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MINTED OUT - Available on Secondary 🐸

Supply: 500 (1/1s)
Style: AI Colorized Tintype Photo

This collection depicts a world where Pepe lives in Ancient Rome at the epitome of classical civilization;

Like/RT For the Culture 🧵👇 $PEPE…
1. "The Roman Empepire" is a collection of 500 unique (1/1) colorized tintype photographs of Pepe in Ancient Rome. This series offers a unique and intriguing glimpse into a possible past where Pepe existed and influenced every aspect of life in the Glorious Roman Empepire.
2. Each NFT has been generated using AI (Midjourney V5.1) using various photography styles and prompts. The use of AI allows for the creation of unique historic meme-art photography that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to produce.
Read 10 tweets

Supply: 500 (1/1s)
Price: FREE MINT 🐸
Style: AI Colorized Tintype Photo

This collection depicts a world where Pepe lives in Ancient Rome at the epitome of classical civilization;

Like/Retweet For the Culture 🫡
Mint Details and Info 🧵👇…
1. "The Roman Empepire" is a collection of 500 unique (1/1) colorized tintype photographs of Pepe in Ancient Rome. This series offers a unique and intriguing glimpse into a possible past where Pepe existed and influenced every aspect of life in the Glorious Roman Empepire.
2. Each NFT has been generated using AI (Midjourney V5.1) using various photography styles and prompts. The use of AI allows for the creation of unique historic meme-art photography that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to produce.
Read 13 tweets
Today i will deep dive into one of the biggest and rarest gems on #bitcoin @InscribedPepe and their new collection Lil Pepos 🧵⬇️ #pepe ImageImageImageImage
At first we need to understand few things about ordinals and their rarity. Now we have over 11mil. inscriptions and this number grows every day. We can say that the lower number = the rarest ordinal. But its not the only attribute what dictates rarity of ordinals. Image
Every BTC equals 100m Sats. SAT is the smallest denomination of #Bitcoin. Some of them are rarer than others. Image
Read 19 tweets

How to trade meme coins systematically... Image
2/ FAQ1: How to trade this move on #PEPE?

Me: Don't trade individual coins. Trade portfolio of strategies and coins.

FAQ2: What if I want to trade a Meme Coin anyway?
3/ This question is STILL quite common.

A lot of novice traders don't get it and are still trying to catch a lucky break on some new trending coin.

If I had to, how would I trade them?

Breakout strategies are my solution...
Read 16 tweets
Sobre o futuro plantel #FCPorto.
🧵 N° 2
Convém começar pelo + importante. A manutenção do treinador. E acerca disto, 1 pequena reflexão. O modus operandi dum clube não pode ficar cristalizado e preso ao passado +/- recente, por mt boa q tenha sido a estratégia nessa altura (1/n)
Se alturas houve em q o Scout assegurava o reforço da equipa c/ jovens promessas e em q o treinador apenas os encaminhava (sendo este apenas + uma peça da engrenagem), hoje em dia, pelo aparecimento dos Clubes-Grupo, esse modelo tende a ser mais complicado de implementar (2/n)
Os Clubes-Grupo são redes de clubes, c/ liderança centralizada (empresas e/ou milionários) e estrutura em escada, q permitem a captação de talentos ainda mt jovens e desenvolvimento dentro do mm ecossistema, internalizando o papel embrionário que o Porto assumia (3/n)
Read 26 tweets

In this 🧵, we are going to show how the bigger players (> $100k) were dumping their #PEPE on smaller gamblers (<$100k).
🧵/1. Looking at the NetFlow of smaller investors, we can see they were mostly "Buying" through the market rally to the top.
0-$100 wallets: net-buying up to $13k/hour
$100-$1k wallets : net-buying up to $172k/hour
$1k-$10k wallets : net-buying up to $490k/hour 0-$100 wallets$100-$1k wallets$10k-$100K wallets
🧵/2. Now let's see the big boys' NetFlow charts throughout the rally to the top!
$100k-$1M wallets: net-selling up to $2.5 M/hour
$1M-$10M wallets: net-selling up to $1.9 M/hour >$10M wallets: net-selling up to $3.3 M/hour

This is how the founders do it. $100k-$1M wallets$1M-$10M wallets
Read 4 tweets
Good Morning #Crypto Twitter!

Embr Labs is revolutionizing the DeFi space with the Mattr One Protocol, the most advanced trust-minimized, real-time cross-chain technology:


#CryptoNews #CryptoCommunity #ETH #BSC #memecoin #web3 #PEPE… Image
Embr Labs is a leading technology company that develops and supports the Mattr One Protocol.
The Mattr One Protocol is the most advanced trust-minimized, real-time cross-chain technology.
Read 7 tweets
监控一下这个Smart Money钱包。刚监控预警! Image

某群友的钱包,3天20倍。😄您们参考一下。 Image

这个天才钱包,也是要监控的,26油买 #pepe 的男人,现在472万油。

但现在这个钱包目前有点亮眼,建议可以观察它关联钱包。 Image
Read 6 tweets
[1] The hottest topic in the crypto universe last couple of days was $PEPE - a meme coin that went to top 40 coins and was the biggest meme surprise since SHIB in October 2021. How did the market look in the HFT data? Let’s see! 🧵🧵

#pepe #cryptocurrency #trading Image
[2] I focus on CEX trading because there were more analyses related to the $PEPE and trading on DEXes, such as the great thread by @thiccythot_ which can bring you a lot of value in terms of understanding what happened on $PEPE. Highly recommended thread.
[3] What is important in terms of the analysis of $PEPE is that we should divide our analysis into two periods: The first move with only a couple of exchanges that had $PEPE listed with really small liquidity and the second move with other exchanges in the game such as OKX. Image
Read 18 tweets
Sürekli kazandırabilen kazanç yöntemini anlatacağım bugün.

Yaklaşık 9 aydır bu sistemle kazanıyorum.
Boğa-Ayı demeden çorbayı kaynatıyor.

Basit yöntemler ile kümülatif büyümek isteyenler için;

Flood başlıyor 👇

#Btc #Pepe #Floki
1⃣ Bu yöntemi hep uyguluyorum, çoğu kez görmüş ve şahit olmuşsunuzdur.

''1x shortlamak''

Neden 1x shortluyorsun?
Kazanç getirisi ne oluyor?
Spottan ne farkı var?
İşleme girerken nelere dikkat ediyorsun?
Hangi borsada yapıyorsun?

Buyrun anlatayım 🙂

#Pepe #Floki #Trade
2⃣ Neden 1x shortluyorum?

Ben genellikle kamikaze işlem yapan bir traderim.
Setup kuracak vaktim olmadığı zamanlar piyasa dinamiklerine göre işlem alıyorum.

Hâl böyle olunca riskli poz taşımayı sevmiyorum.
Bu sebeple düşük kaldıraç kullanarak kasamı yönetmeyi yeğliyorum.
Read 25 tweets

推荐书:《自私的基因》,meme一词就出自于本书,每当我因为meme币感到fomo或者焦虑时,我都会重读这本书,引用本书的“我将违背我的天性,忤逆我的本能,永远爱你”,读书可以让我们从情绪中走出来,寻找真正的财富密码 #doge #shib #pepe… Image
2/8 本书主要探讨了生物进化的基本原理,以及基因在生物进化过程中的核心地位。道金斯提出了“自私的基因”这一观点,认为基因在进化过程中追求的是自身的复制和传播,而非个体或物种的利益,并提出文化基因meme的概念。但由于篇幅有限,我会更多分享与MEME有关的内容以及我的一些思考,探讨MEME传播的本质
3/8 万倍暴涨的meme是什么?
meme(模因)是一种文化现象,指通过模仿和复制在社会中传播的信息、想法或行为模式。这个词最早由生物学家理查德·道金斯(Richard Dawkins)在他的著作《自私的基因》(The Selfish Gene)中提出,用于解释文化进化过程中信息的传播方式。……
Read 8 tweets
Translation of a great thread by @0xKillTheWolf on origins of Pepe's presence in crypto space.

Discovering an Ancient PepeCoin Token Born in 2016

A Thread👇

🧵(1/18) Image
A battle for Pepe is brewing.

It began with a #PepeCoin claiming to be the most authentic Pepe token, born in 2016, while the recently popular #Pepe was created in April this year.

- On the left is #Pepe token @pepecoineth
- On the right is #PepeCoin token @pepecoins

🧵(2/18) Image
We're all familiar with the recently popular #Pepe.

But who exactly is this #PepeCoin?

Curiosity piqued, I investigated the background of #PepeCoin and now present to you the history behind this token, which claims to have been born in 2016.

🧵(3/18) Image
Read 18 tweets
Hey, did you miss out on #pepe and #wojak?

Don't worry, I'll tell you about the new trend #BRC20 that has the potential to bring in even more profits, and
Not many people know about it

I'll also let you in on a potential #Airdrop - Token Confirmed 🧵👇 Image

In this topic, we'll get acquainted with wallet platforms through which you can buy, mint, and sell #BRC20

0️⃣ About
1️⃣ @unisat_wallet (token confirmed)
2️⃣ @ordinalswallet (potential airdrop)
3️⃣ Trustless market

0️⃣ Bitcoin Request for Comment" (BRC-20) is an experimental token standard used for the issuance and transfer of interchangeable tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain. 🤨

Literally, it can be translated as "Request for Bitcoin Comment".
Read 25 tweets

今天我们将通过一些工具介绍(教学篇),去寻找早期meme项目,同时监控地址数据,辨别短期无格局的项目,避免自己的损失。 Image
2.通过 #Nansen 来寻找,高GAS费项目,到底是什么?并获得最早MINT的优势。



2.如何通过 #Nansen 获得项目信息。

案例教学:#PEPE 和今早高GAS的 #CLIPS
反面案例:前不久 #ARB 上国产割人的 #XIRTAM
Read 12 tweets
发现一个诞生于 2016 年的远古 PepeCoin 代币

A Thread👇

🧵(1/18) Image
一场 Pepe 争夺战正在酝酿。

起因是一个号称诞生于 2016 年的 #PepeCoin 表示他们才是最正宗的 Pepe 代币,而最近大火的 #Pepe 是今年 4 月才创建的新代币。

- 左为 #Pepe 代币 @pepecoineth

- 右为 #PepeCoin 代币 @pepecoins

🧵(2/18) Image
最近大火的 #Pepe 我们都知道。

但这个 #PepeCoin 究竟为何方神圣?

这让我产生很大的好奇,因此我特意调研了一下该 #PepeCoin 的背景。

并写出此线程向大家介绍这个号称诞生于 2016 年的 #PepeCoin 背后究竟有什么历史故事。

🧵(3/18) Image
Read 18 tweets
#Bitcoin set to soar with projected target of $36,000 as technical breakout signals strong #rally amidst positive market outlook fueled by #stockbuybacks and #memecoins

Sub to our TG for the latest:… Image
1/10: #Bitcoin prices could be set to surge as the #cryptocurrency #trades within a narrowing triangle that is about to break to the upside, potentially projecting a move higher by around 6,100 points.
2/10: A #breakout could lead to a 20% increase from current prices, setting a target of $35,000/$36,000 for #Bitcoin (#BTC). Image
Read 12 tweets
$pepe 2005
$wojak 2009
$chad 2010
$wsb 2012
$cope 2019
#meme #crypto #brc20 Pepe
Pepe是一隻由美國漫畫家Matt Furie於2005年創作的青蛙角色,最初出現在名為《Boys Club》的漫畫中。Pepe迅速成為網絡迷因,廣泛流傳於各大社交媒體平台,經常被用來表達各種情緒。然而,Pepe的形象在2016年美國大選期間被濫用,成為一些極端政治團體的象徵,但此後已逐漸恢復其原本的迷因地位。
#PEPE Pepe
Wojak源於2009年一位波蘭網友在德國Krautchan論壇發布的一張素描。這個角色最初被稱為"Feels Guy",後來被命名為Wojak,用來表達一種內心痛苦或哀傷的情感。Wojak在網絡社群如4chan和Reddit上被廣泛使用,並且隨著時間演變出許多不同版本和變形。
#wojak WojakImageImage
Read 7 tweets
The Rise and Fall of #Memecoins: A Brief History of #Crypto’s Most Hilarious and Controversial Trend Image
Memecoins are cryptocurrencies that are based on



🔹Cultural Phenomenon
They are usually created as a parody or critique of the cryptocurrency market

But some of them have gained popularity and value due to

🔸Online Communities

🔸Celebrity Endorsements

🔸Media Attention
Read 45 tweets
#memecoins #PEPE #brc20
Read 5 tweets

$NFAI this is a must read for everyone in crypto. But before Im getting started on this i would like to say congratzz to everyone who has been making money in the memecoin space lately.

#pepe #wojak #wsb #gme and many more!!

So much attention is going to memecoins that utility tokens are being left but $NFAI is one of the biggest and if not the biggest upcoming DeFi project there is.

Launched 1 hop away straight from the Shiba deployer wallet, community found out muttiple things that the NFAI dev was or is on the Shib mod/team. Shytoshi has been interacting with NFAI muttiple times. Image
Read 11 tweets
Solana had #Bonk
Ethereum had #Pepe

‼️@Datboi_Inu is ready to surpass them on the #Sui Blockchain ‼️

What is @Datboi_Inu and why would you have your fill of copium if you miss out🤿


A Thread🧵 Image
Following the huge success of meme meta in the crypto market, one can only wonder what to do to be properly positioned to be profitable🍷

Millions were made by those who got into #pepe, #bonk and the likes early.✅

You have been presented with another shot

Will you take it⁉️
@Datboi_Inu is the memecoin to take over the sui ecosystem come mainnet launch🚀

The #pepe of #sui is here‼️

There will be fairlaunch open to the general public, but early supporters will be allocated AIRDROPS🪂

This is only open to those with the airdrop role.

How to get it? Image
Read 8 tweets
Hello, my good followers.

I decided to take a short break from the Posters topic to write about something that I believe it's important to know.

This is in consideration of this recent #MemeCoinSeason , with our beloved #PEPE pumping.
Memecoins are an interesting trend that has been sweeping through the crypto-space. What started with Elon Musk’s tweets and Dogecoin hype has evolved into a dangerous development with countless tragedies caused by the greed-fueled desire to “get rich quick”
Here is why you should be wary of investing money into memecoins:

Memecoins are a type of cryptocurrency based on internet memes and have gained popularity due to their humorous and lighthearted nature. However, despite their playful appearance, investing in memecoins is risky.
Read 10 tweets
💎 What is BRC20? Essential tools and wealth opportunities for mastering it.

BRC20 has become popular, gaining massive attention just over a month after its launch.

1/17 Image
🔥 In the past week alone, 500,000 inscriptions have been minted, and even ordi and other MEME have increased by 9 times since April.

Now, let's explore it together:

2/17 Image
1. What is BRC20?
BRC-20 is a token standard based on the Bitcoin network, similar to the ERC-20 in the Ethereum. It was created by @domodata on Mar 8.
It utilizes 𝗢𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 of 𝗝𝗦𝗢𝗡 data to deploy token contracts, mint and transfer tokens.

Read 17 tweets

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