooooo boy the sledgehammer to the separation of church and state is just the beginning. (1/x) Oklahoma state superintende...
Walters took office earlier this year as superintendent, after serving as Secretary of Education under Governor Kevin Stitt (also GOP). He briefly held both roles, and while secretary was ALSO on the payroll of a non-profit funded by school privatizers.…
Walters also secured the no-bid contract with the company that distributed grants to families from federal coronavirus aid... $$$ intended for educational supplies, some of which got spent on TVs and gaming consoles due to lack of safeguards. Whoops.…
Read 15 tweets
A rare #oklaed thread from me, because it involves tax policy, and I nerd out on that. /1
The Oklahoma Legislature, with GOP supermajorities, has approved a private school tax credit bill that will *cost* $600 million in the next three years. /2
I know, I know. Labeling a tax credit a cost is *controversial* Whose money is it, if it isn’t yours or mine? The government’s? Hell no! /3
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It seems #okleg GOP leaders have found a deal on the #oklaed package. House Caucus heard details earlier and is allegedly supportive. Senate Caucus is meeting momentarily.

Here's a short thread 🧵of what I know, subject to final tweaks.

Start here. (1/?)…
Major details in the article above remain, so read that first.

New components seem to include:

• An extra $25M for Redbud
• A $3M-ish pilot program for elementary reading specialists
• A one-time $150M approp for "school safety" paid over 3 years.
• 6 week maternity leave.
Again, the full Senate GOP is just now hearing all the details, so how some things are put into bills may bet tweaked. The "school safety" part — involving school resource officers? — at $50M/year is one example.

I'm hearing $96,000/district? That would roughly = $50M. (3/?)
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We should not follow the guidelines of Milton Friedman - who is NOT aligned with Oklahoma values...

Like legalizing prostitution & cocaine. 🚫 Image
Defunding #OklaEd public education. Image
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This morning, I said Monday's mediation among #okleg leads & governor seemed "fruitful," as rumors of a "deal" grew.

Ten hours later, leaders have hope, but many Q's remain.

Neither GOP Caucus loves the "compromise" #oklaed funding proposal I'm outlining in this thread 🧵 (1/7)
The #okleg GOP members were pitched a teacher pay plan like the Senate desired ($4K to $6K raises) but off-formula districts would also receive funding.

Staff stipends have been discussed? Unsure on details.

New #oklaed funding in the formula might be $360 million-ish? (2/7)
Here's the big sticking point: a revised form of the "#Oklahoma Student Fund," which aims to balance $ for urban districts & rural districts.

Previously, the Senate said "hell no" to the House's proposal to provide higher per-pupil new funds to rural districts than urban. (3/?)
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Quick thread 🧵 on #okleg budget negotiations @ the #Oklahoma Capitol.

I don't have a story yet to share with it, so I'll start with the @nondocmedia donation page in case you feel like supporting.

Anyway, today has been FULL or private meetings... (1/5)
Gov. Stitt, Speaker McCall & Senate PPT Treat have been meeting @ the gov mansion on #oklaed.

They brought in a mediator to help manage the convo.

I won't say who, but it's widely a respected attorney. I'd have a hard time identifying a better person for the job, frankly. (2/5)
While those legs of the proverbial Capitol stool are meeting across the street, House & Senate A/B chairman Wallace & Thompson met this afternoon at the Capitol.

"The budget is going good, but education is pretty slow," Wallace told me as he headed into the meeting. (3/5)
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It is now two years after the passage of Oklahoma’s so-called “anti-Critical Race Theory” law, HB1775, and the harm is very real. It is not often in the daily media because the harm is not apparent to those outside the daily experience of public education. #oklaed (1/4)
The harm is missing history, untold stories. The harm is timid teaching. The harm is honest classroom conversations cut short by job insecurity. The harm is education equity questions with no professional answers. #oklaed (2/4)
The harm is a vacuum where once there was racial healing built into faculty meetings. The harm is student efforts in racial equity going unrecognized and uncelebrated. The harm is a visible weight on the shoulders of Black educators and students alike. #oklaed (3/4)
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State Superintendent Ryan Walters says he inherited an “absolute dumpster fire” from Joy Hofmeister at the State Department of Education. He just referred to the Teachers Union as a “terrorist organization.” #okleg #oklaed
Walters says 37 resignations and 7 firings at OSDE since last year, adds some were junior level and others higher level. Seventeen positions have been eliminated. Nine positions his agency is looking to fill.
Walters: We are 49th in education outcomes, that meant some folks had to go.
Read 17 tweets
NEW: @Okla_OAG issued a formal opinion that the @oksde did not have authority to pass rules on school library content and gender pronouns in schools.
The rules are "void, cannot be placed into effect, and cannot be enforced," according to the press release. 1/4
Drummond: “The Legislature is vested with policymaking authority. I will not allow any state agency, board or commission to usurp the Legislature’s rightful role, even if they have the best of intentions.” 2/4
The AG opinion didn't look at the new controversial #oklaed rules, approved last month, specifically. Instead it applies to ALL rulemaking by SBE. 3/4
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The House is now considering HB1028, which would bar the use of corporal punishment on disabled students. You heard that right, they’re actually arguing about it. Rep. Jim Olsen just cited Proverbs: He that spareth his rod hateth his son. #okleg #oklaed
Rep. John Talley, the bill’s author: I don’t want to be known as a state that beats disabled kids.
We’re moving into DEBATE on a bill that would bar the use of corporal punishment on disabled children in the Oklahoma House.
Read 15 tweets
I have consumed a lot of Ryan Walters media in the last 2.5 years. Here is one thing I have learned: Ryan Walters does not talk about Black people and does not acknowledge African American existence. This is alarming, and I would very much like to be proven wrong. #oklaed 🧵
Here is what you can find rather quickly. A video surfaced in 2022 of Ryan Walters teaching a virtual lesson where he referenced internalized racism as part of a lesson on Brown v. Board. The video is from 2020.…
Ryan Walters certainly talked about Black people when he taught history, but in the interview defending his lesson, he does not. I believe this is calculated. I believe this omission is designed to erase the Black Oklahoman experience from the narrative.
Read 5 tweets
The sudden removal by @RyanWaltersSupt of Educaiton Hall of Famers’ photos at OSDE is a personal punch to their loved ones. @okcfox #oklaed
❗️UPDATE- In a NEW statement @RyanWaltersSupt says the Hall of Fame photos he removed will be delivered to "teachers unions," and notes they can "use donor money and their lobbyists" to reinstall the photos of "administrators and bureaucrats." 👀 #oklaed @okcfox @DavidChasanov
Read 3 tweets
‼️#HappeningNow: @RyanWaltersSupt is introducing his budget to state lawmakers. His education goals include “eliminating CRT, indoctrination” and providing “comprehensive school choice.”#oklaed Image
His two key differences from Hofmeister’s budget:
-merit-based teacher pay instead of an overall base pay increase for teachers
-investment into early childhood reading

Here’s the details for teacher pay.⬇️ Image
Every Kid Reads Recovery Act request is $100M, which Walters has continuously said is the largest investment into early reading in the country. He’s using examples of programs in Mississippi, North Carolina and Tennessee as initiatives he’d like here. Image
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“Groomer” is a serious accusation that I will not level at Oklahoma elected leaders. Legislation targeting 2SLGBTQ+ is not “grooming” and neither is supporting and affirming 2SLGBTQ+ students. Statements claiming otherwise are disingenuous. #oklaed 🧵
Supt. Ryan Walters, Sen. David Bullard, Sen. Shane Jett, Sen. Nathan Dahm, and others have been and are continuing to actively harm 2SLGBTQ+ students and their families. Recent state legislation has put the very lives of young Oklahomans at risk. #oklaed
SB129, authored by Bullard, has been named The Millstone Act of 2023. This reference is Bullard’s claim that providing transgender youth with proven gender affirming healthcare is “causing a little one to stumble.” #oklaed
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Proposed language for new Oklahoma legislation in response to HB1775 - “A teacher, administrator or other employee of a school district, charter school or virtual charter school may make part of a course the following concepts:” 🧵
“A. talking about race is not racist, B. implicit bias is real and everyone has it, C. equal rights for others does not mean less rights for you, D. race is a real, lived experience and should always be regarded,”
“E. everyone has a racial identity, F. the history of race continues to be written today, G. conversations about race are difficult and can lead to discomfort, H. opportunities to succeed continue to be distributed unequally across racial groups.”
Read 4 tweets
I teach high school in Oklahoma. I am faculty advisor for our Gender and Sexuality Alliance. I have written extensively about diversity, equity, and inclusion in Oklahoma public schools. I am passionate about student democracy and increasing student voice. 🧵
I openly declare that trans girls are girls and that Black Lives Matter. I teach African American History through an antiracist lens.
I am a proud union member. I am a registered “independent” voter. I am a formerly ordained Christian minister. I hold a Master of Arts in Theological Studies. I am an award winning teacher and activist. I am an adjunct university professor.
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A🧵 on why the #KYed ruling last week against #schoolvouchers tax credit scheme matters @NPEaction @Network4pubEd @PV4PS @BadassTeachersA @edvoters

First: a win’s a win. It’s good to see #schoolvouchers stopped anywhere. The push to privatize is so relentless, so well-funded by such a narrow swath of backers, it can feel like swinging in the dark against it.

But more concretely: the KY Court found that #schoolvouchers tax credit shell game was a budget commitment even though it’s not a direct appropriation. Reducing revenue by $10 is the same as spending $10.

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A report on Arizona's new universal school voucher program refutes many proponents' claims about these programs.
Since @GovStitt and @ryanmwalters are pushing for a similar plan in Oklahoma, let's take a look #okleg #oklaed 1/ Image
You've heard folks say vouchers help students escape failing schools, right?

Of the 31,750 students who applied, 96.5% of them live in a zip code with a school that's not rated D or F. The wealthy zip codes didn't even have any D or F schools. 2/ Image
And 80% of Arizona voucher applicants are not in public school. They are already in private schools, being homeschooled, or just starting school. 3/
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Stitt and Walters claim that vouchers would not hurt our rural schools and communities. Here is how vouchers hurt ALL school districts that rely on the funding formula to operate. 1/3
Costs of vouchers are subtracted from the total state allocation for K-12 schools before the remainder is distributed to Public Schools across the state.That’s what happens with the Lindsey Nicole Henry vouchers & what would’ve happened if SB1647 had passed last session. 2/3
Do not be fooled when candidates claim that vouchers don’t defund public education. Vouchers are Rural School Killers and Public School Killers! Vote for candidates that will protect Public School Funds from privatization! 3/3 #oklaed #Publicfunds4publicschools #joy4ok #jena4ok
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🧵 We're going round 3 today. Time to look closer at @sec_walters, @EKCOklahoma, and @OK_PSRC. See you soon.

If you're just seeing this, go back to the original thread (quote tweet inception here) within the thread this is QTing lol. I know. swampy /1
So, OPSRC stands for OK Public School Resource Center. but first, we're going to learn about their sister school in Arkansas (APSRC). Bankrolled by the Walton's [wal-mart], they have a deceptive name. They're as pro-charter as it gets. /2
APSRC lobbies on behalf of the Walton Family Foundation. According to their former comms director, APRSC exec dir Scott Smith is a step-child within the AR Walton Family. Click this link for a short write up of his connection to OK /3… Image
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Leaders of the #FiveTribes have gathered to announce their endorsement of @joy4ok for governor. Former Stitt secretary of Native American affairs is emceeing. Cherokee Chief @ChuckHoskin_Jr is up first.

It's no secret that Gov. Kevin Stitt has clashed with and angered tribes ... Image
Hoskin speaks of the importance of #oklaed and the #Cherokee Nation's history of educational priorities. He calls Hofmeister "a dedicated education professional" who understands "the very Cherokee idea of working together." (2/?) Image
Flashing back in time, briefly, I mentioned when former #okleg Republican representative Lisa Billy resigned from the Stitt cabinet in December 2019, less than a year after taking the post and watching him clash with tribal leaders over gaming compacts.…
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I don’t owe anyone an explanation of why my last day teaching is October 7th. But I do want people to be aware of problems other teachers might be facing… First off, I’ve been incredibly blessed to be at my school over the last 3 1/4 years. I’ve navigated some VERY challenging
times. Additionally, I’ve had the challenge of teaching 2 subjects, be the site AD, and coach nearly nonstop since our ms opened in the fall of 2019. I’ve been team lead for 7th grade and on various committees. Basically I’ve poured everything I have into the growth of this
school and my students and athletes. I’ve spent more time with some of my multi-sport student athletes than my own family for 9 months out of the year. I signed up for this though. I signed up for my crappy salary and my crappy coaching stipends. I chose all this.
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Who'd like to end their week on a good feeling & help a group of predominantly #Native kids (mostly #Cherokee) in NE Oklahoma?😄 We all know Oklahoma schools are way underfunded, so field trips are few & far between. My mom teaches 7th/8th grade language arts at a rural school...
in Delaware County. She loves to read & introduce her students to classic authors, short stories & experiences they wouldn’t normally get in a small, rural school 60+ miles from Tulsa. Over the summer she found a theater company that caters to school field trips stopping in Tulsa
Chamber Theater Productions tours the country and performs classics like The Monkey’s Paw, The Raven, The Tell-Tale Heart, The Necklace, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, etc. Here’s a link: Most of these kids have likely never been to a live play. 🎭
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A 🧵 to end all 🧵s

⚠️CW: Profanity, references to violence, suicidal ideation⚠️ Please proceed with your mental health in mind.
It’s common knowledge that people are capable of some frankly breathtaking levels of cruelty. I’ve known that for a while now, but I’ve never known exactly what that meant until recently.
This is the personal cost of a culture war that weaponizes ignorance, that willfully (or worse) mistakes it for righteousness. As a quasi-90s kid, I’m compelled to ask, “WWJD?”
Read 24 tweets

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