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Mar 22nd 2021
How Organizational Network Analysis Can Increase Team Collaboration

latest from Workforce Futurist Newsletter is part of a series on ‘The New Technology of Teams’

This article is a collaboration with @fmarinmayer and @CTS_ONA (1/8)
All great work happens in teams.

Yet many management and HR processes are designed around the individual.

We need new approaches, and tools, to support successful teams.

#Leadership @VIDOInterVac #HRTech #CHRO
How is Teamwork Changing?

There's an increasingly decentralized workforce as many people work outside of organizational structures.

These workers are not working in isolation but forming new teams.

#FutureOfWork (3/8)…
Read 8 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
HR Tech News -> @Workday to acquire @peakonteam for $700m

Badly needed as employee sentiment data required to solve many workforce business challenges.

#PeopleAnalytics #HRTech…
Big #HRTech players on a feeding frenzy to fix problems and mismatch between

sales pitch - we solve workforce problems using analytics, and,

business results - patchy due to narrow strips of poor data and need for expertise
Will this be a good investment as threats on horizon, with
Web3 turning model upside down

Candidates will have verifiable career profiles changing reqs of core HR systems

Decentralised/hybrid workforce will need different approaches to managing work
Read 6 tweets
Jun 7th 2019
Lean Usability Testing Hiring. Usability Testing Landscape is growing with newer and sophisticated tests included over time. One Specialist may not be equipped with the knowledge of all the types of Usability Tests. So Job Portals need to device a way
to separate Specialist by their vocational expertise. This approach will directly impact the relationship between Client and Service provider. It will streamline Investment and make the UX process Lean.
#LeanUsability #LeanUX #Lean #UX #Usability #UXJobs #UXHiring #Hiring
Read 3 tweets

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